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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by texifornia

  1. What happened to your balls? We're talented, we'd get a month to heal up and gameplan, and fuck it you don't get that many chances to win the damn thing in life. This is an unbelievably sad post.
  2. WVU is completely broke. Unless some mystery booster who hasn't stepped up while the school has had to gut its academic departments to stay solvent steps up, they're not firing an 8-4 coach.
  3. Ah yes, a rivalry game where USAFA handed Army a free six possessions is exactly the same level of effort and intensity as playing a community college in San Antonio.
  4. "The role we played" - what, doing what makes sense for our bottom line as an institution? Just like Iowa State would also do if it also had a large national fanbase? Man, fuck off with that.
  5. Hill? I'd imagine he's in the "fuck it, pay him what it takes" group
  6. Where's Thujone, this weekend has been a fucking RIDE. Hook 'em Wardell!
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