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Everything posted by Levi

  1. it was a bad choreographed and shot sequence that fans jokingly labeled the “force kick”.
  2. I may be in the minority here but I’ve never been hardcore about the finer details in Star Wars. I mean, we watched Leia in a new hope have a British accent for the first 30 min of the movie then American for the rest. Then there’s Luke’s “force kick” blooper that was done hilariously bad. The list is endless for a franchise worth billions but still seems to goof up shit along the way.
  3. I’ve never read where Ahsoka was supposed to die early in the clone wars. Do you mean in order 66? Because George wanted her dead from the purge but Filoni wanted something different which is what we got.
  4. Read the last 2 or 3 pages and it was a beating. Kenobi makes the boba fett series look like it was directed by Tommy Wiseau. And boba imo didn’t receive the kind of criticism kenobi is right now. I really believe that kenobi as a character is super relatable to Star Wars fans and that plays a big role as to why he’s up there in the ranks. So when we finally got a show with him as the main character, the bar was going to be set super high for Disney. I think overall they’re doing a pretty good job with some questionable calls here or there but that’s Star Wars. Have fun and if you can’t then wait till they come out with a crap ton of other stuff later.
  5. Kenobi: What have you become? Vader: I am what you made me.
  6. I agree, maybe scared wasn’t the best way to describe what he was feeling. He didn’t want any part of that fight though.
  7. Missed opportunity for “hello there”
  8. Props to Disney for keeping Vader dark. That kid getting his neck snapped while trying to save his dad was brutal. I’m also digging the execution of Kenobi’sframe of mind. He was absolutely shaken at the end of episode 2 hearing about Anakin still being alive and then actually seeing him now scared the crap out of him. Kenobi will be ready if they fight each other again for this series which will be just fantastic.
  9. Yep. They got a bunch of their runs and hits off of guys that won’t see a ton of action this regional. Hopefully.
  10. This team is pretty good in some areas and severely lacking in other areas. It’s pointless to go back and forth on what this team will do in the postseason because of that fact. You’ve gotta go into this postseason with open mind and accept that anything can happen. But right now let’s comeback and beat these meth heads.
  11. Wow, I didn’t realize it was that bad. Might as well have been two separate races.
  12. That was awesome!! The last scene was badass!
  13. @Burt Macklin gonna be big sads
  14. I don’t know why but this made me laugh out loud.
  15. You’ve seen nothing from a guy like Luke? Seriously? I’ll admit the list is small but there are a couple of guys that have shown good stuff.
  16. I want guys that are all about having fun and in the end knowing it was about the friends they made along the way. But seriously, if Pierce doesn’t revamp the entire staff he’s a dead man walking and we’ll be entering the sec with a new coach. Guys like Luke, LBJ, Zane etc should have been given more opportunities earlier in the season but instead Pierce decided to play fuzzies with Nixon and Southard. We have some young guys that can pitch if they’re allowed to develop.
  17. The portal should be used very aggressively by Pierce. And not for guys like Blair.
  18. I think it’s half and half with this staff and the coaching. From the players side there seems to be something missing between the ears. There’s been too many times that Pierce or Allen had to baby sit guys on the mound. A player will throw like crap, get a mound visit with an ass chewing then proceed to throw like he’s got a sack.
  19. I don’t know why Nixon continues to get a longer leash than he should. The moment he starts to struggle I’m pulling him out of the game.
  20. Nixon really taking in Herman’s motto of going “1-0”
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