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Everything posted by BERT

  1. Forgive me if i'm wrong, but i don't think Finley was on the '08 team. Him and Charles left early. Oh what could've been
  2. @Hank Scorpio isn’t going to like all this negative talk about his boy
  3. Bet it didn’t take you long to get use to banging the deans daughter.
  4. Is that the school Jeff Howe is always talking about not liking when on the Horn?
  5. Well my cover is blown. Damn y’all will ruin anything.
  6. You were expecting him on the Rangers roster already?
  7. Exactly. He had “minor” surgery and the Mets got scared. Not sure in that order obviously the Rangers think his arm is just fine
  8. People talking shit on here about S&C probably haven’t seen their dick in years. Poor fellas
  9. Thank god, no!! But I did pick him #2 overall last year. Aggravating
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