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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ztejas

  1. 1 minute ago, Homesickhorn said:

    Stepped on shit makes for a terrible hangover. And more importantly, if you run out of gum, a terrible time getting your gear to work, convincing whoever you’re with that the sun really hasn’t come up, and tacking a comforter over the window is standard operating procedure.
    That’s what I’ve heard.
    Also, a sport coat with the tag on it doesn’t help either situation.

    You must be lost. This isn't a West Virginia board.

  2. Good for him. Troy Vincent is a guy that my office works with pretty often and he came out a few years ago about how he had played with plenty of gay guys in his day. 

    The gist was - it was never an issue. These guys obviously weren't out to the media but everyone in the locker room knew it and respected it and kept the focus on ball. 

    Article: https://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/nfl-exec-former-miami-dolphin-troy-vincent-gay-players-were-big-deal-teams-90s/i9SaLhT620dvTx6jm75BGK/

    Btw - Troy is a phenomenal dude and one of the few bright spots when it comes to the FO in the NFL. 

  3. 4 hours ago, texifornia said:


    Uhhhhh okay I love the Horns but I'm not praying for a fucking shoulder surgery. Sack up and rehab.

    And yes - I get that it's his dad but cmon man. He gone be fine.

  4. Just now, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Friend of mine from Corpus got ahold of some in HS and went on a tear with his friends. The next day Len Bias died. He's never touched in since. 

    Good for him. All time tragedy there. My God was that dude amazing. Could have been to MJ what Durant has been to LeBron.

    Coke is strange in that it doesn't so much ruin your health - it just ruins your life if you get into that cycle. Bit like xanax in that regard.

    Have an older fraternity buddy that has been spiraling down that route and it's really sad to see. It just isn't something you can do all the time without it really fucking up your brain chemistry.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Dilligas said:

    I told myself I was done with blow 15 years ago and got dam if a buddy didn’t pull some out a few months ago. I had just enough alcohol in me to cave. That shit is really from the devil.

    Blow talk not going away

    It's funny. I went to a school about as full of it as anywhere in the country. Didn't try it until after I graduated (I have a slight heart condition that made me wary). 

    Once I gave it a go I thought - "I get it. But I'm not doing this shit every day."

    When they tell you the sooner you pick something up the more likely you are to struggle with it they are 100% right. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    We should hopefully be able to rest some guys that are injured and play some guys getting a RS

    That doesn't sound like something this team will be able to do. I expect Kansas to be within 2 scores until the 4th quarter at least.

  7. 1 minute ago, henrygandorf said:

    drinking is the biggest difference.  if you're blowing lines, you can drink more, and for longer.  the person who's been drinking more will feel worse, regardless of the blow.  decent blow doesn't cause a hangover.  that's a myth created by people who forgot all the drinking they did because the coke kept them "balanced" until 4am when they ran out.

    shitty, or "not that good" coke gets that way from being mixed with "a bunch of other crap".  mixing it with something is literally what is reducing its purity, and causing it to be "shitty".

    Cocaethlyene would disagree with you at a chemical level but I won't call bullshit on anything you said.

  8. Just now, henrygandorf said:

    if it's really good and you're not drinking, you'll be fine.  maybe take a xanax before you try to go to sleep.

    i live in ames, iowa though, so i'm sure i'm not getting the top shelf shit like some others.

    I thought the drinking was assumed.

    But yeah you're right - on it's own it's pretty tame. 

    All number of drinks equal the guy that does a bunch of coke on top of it ain't going to be the one feeling better in the morning.

    And by "shitty" I meant not that good - not necessarily mixed with a bunch of other crap that will make you feel awful.

  9. 1 hour ago, miguelito said:

    I'm pretty sure that's her belt that you're seeing at the end.  She only has one belt loop in the back, so you get that thong effect when she crashes and burns.

    You might be right. Let me watch it 12 more times and I'll report back.

  10. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    Of course this thread was going to turn into a bunch of fucking preening, look-at-me silliness from one of the resident rubes. I have ztejas on ignore, but can see through the quotes over the last 4+ pages that his insipid uselessness is stickier than Zach Smith's grip on reality. That's all this fucking thread is - Zach Smith insanity and ztejas inanity. 

    Love it. Bringing everyone out of the woodwork. 

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