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Everything posted by Levi

  1. The last 15 min or so was some intense stuff. Easily the best episode of the season thus far. I thought the exact same thing.
  2. Yeah, I agree. The issue seems to be the player not the style. I do wonder why coaches haven’t maybe said no to the one knee till he figures it out.
  3. Plenty of people noted it was a cheesy/fun episode that reminded them of the clone wars. Good or bad is subjective anyway so to each their own.
  4. This thread blows when there is a split on the latest episode being good or not.
  5. I remember Shugart being nails that 2018 season.
  6. Zane can longer be a guy you bring in with men on base. Too inconsistent right out the gate.
  7. Carlson was utility at Long Beach, right? He can play second Edit: got my names mixed up
  8. I don’t mind jack black, he’s a cool dude and nerd at heart. But adding lizzo and Loyd seemed over board with cameos and at times it took me out of it. All in all the episode was fine tho. I’m glad Bo finally got the dark saber and we can end the “but muh rules!” with her. I bet the last remaining episodes pick up steam and end the season on a high note.
  9. As a Star Wars fan I had no clue that red bull did this. The car is meh but the pit crew and especially their helmets are pretty cool.
  10. I don’t thing bringing up what if’s is going to solve anything. But I also don’t think anyone is acting like Thomas couldn’t hit into a double play either. But he would have at least put the ball in play, which is something he actually didn’t do. And yeah, Daly should be thinking to avoid a double play ball result but it’s a lot better than swinging at ball 4.
  11. With the bases loaded and no outs, your job should be to put the ball in play and give the guys on base a chance to score. Hitting a ball next to a foul pole or striking out doesn’t do that. They both had shitty results but at least one guy put it in play.
  12. While Zane has closed out games, he also has made them tighter than it should have been. It was eventually going to bite him in the ass. I think you stick with Hurley and if it goes south then you bring in Zane. Tough loss but we’ll manage.
  13. Passed balls, caught stealing etc is what I was alluding to.
  14. Only down 3 playing like booty and calling the B team in the pen isn’t that bad when you think about it.
  15. I guess you could say he handled that well. The two passed balls killed it for him tho.
  16. “That’s the warning track. The warning track is there to warn you of the outfield wall.” Very insightful.
  17. The Mandalorians in this battle seemed different and more hardcore than what we’ve previously seen from them in this season. The jumping out of the ship and clearing the streets was awesome. That one casually popping an injured pirate in the head like it was nothing surprised me a bit. I dunno, they just seemed more badass this episode.
  18. Yeah I’m confused why Tole didn’t get another inning.
  19. He had a Darth Maul mask on lmao
  20. I like to hear the ball off the bat dammit
  21. You can’t hear any baseball on broadcast.
  22. Awesome weekend with a nice little ending! I was a little worried heading into this series with Tech that some of our success against lower competition would bite us in the ass. Mainly because of the opposing teams inability to execute the simplest things. Well, they definitely answered those worries this weekend. They fought back multiple times, pitched extremely well, and had timely hits that you need to do in order win against good competition. Loving where this team is at and I hope they continue to grow! Also, the GG walk-off and bat flip is probably something Kash dreamed of doing this weekend against his former team, but unfortunately for him we live in reality where Tech sucks ass.
  23. I thought it would have been funny if the kid Grogu was going against asked how are they even gonna get a helmet on his head with those radar ears.
  24. Eh I don’t blame George — shit happens and sometimes your vision doesn’t work out like you initially thought. For me it’s the stupid fan base that thinks it’s okay to bully an individual into almost committing suicide. George doing a bad job at writing shouldn’t have given the fan base a right to do what they did.
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