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Everything posted by Levi

  1. Have a friend who likes Star Wars but isn’t really into it like the most of us here. His deal is more Lord of the Rings type stuff, so I like to think he can give an honest review. He basically gave Obi-Wan a 7 with the Vader & Obi-Wan scenes taking in a bulk of the rating. On the whole it’s better than Boba and not quite the level of Mando. I think that’s a fair assessment of the show.
  2. The whole college degree thing is dumb for a guy like Tulo.
  3. An MLB guy moving to the armpit for double his current salary, but really nothing to do with Tulo. Tulo denying the LSU assistant job had nothing to do with it being located in a shit hole. It goes with what @Rickylovesweedis saying, if Tulo really wanted to move up in the coaching world he would have taken the LSU job last year but he didn’t.
  4. Well this guy is. He did coach in the SEC a couple times before so he may okay with it.
  5. The Stanford stadium is the softball field. Point still stands tho.
  6. Yeah, he probably checked out USC and realized how big of an uphill battle it was going to be.
  7. One of the best is when Luke sees his parents burnt to a crisp and that’s it. Off to Mos Eisley.
  8. You’re like that cool kid who always had awesome birthday party’s except it has carried over to your adulthood. Lucky bastard, have fun!
  9. The booster thing could be something lost in translation. Did the booster push hard for Allen to be let go? Probably not. Did the booster subtlety let Pierce know there’s enough backing, if he chooses to fire Allen, to go and get a big name guy? Maybe more likely. There’s just no way Pierce doesn’t have a big name guy in his sights that is attainable.
  10. That’s fair about the successes that Disney produced but there still is a ton of fans that can’t grasp what they loved as a kid, doesn’t always translate to adulthood(I’m not directing this towards you or anyone in particular, more so the general SW fan base). Most OT fans hated the PT and most OT & PT fans hate the ST. While most kids loved their trilogy as a kid, whichever era it was in. This is because it’s hard to like what we did as a kid 20 years later. I’m not going to be able to recapture the feeling I had as kid when I first saw the OT with anything new now that I’m older. That’s why it’s hard to watch SW fans hate on certain stuff, and compare it to the OT when this was written for an important moment with Leia and Han in RTJ: That’s just awful in a key moment and there is more all over the OT. It’s ok tho because SW isn’t trying to be the God Father with its dialogue, just give us great moments here and there to help capture the audience. And I’m not a hater for anyone that thinks Kenobi is lacking heavily because there certainly is areas where it is. In particular I don’t think Reva’s ending saved her overall story, she simply was not good imo. I don’t know if it was the actress or the way she was written or both. @mdmost has it right, the more Disney dips their toes in existing characters/story’s, the harder it’s going to be to get most of the SW fan base behind it.
  11. I think it’s fine for a person to feel indifferent towards the continuity issues they may see, especially if they’ve been here since day one. That’s a long ass time to think one thing and then all of the sudden maybe tinker with it to try and create a grander picture of the overall story. The biggest issue I’ve seen here and everywhere else is that fans are split on the relationship between Leia and Obi-Wan and how it connects with ANH, which imo is fair. For me, I see the hologram recording to Obi-Wan as a plea for help in a time of war. There wasn’t a unified rebellion at the time of this series like the one we see in a ANH. When we see Leia’s hologram message the empire is at its peak of full power and now holds a massive planet killer weapon. It’s war time. So maybe Leia thought that by referencing the clone wars she could convey the type of situation the galaxy is in. They needed someone who was considered a great general in a time of war that could help defeat the evil empire. You could say this is moving the goal post but I don’t care it is what it is at this point.
  12. Yep, powerful moment between Vader and Obi-Wan. It’s basically telling Luke what happened straight from man himself.
  13. Thought it was a neat little thing they did. Ahsoka slashed the right side and Obi-Wan slashed the left side. Both characters were close to Anakin and they both got to see what he had become. Vader snapped a kids neck while he was trying to save his dad. Pretty brutal
  14. Your focus determines your reality -Qui-Gon
  15. It is assumed that Obi-Wan thought he did kill Anakin on Mustafar. Missing every limb and looked like burned chicken. In this most recent duel, he’s going through a ton of emotion, e.g. starting to tear up seeing Anakins face for the first time probably sent him to an area in his mind that is tough for him to reconcile with. It’s like why didn’t Vader just force move the flames again and finish Obi-Wan right then. I think they’re just really conflicted with each other and neither of them could pull the trigger when they got the chance to. The RTJ thing is interesting. I’m going to run with the thinking that Obi-Wan thought about his error for 9 years and thought Luke needed to finish the job. Vader can’t keep escaping death. Obi-Wan probably thought about the “I killed Anakin” from Vader harder after their battle and should have finished him off and not even his own son could bring him back to the light. The whole Vader is more machine now and that since Luke won’t kill Vader, the emperor has already won, makes a bit more sense now from Obi-Wans pov imo.
  16. Take it easy man. I come here to not be reminded of that.
  17. The final battle between Obi-Wan and Darth was spectacular. His voice switching back and forth from Anakin to Darth was so damn good. The color changes on him from blue to red was also a nice touch. The combat showing Vader having overall better skill than Obi-Wan but still not fully in tune with his emotions fits with the previous episode. Because of Vaders hatred towards Obi-Wan, he can’t climb over the hill and defeat him. Something big needed to happen between the two of them for him to realize what being Vader really means, and the added Papa palps scene in the end carried it home. I think these last two episodes have done a great job in adding depth to the two’s story in ANH. And of course “You didn’t kill Anakin, I did”. **long pause** “Goodbye Darth”
  18. Stuart guy seems impressive
  19. Isn’t there a group of people that do the 501st clone trooper thing as well?
  20. Nah, he lets the head coaches do their thing. It can bite you in the ass tho, hello Herman.
  21. Good for Pierce. He obviously saw something he didn’t like and didn’t hesitate to make a decision.
  22. Is USC the only school wanting to hire Tulo?
  23. Arguing about pitching development can go both ways if you tried hard enough. An undeniable fact tho is our pitching management has been poor. Definitely this year and at times last year but not as bad because the depth of the starting rotation was deeper.
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