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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ztejas

  1. 2 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    One of my all-time favorites as far as cheesy but fun movies to watch.  Also inspired me to buy a Sharps 45-70 (Taylor's & Co. Model) rifle while I was still in college with my tax return

    Ugh I'd love to shoot that. I bet it kicks like a motherfucker.

    Something else I liked was how visceral all of the gunshots were in that film. Loud and disruptive like it should be. You can feel the bullets.

  2. 5 minutes ago, UTEX_ME said:

    The problem to me is the team struggles with handling any type of success. A startling trend has happened this season, we started  preseason ranked and feeling good about things, no way we can lose to Maryland again right? and boom we find a way to lose right out of the gate. Then once we were "out of the discussion" we rattled off wins against OU, USC, TCU, and KSU where we played "spoiler" either based on passed results or rankings.  Then notice once the "Texas is back" and playoff talk started the team starts missing meetings and being late. We had to lick our wounds after two close losses, but we found a way to win on the road in Lubbock once we were "out of the discussion" again. Well we are creeping our way back into it again with a possible big 12 championship on the line this weekend.. hope we can reverse the trend. 

    I get this line of thinking but I don't really think it's a mentality issue. We just aren't that good yet or consistent. This was a 9-10 win season in August and it's a 9-10 win season in November.

    Okie Lite is pretty good - especially at home- and we got outcoached.

    WVU is one of the beat 10 teams in the country and straight up a better football team than we are.

    We've lost games I didnt expect us to this season but we've also won games I didn't expect. That's just kind of what 9-3 teams do. We're like Clemson pre Deshaun.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    So you can't imagine being worse yet acknowledge the lack of experience returning? 

    Yes. Winning is contagious as is good culture and good coaching. I would venture to say we will be better by default - that said - only making that statement because of how fucking piss poor we have been on D since RapeU. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    This is where fan / booster impatience drives me insane.  We will be suffering the consequences of Herman's transition year recruiting class and the scheme change on D for a long-ass time. 

    I don't want to get into the merits or lack thereof of Strong or any other coach, but pulling the plug on any coach at any program less than four years in to their tenure is rash. It's rash, and we should all know it because Tennessee has been out there circling the drain since forever. It looks like the Noles are heading in that direction too -- there is already talk of firing Taggart. 

    Bottom line: Strong recruited really well, especially on D, and a lot of those guys left early last year and a few quality seniors will leave this year. That the D would regress this year was predictable -- personnel loss will do that to a unit. Just as personnel gains will aid a struggling unit -- having a QB who was no longer a true frosh playing behind a bolstered OL leads to happier results than what we've seen over the last decade in that regard.

    Again, you have to take the long view when you look at a program. Mack burned the whole thing down from 2009 on. From that point forward, he recruited one QB worth a shit -- Ash --  who sadly did not work out. His recruiting / coaching on the OL was absolutely atrocious. An alarm bell went off for me when Bruce Matthews took his kids to visit a practice and literally came away laughing at how terrible our OL coaching was. And then, of course, he sent his kids to aggy instead.

    Yeah, we might have still had "good kids who graduated," but they did so while sitting around getting stoned and were not too concerned about maximizing their football careers.

    Sheeit, some of this makes me wonder about if we can ever get back. I come from a music background and I know musicians who avoided ever moving to Austin because it was just too easy to get lost in the pussy and drugs there. A son of a Texas music legend once told me, "They come to town full of piss and vinegar, and then they find a pot dealer, get a hot girlfriend and a job at Thundercloud,  and that's the last you ever hear of them."

    And that's just if you are gigging on Red River....I imagine it might be a whole lot harder if you are strutting around campus as a football player.  

    Getting back to the original point, I played HS ball for a program that was a little like this. There had been a glory period a few years before I arrived there, and I am not sure if that coach was fired for being a little too gung-ho or if he was tempted away by a higher salary, but he is still coaching today, 30 years later, at a school that churns out blue-chips, including many that have starred for UT and a few NFL all-pros. 

    After he left it was one shitty replacement after another, each one bringing in new systems with them. Effectively, you have to relearn football again and again, and it sucks, and the team sucks as a result. And then that coach gets fired. Repeat as necessary. 





    Out of reps but this is the best post I've seen on here in some time. 

    With Charlie we were kind of damned if we did and damned if we didn't fire him. He wasn't the answer. Herman has already proved that and then some. The fallout is shitty but Herman will recruit and we actually have a coaching staff that at least has an idea of what to do with the roster. 

    The point about Austin hits very close to home. I grew up there and the main reason I didn't go to UT was because I knew I would get lost. Every weekend I spend down there now is full of drugs and whoooores to where I probably would end up at Thundercloud sleeping on my mom's couch if I moved back. 

    That said - for the football players - nut up and get with the fucking program. There are distractions in a lot of cities that have great football teams. If you want to get laid and be stoned off your ass while giving 85% there are schools in San Marcos, Lubbock, San Antonio and Dallas that you would be a better fit at. 

    • Like 2
  5. On the defense - I can't imagine we will be worse next year. We are oozing with teenage talent that needs to spend a summer getting their ass chewed out in the weight room and fatten up on some late night Whata. 

    On top of that - we are adding at least 6 4stars on D next season that could have an impact on the 2 deep.

    But - we still won't be that experienced or deep. There is no fucking reason for freshmen to be starting on D for Texas. That's bush league shit (outside of Sterns who would start on all but 6-7 teams in the country). 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    True, but i'd rather watch us win by 70 and know we have an outside shot at playing in the CCG than losing by 1 and knowing we don't. 

    Optimally I'd rather we are 2 deep in the secondary and Dline and had beaten WVU by 20 points and get ready to lube up for a good ol' OU rematch. 

  7. On 11/14/2018 at 8:37 AM, TexArcher said:

    Questions for those who've played:

    1. Does camp sniping seem to be reduced?  Because fuck those guys.

    2. How are the maps?

    Some of the maps are great. Some of them suck. They will need an influx at some point. 

    Camp sniping is difficult due to the lens sight giving you away. If you're good enough you can find success with it but it requires a good position and hitting your shots. 

    Overall - it's a great game that needs a few tweaks. Fighter MGs are underpowered imo - and it's somewhat unforgiving to newbies. The weapon progression takes some guns from being decent to absolute death lasers (checking in with a maxed out ZH-29).

  8. 3 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    are you referencing the game you said wasn't even worthy of discussion because it was such a gimme?

    you're a fucking cunt. leave this site.

    This entire thread is garbage as is your negging bitchassness. I expect OU to win out and play WVU for the title game. If we somehow sneak in at this point it will be a bonus on the season. I'm more interested in looking at what our 2 deep is going to look like next year. 

    Also - your username is fucking retarded and you don't even have a profile pic. 

    • Fuck You 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, Xcalibur said:

    Dude, I generally liked you as a poster before now, but you're acting like a little bitch.  Did you not read my post at all?  I said this point relative to other points in the season is much more significant than any other point in the season.  We can't go back to the WVU game-- we lost that game.  But we can still get to the CCG by beating ISU on Saturday.  We have a more-likely-than-not chance of making the CCG with a win.  That is not hypothetical at all.  You are the apparent moron here.

    I'm acting like a little bitch? You're trying to tell me that our season rides on beating Iowa State.

    If we hadn't stumbled on our own dicks against OSU or WVU this game would be an afterthought. 

    Take a step back and look at the big picture champ. 

    • Fuck You 6
  10. Just now, Xcalibur said:

    I know it's weird saying that the ISU game is bigger than the OU or WVU games, but at this point in the season and with what's on the line, it's true, relative to where we were and what was on the line in those other 2 games.  

    Let's look at what was on the line had we lost to OU:  At that point, we would have been 2-1 in conference play and still in complete control of our own destiny insofar as reaching the conference championship game.

    Now let's look at what was on the line when we actually lost to WVU:  We fell to 3-2 in conference play.  Winning that game would've been amazing for our conference crown chances, as it would have all but assured us an appearance in the CCG.  But at that point, with OU and WVU both already having a conference loss and still having yet to play each other, our hopes of appearing in the CCG remained very much alive, and still do.

    Now, what's on the line with the game this weekend?  The OP sums it up nicely.  If we win, we have a very good shot of playing for the conference title.  If we lose, we are eliminated.  Plain and simple.  This is the biggest game of our season to date.


    You're a moron. We needed to beat WVU to control our own destiny. That was the biggest game on the schedule this season outside of OU and it isn't close.

    Even if we beat ISU there is still a good chance we dont play in the CCG. 

    This isn't aggy. It's not about hypotheticals.

    • Like 1
  11. Just did Quigley Down Under for the first time. Pretty hidden gem imo. Great Selleck/Rickman back and forth throughout and it actually presents some interesting concepts. Decent romance, good action. Great 2 hour flick if you're 7 drinks in and looking for some bullshit to kill time. 

  12. I know there's some gamers here - seems like we could use a thread. 

    Been really enjoying Battlefield V lately - curious as to what other Surlys get their fix on. 

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