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Everything posted by Levi

  1. I asked about this the night it dropped but didn’t really get any traction. I think Anakins arc being the chosen one means he needs to go to a higher plane of existence in the after life. Him replacing the father makes sense to me. Ahsoka being the representation of what Anakin could have been makes her perfect for the daughter. Just don’t know who would fit the son role.
  2. Does this then support the running theory that Anakin will replace the fathers spot in the force and Ahsoka the daughters spot? Leaving only the sons spot left empty?
  3. As a prequel kid and a big clone wars fan, this episode was awesome. Live action clones, Anakin, young Ahsoka, and Rex was cool to see. The Vader/Anakin parts were surprising to see but it was done VERY WELL. Gave me chills at times. Ahsoka is Filoni’s baby and this episode nails her growth as a character.
  4. A red dirt country singer from Dallas.
  5. PK and the defense put Saban in a lose-lose situation. If Saban were to swap out Milroe for a better passer, there’s a good chance we would have had double digit sacks. Milroe escaped a ton of pressures all night using his legs.
  6. “Although it was a penalty, you can now see why I loved the potential of Whitt switching to defense. Perfect form tackle for a guy that hadn’t played defense in college. Scouts are taking notice.” -Ian Boyd, probably
  7. I love Whitt. He brings a blue collar vibe to wr room with his terrific blocking and toughness. His YAC is an underrated part of the the offense.
  8. If Sweat keeps it up, does he go in the second round and maybe sneak into the first?
  9. Worthy is that guy. Outside of that one drop he had a damn good game. The moment when it was a 3 & 4 and he bounced off those Bama tacklers to get the first down was awesome. Also, if he wasn’t that “guy” then Saban wouldn’t bracket him the entire game after his touchdown catch.
  10. Their left tackle got owned by a guy that weighs 100lbs less and was focused on lacrosse 3 years ago. Get recked.
  11. Immamac looks like the love child of Grigori Rasputin and John Lennon
  12. “Is that a note of fear in your voice?” “Experience” ——— “Have a little faith” ”Faith? I lost that a long time ago” He absolutely carries the scenes he is in. Rays delivery for his lines are damn good.
  13. Also, what are we thinking about the Vader music theme at the end?
  14. Easily the best episode yet. Even without the last 2 min.
  15. https://x.com/tfb_texas/status/1698850205179777157?s=46&t=2ma3sfK-ZcuecqkF2fStfA @closetohumping
  16. Eh, Ewers picks and chooses when he stands in pocket and delivers a good throw with pressure in his face. It’s almost like he only freaks out when he’s surprised.
  17. In a response from a poster stating how weird it is to see less talented QB’s, like Thompson, throw deep balls better than Ewers, Paul Wadlington said “Here's the funny part. Most of the deep throws he missed Saturday are fairly easy for good QBs. Meanwhile, 20 yard outs or perfect RPOs off of a real play fake are actually harder throws. This is what must drive Sark crazy as a play caller and former QB. Sark had almost no physical gifts and he threw a pretty deep ball at BYU. If he ever tried a 20 yard out, it would've been a pick six.” I could be wrong but this seems like a confidence issue with Ewers. I don’t know how he can make these types of throws that only a few QB’s can make but can’t hit wide open Worthy in stride down the side line. It should be the opposite. https://x.com/therealforno/status/1658885324955582469?s=46&t=2ma3sfK-ZcuecqkF2fStfA (he made the same type of throw yesterday to Worthy but I can’t find it and I have this one saved)
  18. Chefs kiss https://x.com/aperta/status/1698596723097026572?s=46&t=2ma3sfK-ZcuecqkF2fStfA
  19. At least there is never a lack of effort from him.
  20. That’s all Stetson Bennett was for Georgia with Kirby’s first run. He executed the offense and hit guys when they were open and didn’t turn the ball over. He also has legs that Ewers can’t match but Ewers has the better arm. We have enough offensive weapons for Ewers not needing to go above and beyond. It sure would be nice tho because it would ultimately make our offense unstoppable. Still, winning the CCG is certainly achievable.
  21. Watched the Nash replay as well and came away with Ewers having a decent game. He’s just wildly inconsistent at times and especially with his mechanics, as many have noted. There is still time for him to flip the switch and I’m definitely not as down on him as some are but as of right now I’m telling myself that he won’t live up to the high expectations. Ewers is still a high upside qb and one we can win the conference with if the defense keeps trending upwards. Side note: AD Mitchell is horrible at blocking.
  22. Most of the time I’m easy. I hardly walk away disgruntled after watching a lightsaber duel. OT was more raw and the PT acrobatic/refined. Both having their own uniqueness.
  23. That Alfa Romero livery is perfect. Just make it the regular livery
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