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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. I kind of figured their might be more to this than just a tummy tuck. The border cities are not known a cosmetic surgery destinations save for ortho type of work at the dozens of Dentist offices that are located close the ports of entry from California to Brownsville.
  2. Laredo is not part of the RGV.... It's Laredo.
  3. I spent my first two decades of my life there and still have family and friends down there. So yea. I guess I know someone from the Valley.
  4. It's not cartel like for sure with bodies hanging from the 281/US 83 interchange in Pharr. But there is violence (IE murders, home invasions) going on that is drug related, just not on the scale as it does across the river. And you can bet your bottom dollar some of the home invasion and other stuff goes unreported.
  5. Southwest is soon going to beat Sprint at being a true shitshow both on the ground and up in the air. https://www.foxnews.com/us/southwest-airlines-brawl-breaks-dallas-phoenix-flight
  6. https://www.texasobserver.org/members-panama-unit-go-jail-former-sheriff-awaits-day-court/ Some of it was (and is) tied to the drug trade which directly or indirectly is funneled by the cartels through the RGV.
  7. Least we forget the Mark Kilroy tragedy back in 1989. I was a Junior in High School and the panic on this side was wild as we were just about to go on Spring Break. They were warning everyone to stay away from the beach and don't even go close to an international bridge at any border town. Rumors were a dime a dozen they were trying to abduct more students. If the internet had been around back then, I can only imagine how crazy it would've been. That city got a blackeye back that still shows.
  8. It's common in Mexico. You have the white Europeans influenced Mexicans for which many of them have no Spanish surnames for which many of them live in Northern Mexico in cities like Monterrey and Mexico City. The further south you get to where many of the ancient Indian tribes dominated, you find the darker folks which the poverty rate is much higher than the north. They have a type a caste system in that nation hence the drug dealers who some are part of the European influenced Mexicans easily exploit the lower class Mexicans to do their dirty work. And of course you have lower class Mexicans who strikes gold and becomes a Cartel boss himself.... This is one reason you have the turf wars down there.
  9. In this day of the internet, anyone not from the US side of the border can easily look up which cities are "safe" and are no go zones on the Mexican side. If you are visiting the RGV and want to go across, all the cities across the Rio Grande from Roma to Brownsville are no go zones expect Nuevo Progresso/Las Flores. Now that's not to say you can't let your guard down, but I don't have a problem going over there for lunch and to look around some of the shops. Everything you need is within walking distance of the bridge within the first six to eight blocks. No need to take your car unless you are buying a lot of stuff you can't carry over like pottery, etc., You can also buy some of that same stuff on the other side of the bridge as El Disco has a huge store in Progresso and the prices are slightly higher on this side and of course with sales tax included too. If you are going to Mexico for medical procedures other than Dental care, just fly to Monterrey or Mexico City and get it done. Or Costa Rica.
  10. Until that one cop or DA screws up. Occasionally they have to come down and make an example of someone.
  11. Yep. One of the things about being a white kid growing up in the RGV and knowing the language/culture, is I got a quick lesson about ethnic tensions when some of my friends or their families let their guards down about how they felt about some black folks. Yikes as a white guy if I had said what some of them said and it was made public, I'd be on whatever shit list of the day. I guess some of them thought as an anglo kid I'd understand their views on blacks, but no I couldn't. This was back in the 80's when things weren't as politically correct as they are now, but still. Same folks used to call illegal aliens "wet backs" back then. Go figure
  12. True... But a number of crimes go unreported in some of the border cities. Let's not forget the Valley for example has had it's share of corrupt cops and Sheriffs. The Panama Unit, Brig Marmelejo who was the Sheriff in Hidalgo County from the late 70's to the early 90's spent some time in Club Fed. Same goes for the Cameron County Sherriff and DA. Several smaller town PD's had officers go to the State or Federal Pen and continue to do so. This is on top of some of the corruption with public officials.
  13. I think the next two weeks are going to tell us more about this team. We are going to play three teams is consecutive series that normally would be games that would be over early and some of the bench would get some time. If we kind of play the blah ball we've been playing an squeak out some of these games and lose a couple, then I think it safe to say conference is going to be a long hard season. In other news, the ladies are doing well over at the Softball field.
  14. Lassie would be ashamed. That is just a horrible depiction of what otherwise is a good looking breed of dog not withstanding it being the aggy mascot.
  15. Bubbas in Seadrift if very legit.... Might have to take a little road trip this Saturday....
  16. They have legit tortillas. Bean and Cheese taco sound good right now.
  17. Right. It probably wouldn't make a legit top list for best Tex/Mex in the Texas. Sadly this place is void of long standing ethnic food places of many sorts and BBQ. It's like the whole focus is on Seafood and when many of the old timers died off that did have some good establishments, their kids and other family moved off to start their own up state in other parts of the nation.
  18. Hill Country some where between Kerrville, north to Austin and back down to San Antonio. My Wife likes Boerne, but I prefer to be up near Blanco or Wimberley. She will probably win.... LOL! Kikos is Tex Mex style and is one of the last long time family owned places here. You are right, I have had better elsewhere in the state. But it works compared to many of the others that start with Taqueria in their names or are named after a state in Mexico.
  19. As a resident of Corpus for at least another three or four years, I can confirm Corpus is void of memorable Mexican food. You get better up in SA, Austin, and down in the RGV of course and we are right in the middle of those areas which one would think we'd have more than a handful of long standing places too. Kikos as noted above is the standard, but most of the other stuff is the Taqueria Blah, Blah, Blah #10000 with cooks that are good one day and horrible the next and are located in former DQ's, Pizza Huts, and Whataburgers. Snapka Drvie in has decent Mexican food and there is Hi-Ho, but they close early afternoon after the lunch crowd is done. Rockport has a good place called Los Comales. Haven't been in a few years since I no longer have business interest in Rockport, but it used to be a regular spot I'd go to.
  20. It still has the small town feel in my opinion. Downtown is largely void of national chains like Starbucks, etc. The areas coming into town and the Interstate are left for that sort of stuff. The ISD has a large foot print including a lot of the spill over from San Antonio which almost touches the La Cantera/ Dominion areas.
  21. You forgot Dollar General. They show up in towns that barley still have a Post Office.
  22. Their cheerleaders make up for some of it.
  23. Assuming he was “clean” of any wrong doing he can probably move on and try to live a life out of the shadows. I’d bet his Dad or someone in his family set him up with a good chunk of cash from anything like actual green backs being stashed somewhere to one of these complicated trust things to offshore or Swiss bank accounts. It might not set him up for life, but he’s not going to be going to a welfare office for benefits. Buster would need to get out of the Carolinas. Shave his head to get rid of that easily identifiable red hair, wear a ball cap everywhere, and get on a rapid weight loss regimen. Move to a big city where he can blend in and where people won’t know you from the next guy or gal standing next you. He should consider going by his real name assuming Buster is a nickname and maybe modify his last name by legal means such as going from Murdaugh to Murdock or something like that. Having said that I doubt all the shoes have dropped in this tangled web.
  24. I bet 90% of state has no clue the UIL falls under the UT umbrella or care. aggy and their inferiority complex is hilarious . I never had a reason to spend a lot of time in the Medical Center area in Houston until just recently due visits to MD Anderson and my wife’s treatment. Thus I didn’t know aggy had presence there until we drove down a couple of blocks from the bulk of the center and saw their building. Can’t miss it because it has their athletic branding logo on the building . The only thing missing from it is “Saw’em off.” Imagine how they would be in an uproar if the UT BOR decided to put the Longhorn logo on all the UT properties in the area.
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