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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. Dejounte just forcing shit left and right. Derrick was trash. Dude, they can score zero points without you.
  2. Eubanks injuring his own teammates, can’t hit shit, can’t guard SGA. Shitshiw in full effect.
  3. Both teams are ensuring that neither will find themselves on national television again this season.
  4. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    That the Spurs need to run a shitload more pick and rolls for Lonnie?
  5. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I’d post the news about Ben Simmons getting fined again, but I think I’m all out fucks to give.
  6. Three possessions in a row where Dejounte is trying to be the hero. I mean, I get it, because there’s no one else. It’s just not happening.
  7. Yes, and for 8 possessions before he went to the bench, he didn’t shoot the ball.
  8. Devin is scorching hot so of course this stupid ass team stops giving him the ball.
  9. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    The counterpoint is that no one believes Ben Simmons when he says that he has mental health issues.
  10. That's a bit disingenuous. We were a middling team last year and should have jettisoned Demar, Rudy, and Patty long ago. You yourself have argued this point. We have a player who we're going to trade and have done nothing to showcase his ability. He plays sparingly, but in the time he plays elevates the game for the young guys on the floor. Drew Eubanks fucking sucks. Sorry. He plays hard, and that's about it. So that being said, my point fucking stands. Either trade him, or play him. Because if I have to watch that T-Rex arm'd doofus try to play defense and get smoked one more time, I'm going to piss on my Forbes doll again.
  11. It’s absolutely criminal that Young has sat on the bench this season. Either trade him or play him.
  12. They’re busting out like Milania, The AT&T girl. TJ McConnell is killing this team. Carving them up.
  13. That’s one of the more impressive offensive displays that I’ve seen. It’s not like the Spurs played poor defense, but Indiana couldn’t miss. But yes, the Spurs also played some poor defense.
  14. How bad do they suck? Like that girl who thought using her teeth was a great idea. Still got the job done, but an unpleasant experience. Can’t knock the effort. On a Spurs scale, probably Kurt Thomas?
  15. Goddamn Derrick White is a fucking rollercoaster ride. The ride sucks ass on offense this half.
  16. Playing hard again. Still hitting those offensive lows. Young actually getting some significant run, which is nice.
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