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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. Devin was fucking incredible, but Branham deserves the game ball. I don’t know where the fuck that came from, but I’ll take it.
  2. Aggie, I’m sorry for what I’m about to say… The best part of the Warriors struggles is seeing Chris Paul irrelevant once again. Enjoy your championship-less season, you colossal douche. Maybe next year!
  3. ROY is the only award I can think of that is not predicated on team success. Chet is extremely deserving if he wins, but they’re not going to hold the fact that Wemby doesn’t have SGA on his team against him.
  4. Couple of observations from last night: Jeremy’s hair. What the fuck was that? Seriously, just no. Actually tried to get the ball to Wemby. Devin has completely lost his legs on this three point shot. Keldon needs to get to the rim or post up every night. Dude was taking it to Anthony Davis repeatedly. That’s his game. I hate Dougie McBuckets (as a player). He’s awful as a defender, and awful on offense. Just the worst. I’d rather Mamu get his playing time. Holy shit, Zach made some threes. Wemby is just on another planet, man. Hopefully he gets another win this season.
  5. See, Giannis fighting over a meaningless ball with the Pacers is exactly the level of bitchass this league needs. Maybe he should consult Chris Paul on the tunnel layout of the arena for maximum locker room infiltration.
  6. Fucking love that Coyote smut has been birthed into existence.
  7. Not just anyone can draft Josh Primo in the lottery.
  8. Props to Nurkic and his teammates for not going HAM on Draymond. That could’ve been much worse. Dude has got to go. This is a career of cheap shots at this point and he’s going to seriously injure someone if the league doesn’t put their foot down. Also, lol at Kerr saying he didn’t see the incident when there’s video of him staring at the replay on the screen. These guys can’t even lie convincingly.
  9. If we have to watch, y’all gotta watch.
  10. Bassey is out for the season. Hopefully he doesn’t have to watch this shit from the bench.
  11. You’re right. Hanson is playing Tulsa in May.
  12. They miss out on concerts because they live in Oklahoma.
  13. Way to go, morons. This is a team of fucking idiots. I’d rather Victor shoot 100 time a game than deal with any of the rest of these idiots. We fucking suck. One of the worst goddamn teams in NBA history.
  14. Keldon has the worst goddamn game instincts. Just the worst.
  15. But then how would the owners get a public handout?
  16. There’s a million things I could be doing right now, but here I am watching this horror show.
  17. This quarter is setting basketball back decades.
  18. If he asked and carded, is his ass protected? Who knows? Dude is getting a crash course in age of consent. Lawyer up and pay to make it go away. Then have a fool-proof system going forward. This doesn’t really seem to be an issue for anyone else not named Karl.
  19. Man, this team can lose to any team in any way imaginable. They’re like the human equivalent of the aggy jizz jar.
  20. Honestly, it was a well played game until the fourth with that shit lineup. They slowed the game down, and ran a bunch of set plays, which was nice. Rudy played an exceptional game in defense and Naz Reid did some cool shit. Competent point guard play and a center worth a damn would go a long way. My kingdom for Dejounte Murray and Jakob Turtle, just kidding (kind of).
  21. And Zach Collins, who still hasn’t met a three point shot he can make. How the fuck is this loser asshole making 37%?
  22. Zach Collins is no Steph Curry, even if he shoots as many threes.
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