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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. They named a bread after us white boys from the RGV? LOL! I always kind of laughed when someone called me that.
  2. I recall when I was teen back in the mid 80's taking a flight from Dallas Love to Harlingen and upon approach to Harlingen it seemed like we were flying just above cotton fields not far from the ground for a significant distance before landing. I made a remark to passenger next to me and he just kind of laughed and said something to the effect that most of SWA pilots were former military and that was nothing for them. But that was then and this is now where software has taken over more of the cockpit and pilots are not necessarily being turned out in large numbers from the Air Force and Navy like they were during the Cold War era. Oh and Boeing planes kind of have issues too...
  3. That will 2060 and most of us will be dead. Just guess based on how long I-35 projects take.
  4. A rebuild at the current location might be the best solution. I don’t know if you totally have to demo and start from scratch? Or we can do like some have done with their football/baseball stadium projects and build off the existing bones. Where in vicinity to the University is an available parcel of land that could both accommodate a new baseball and softball facility? And really I don’t know how you can even renovate the existing softball facility without a total teardown in order to rival some of the more recent softball stadium builds such as OUSux. That might take a much larger parcel of land regardless. Maybe now a mistake in hindsight allowing the new student housing to be built adjacent to the softball field.
  5. They will never do this. Since the Houston Chronicle is still regarded as a major sports media outlet in Texas and their sports department is populated with aggy, they can and will keep on pumping crap unquestioned to their sources. And now they employ a former Longhorn hater who was employed by the AAS up until a few weeks ago. When aggy resumes coming in behind us in not just football but other sports, screams will get loud and laughable. They can’t blame themselves because they’ve spent or will be spending a butt load of money on facilities. And of course they’ve done to same with some of the coaching hires. It’s surprising they didn’t try to blame us for Jimbo failing. Maybe I missed it?
  6. We just need the Longhorn Network back on Cable providers to helps us accomplish this.
  7. What does the other half drink? Natty Light?
  8. From my recollection of past storms and reading up on some of the historic weather events in the state. Most of the serious flood events in Central Texas and the Hill Country comimg from landfalling storms usually enter Texas around Corpus and even down south to the border. They hit and usually go North to Northwest . One of the models a few weeks ago that is favored by the forecasters had this thing hitting south of Corpus and going right up I-37 to San Antonio which would’ve dumped a lot of rain in the Hii Country watersheds. Sucks a part of the state that is going to get this rain really doesn’t need it and the runoff goes straight to the Gulf.
  9. I’m in Wimberley and not rushing home to board up.
  10. If that’s the case, I can’t think of another place better for Trev. If a guy with a jet pack shows up for pre game at Collie Station for their opener against, indeed he is Steve Paterson 2.0.
  11. I’m still trying to figure out why aggy hired him. Even in his bio aggy has on their website. Other than fundraising for Nebraska’s stadium renovation and getting rid Nebraska-Omaha’s football program to comply to Title IX , nothing shows he was a knock out hire. I guess his hire of Matt Rhule will show fruit this season if it follows how Rhule did at Baylor.
  12. Because Big 10 Baseball is going to suck? Just a guess. I mean at least in the PAC 12 Washington could leave the damp and cold Seattle area to play Arizona, ASU, Stanford , USC, UCLA and Utah in a warmer climate. Now they get to go to Ann Arbor and freeze their nuts off in late April. PAC 12 baseball was already down before the conference shut its doors save for WSU and OSU who remain. The BIG 10 is going to do nothing to improve those baseball programs. Those who jumped to the Big 12 might be in a better position though, but even Arizona State who used to be a regular at Omaha has been MIA
  13. No they really believe that. My neighbor is a an aggy donor and just last weekend was insisting they had the cash to get the ballpark renovations done and write Schloss a check to keep him in Collie Station. He hasn’t spoken to me since then. lol.
  14. The fact this guy has so much pull in Collie Station is why they are the Titanic about to hit the iceberg right now. Or have they already hit it and the ship is sinking but they don’t know it yet?
  15. They might be digging up Billy Martin and Tommy Lasorda and throwing their names into the pot.
  16. We “olds” would totally get it though. I was all for Schloss showing up at the Press Conference in one. Hell it would’ve even more savage for CDC to have met Schloss at his home to pick up in one.
  17. You have my condolences. Lol! My oldest played high school baseball and I will just say I was not sad when his brother decided not to play high school ball and stick with football and basketball. Four years of seeing these baseball moms was enough and before that in youth league. I’m glad my wife could see the BS too and never became one herself or part of the cult. And it’s savage at my area high school because we are a state power with hardware to show too. Nothing has changed in a decade since my oldest played. What you said about kids having to be corrected after select ball was why I wasn’t pushy about my youngest playing youth football. The middle school and high school coaches told me the same thing, primarily getting in some of these kids heads they were never going to play QB or RB where their Daddies them playing since age 6. Baseball moms and football dads are almost the same.
  18. That’s it in a nutshell that even their media bootlickers at the Houston Chronicle and elsewhere should be able to understand and ask questions themselves of their puppet masters at TexAgs and where ever they house their Athletic Department. But they won’t. They would suddenly join the enemy’s list if they dared.
  19. You obviously haven’t been to a youth or high school baseball game in the last decade or so.. Baseball Moms are self appointed critics of their Son’s coaches and their mijo (little darling) can’t do anything wrong. That simple pop fly that gets dropped in the infield? Coaches fault. Looking at a fast ball right down the middle for strike three? Coaches fault. And heaven forbid their son gets benched. The wrath of Satan be put on the coach and school if that happens even if the kid has gone 0-10 at the plate and has several errors in his last few games. And not to mention they become cult like and they start hanging around each other and then they team up and blame the teams problems all on the coach. They are also easily identifiable on Facebook especially this time of year with travel ball, aka pay to play ball. They like to show off their kids with these fake rings and recognition for the pay to play tournaments called “World Series” which are a dime a dozen and cost parents over the years potentially what a good chunk of college tuition would be for their son for a scholarship most likely their kid will NOT get. Amy is nothing but a typical Baseball Mom.
  20. But what attracted aggy to Alberts in the first place? Other than women’s volleyball, has Nebraska been a factor in anything the last decade or so? Football has certainly never rebounded like they hoped. That right there should’ve disqualified him if aggy was serious as they think they are at building their program.
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