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El Compadre

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by El Compadre

  1. That last one sounds like one of those corny ass stories that those morons tell while skip hopping like idiots at midnight cult practice
  2. Hey guys, you think Jimbo could win an Oscar? I mean the way he acted like an offensive guru when we signed him, but he clearly isn't. He has to be one of, if not the best, actors in America.
  3. I'm guessing it's the local station trying to jam as many of these political ads as possible.
  4. How the fuck does abc miss three plays. Came back from commercial to 4th and 1. Last week there was no crowd noise in the broadcast and now this bullshit!
  5. It's probably already been said but fuck this abc broadcast. Can't hear the fans for shit. Absolutely zero stadium sound.
  6. Who gives a flying fuck how the other team feels??!!
  7. How the fuck does TEXAS announcer on the LONGHORN NETWORK get the Heisman candidate running back's name wrong on a big call??!! Wtf. Him and acho too busy slobber knockong utsa and traylor
  8. Looks like Jason Schwartzman and McLovin had a kid and carbo loaded it
  9. Bovine Masturbating Agriculturalist
  10. So who's that super secret recruit that is supposedly showing up to their ol' waterin' hole?
  11. As long as our defense doesn't absolutely shit the bed next season, we should be pretty fucking good. Hopefully, PK has studied and gotten dudes to actually buy into his scheme, then we should be competent. Once we get his recruits and the big boys in there, now we're fucking cooking. My addition to the Latinas topic
  12. He looks like he speaks with a lisp. Giving off Of Mice and Men Lenny vibes.
  13. What's a good tequila you'd recommend? I really like the 99,000 hrs one from Mexico. That shit is smooth af and tastes delicious
  14. Lmao I was about to post this. Like nobody is gonna say anything about this little girl chilling with a Coors Light.
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