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Posts posted by Ths71

  1. And Chris Cuomo, off all people, blows David Holmes testimony out of the water.  Granted he did it in the most Fredo way possible.

    Watch CNN’s Chris Cuomo Accidentally Prove Trump Right About Overheard Phone Call
    NOVEMBER 21, 2019 By Chrissy Clark
    CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo forced his super panel of pundits and his audience to endure a segment of cringeworthy live television on Thursday, all for the sake of arguing with a Trump tweet.
    During the impeachment hearings, David Holmes, an aide to diplomat Bill Taylor claims he overheard a phone conversation between European Union Ambassador Gordon Sonland and President Trump.
    In his testimony, Holmes explained how during a dinner with Ambassador Sondland and two other, Sondland placed a call to Trump. Holmes claims he overheard the phone conversation because the two spoke loudly, despite the phone call not being on speakerphone.
    “While Ambassador Sondland’s phone was not on speakerphone, I could hear the President’s voice through the earpiece of the phone. The President’s voice was very loud and recognizable, and Ambassador Sondland held the phone away from his ear for a period of time, presumably because of the loud volume,” Holmes said.
    Trump does not believe Holmes overheard the depth of his conversation with Sondland, he claims he’s never been able to hear a phone conversation if it wasn’t on speakerphone.
    “Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerphone, and been able to hear or understand a conversation. I’ve even tried, but to no avail. Try it live!” the president tweeted.
    While on live TV, CNN’s Chris Cuomo tried to prove a person can hear a conversation on another person’s cell phone without being on speakerphone.
    Cuomo called his mother and tried to have Dana Bash see if she could overhear the conversation. As Cuomo and Bash struggled to hear, Cuomo turned on speakerphone.
    “Can you just say hello? Mom? She probably can’t hear me. Mom, can you hear me? Mom? Say hello to Dana Bash,” Cuomo said.
    Cuomo’s entire segment proved Trump’s point that it is difficult to overhear a call when it’s not on speakerphone. Thank you CNN, for this wonderful reporting.

    He should have called some of my wife’s friends. Even the camera operators would have been able to hear.

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  2. Will anybody be at The Star tomorrow?  Pleasant Grove at 4:30, still on the fence about driving over there or going to the lease. 

    Frisco Vs SOC 7:30 Friday. Pleasant Grove is Sat. 4:30. Think I’ll go to both.

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  3. If Hunter or Joe did something illegal, it would seem likely that the DOJ would actually decide to investigate them. You know the dept that Trump has some ability to control. Of course, I imagine that even Barr has turned down this request from Trump. "We can't just investigate your opponents because you want them to be investigated. Gotta give me something.  Something that isn't sourced from Alex Jones or Rudy."

    Wasn’t The House a Republican majority the last 5 or 6 years? Why didn’t the investigate the Bidens?

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  4. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    That’s about all we do to ours. It’s an outdoors 220V 7ft in ground that came with the house. I wouldn’t have thought about getting one but we love it. We still use it 2 to 4 times a week. Even in the summer we adjust the temp and hop in to cool off.

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  5. I haven't checked the Ph in years. We did it religiously when we first got it. We drain and refill a couple of times, sometimes only once, a year using well water and a charcoal hose-end filter. We clean the filter often and add chlorine whenever we can't smell it. Our water stays crystal clear. We don't have skin issues or algae blooms or whatever the chemicals are supposed to take care of. It works for us, YMMV.

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  6. Just guns? Calling bullshit 

    Well ya got me there. I think he had some ammo and vintage knives too.

    “Official vendors, who may or may not hold federal firearm licenses, rent space from promoters and sell firearms, accessories, and other paraphernalia.”

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  7. “In keeping with the spirit, as well as the intent, of all applicable gun laws, it is necessary that all dealers / vendors, who sell firearms for a portion, or all, of their livelihood must possess a federal firearms license. Persons who sell guns from their personal collection, and who do not derive their livelihood from the sale of firearms nor make a profit on sales, are not required to have a FFL.”
    Not sure how or who determines or polices the personal collection/livelihood thingy. I do know someone who has rented a table at a gun show who does not have an FFL.

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  8. The group that did it is called the Jaguars. They broke off from the main Sinaloa cartel to establish their own little fiefdom, which began to collide with the mormon sect bordering their territory. The larger cartels tolerated them as long as they kept to their area and paid up to the bosses of the larger organizations. 
     The Zetas are everywhere, they just keep a lower profile. 

    Shit is hard to keep up with.

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  9. I'm trying to decide what my favorite Los Lobos song is.  I guess (for know) I'm going to settle on "Good Morning Aztlan".  But oh, so, so many to choose from.  

    Mas Y Mas kicks mucho ass

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  10. That's a good point. I have a good friend who's kid played there and they got drove for years and all the sudden here they are. That's a tough one in the transfer rule.

    I never thought any Frisco team would have any consistent success.
    They don’t allow transfers within attendance zones. Lone Star opened in 2010 and four more high schools have opened since then with two more on the way. Their current coach has been there for six years and he does have a very good staff.

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  11. So you saw 'em after All Shook Down came out, with Foley on drums instead of Chris Mars?  I was always curious how the shows on that last tour -- with the end in sight -- sounded.  I wondered if it sounded like they were throwing in the towel or thriving on the chaos. 

    Yeah. 1991. I saw them in ‘87 and was lucky enough to catch them on a “good” night. One of most memorable shows in my illustrious concert going career. The ‘91 show was good but not at that level. Paul handled more of the lead guitar in ‘91. Sloppy at times but in a good way. They did a cover of Danny O’ Keefe’s “ Good Time Charlie’s Got the Blues that was awesome.

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