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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. They had to throw everyone a newbie or two. I'd rather have lost Kansas or K State and kept Okie State.
  2. The Rig 12 Refs will have to find another game to screw us OSU style.
  3. It's not rigging, yet. But it sure seems like it with the inconsistent calls, especially with the Touching the Passer, aka, Roughing the Passer calls. Throw in this BS on catches and the what is considered a completed pass, it's sending the game to NBA like unwatchability and the perception that league has with certain teams getting love all the time vs others. I like the Cowboys, but like many fans I am not a Jerry Jones worshiper. BUT, he has spoken out against a few things that have put his at odds with the Goddel and the rest of the owners. Or at least some of the other Primadonnas like ones like Kraft.
  4. The fact is the product that both Fox and CBS put out today is trash. The commentators are as boring as watching grass grow or paint dry. And they can't seem to mix up the piped in crowd noise. And the graphics suck on Fox.
  5. I don't know? Maybe the NBA can give us some insight?
  6. So we will be able to see who is feeding their dogs HEB flavored Brisket dog food and Chicken Fried Steak treats by the sudden amount of wait they put on? Because if this was my everyday diet, I'd be battling Fat Albert for the big belly title.
  7. New Braunfels is like HEB's favorite "small city" in Texas. They have the two Plus stores like the one you noted off I-35 which got a lot of buzz. with the other one across I-35 from Bucees. And the third store is past downtown on Hwy 46 and Loop 336 and it's not a Plus store, but it might as well be called one with the size and store layout almost being the same.
  8. LOL! Looking on Google street view, that store makes the HEB mentioned above in Ingleside look like a Plus store. Poor thing doesn't look like it's been updated since the 1970's.
  9. Got news my wife has breast cancer. She felt a lump right before Christmas and fortunately had her annual female exams scheduled right after New Year's Day. Biopsy was done on Tuesday on the left side and lymph nodes. Fortunately nothing in the lymph nodes, but confirmed in the breast tissue itself. We will be going up to MD Anderson to get this taken care of. Her Doctor down here thinks we got it in the very early stages, but it's a potentially a more rare form (Medullary) that is related to the Triple negative. Needless to say this is kick in the gut for all of us. She's 53, we just saw one out our sons get married a month ago so she was already looking forward to being Grandmother sometime in the future. We have a high school Junior and a year and some change from now she is gone and we will be empty nesters. And with that, opportunities to travel the world and possibly locate up to the Hill Country in a few years and build a home on a couple of acres. It brings things into perspective. She's a strong women for sure and I have my faith in God this will be defeated. But it's put a scare into me to get back to a somewhat healthier lifestyle. I used to workout ( and was in the best shape of my life) up to when Covid closed down my Gym and I let my diet go to crap and never really got back in the mode. One of her ultimatums is for me to remain strong and get healthy. It's a shame fricken cancer had to wake me up to this.
  10. Pleasanton has a badass HEB for being a small town. But they built it during the Eagle Ford boom too. I stopped there last time and tried their BBQ at Texas True and it wasn’t bad.
  11. So we go from the Rig 12 Refs screwing us on the football field to now the basketball court as part of the farewell gift to us. And we still have the Rig 12 Umps to deal with the on the diamond. Why can't we leave this conference in June and be done? One more year of this crap is going to make some of us go insane if not already.
  12. I thought this idiotic conference we are going to leave was supposed to release the conference schedule today?
  13. They have an easy schedule with Florida and Tennessee as the toughest games and calling Florida a tough game might be stretching it based on their performance this year if it carries over to next. It's going to be hard to do the psyops next year or even attempt it unless they have a close shave in one of those cupcake games or early non conference games like against South Carolina or Auburn.
  14. I wish I still had one at times! For that quick burger or steak when eating solo.
  15. I'd skip the raffle ticket thing and just do a silent auction, but it might be too late for you to pivot. The league my kids used to play in did this as part of opening day when you had all the teams there from T-Ball to Junior League. Set it up in the high traffic areas in your complex or next to your concession stands and you have the parents and grandparents looking at that stuff to past time until the ceremonies start or their kid plays later. We had each team either put together a basket of some sort with a theme or they would solicit a business to donate an item, event, trip with a nice monetary value to start the bidding at. For example, a team might decide to do a camping basket and utilize a cooler as the basket and fill it with camping items. As a parent I had no problem donating an item or money for them to buy items for the basket. And I imagine for the league officers, it was easier to collect money and the such from the sale of a few dozen baskets and donated items vs trying to corral ticket stubs and money from the team managers and moms.
  16. I wanted the Vikings to win, but next to the Cowboys I had them as the next team to underwhelm in the first round matchups.
  17. Is this possibly a good thing? Considering last season we started off numero uno and then dropped like a rock. There is some merit to not getting the pre season respect and then earning it back as the season progresses and it paying off big time in May and June when it really counts.
  18. I’m prepared to be disappointed on Sunday. Last nights game was fun to watch, but it was like Horns winning a game the last few years. You just know the following week a real shit show was a possibility and sure enough we’ve had our share.
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