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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. When? They didn’t play last night. edit: sorry, I’m the moron who didn’t read the post above.
  2. The shitty thing is, we need a point guard with size and shooting ability. Is there one worth a shit in this year’s draft? Hell, the way this draft is discussed, there’s not a player who can make a second contract.
  3. Yup. If we’re talking teams that I hate, the Warriors are definitely at the top of the food chain, squarely behind the Lakers and whatever team that douche-nozzle Kawhi plays for. Draymond’s antics on and off the court, my general disdain for Steph and Klay’s superb shooting over the years, and the stupid shitty online fanbase of moronic, pimple-faced squealers (Aggie excluded) defending their heroes at every turn have solidified my hatred of everything Golden State.
  4. Yes. He’s a coach, advocating for his team. Also, I have very fond memories of him as a player. The reffing has been abysmal this season, with no clear direction on contract rules, fuck ups on review, and down right disdain for having to explain their mistakes while taking no responsibly, all while the league promotes gambling like it’s insulin for us diabetics creating a clear conflict of interest, especially when they’ve been embroiled in a ref/gambling scandal, and one of the refs with a lot of contact with Tim Donaghy still has a job (coughScottFostercough). He’s a cocky asshole who has questionably run his team, but he’s also the architect of what the league is now offensively. So yeah, I like him. Mike Malone is whinier. Pop is preachier, and Spoelstra is more arrogant (I have no point of reference on this, just the audacity of divorcing that beautiful, beautiful woman/succubus).
  5. Whoever the asshole statistician is that keeps fucking up his block totals needs to fuck off.
  6. Has the Frost symbol always looked like an asshole and I’m just now noticing?
  7. Sure, he has his moments of suck. Motherfucker is kilometers better for the team than Branham.
  8. Blake Wesley, playing himself back to the bench in record fashion.
  9. I think between the two of us, we’d disappear half the team.
  10. I agree with everything except for Collins. He’s fucking awful. Abysmal. Paper thin on defense, has a serviceable post game, but can’t shoot from three and won’t stop shooting from three. I hate everything about his game. Even his stupid headband. Dude can pass, though.
  11. It’s too bad you didn’t watch till the end, where they describe Chet’s attention to detail and use as an example his manicuring of his pubes to form an Amish beard around his balls. TL;DR the carpet matches the drapes.
  12. Thought this was a great video that explains the ROY race and the differences in what each player is being asked to do and how last nights game was a microcosm of the award. Fun race.
  13. There can only be one?
  14. Maybe, maybe not, maybe fuck Kawhi Leonard.
  15. This shit was fucking hilarious. The Thunder are kicking the shit out of the Spurs and Wemby just days “fuck it” and decides to detonate on Chet. Chet’s like, “what he say fuck me for” and finally wakes up (dude had been sleepwalking for a majority of the game), plows into Wemby in anger, and then proceeds to get fed the ball by his teammates and yams it on the less fortunate who get switched onto him. Then Wemby tries to murder Chet. Round 3 is February 29th.
  16. Playoffs this year are going to be so much fun. I can’t remember a season when 1-10 in both conferences were so competitive. Parity in the NBA is weird. I’d say Boston is the favorite, but they shit the bed every fucking postseason.
  17. Tre was injured last night. He starts now, after purposely not playing i.e. tanking to assure a horrible record. But you’re right, it’s probably time for Pop to go. I’ve voiced my own frustrations, and the sermon of the boos was enough for me to want him out. They really don’t want to win at this point, which is fine. I’m sure that will change next season. They’ve got a ton of draft capital, and can finally add competent veterans through free agency. Brighter days are ahead, and so I just watch for Wemby improvement and to bitch about my least favorite players. It’s really all you can do at this point. As Mitch postulates on numerous occasions, they’re getting better every game.
  18. My god, this team is explosive diarrhea.
  19. Wemby’s like fuck you in particular.
  20. Someone say something nice about Zach Collins because I can’t think of anything/
  21. Be glad you’re at the game. This announcing crew is nails on a chalkboard. I’d rather listen to screaming Spurs lady at full decibel level.
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