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Brothahorn last won the day on May 30 2020

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  1. Listening to some old-school Houston shit and this popped up. I'm sure it's been posted b4 but it just made me bob my head and laugh. RIP Maybe (Jayde).
  2. Always the voice of reason and sanity. That's why we love you.
  3. Not really his fault. But it is just so Doc Rivers to lose a series like this.
  4. This is ridiculous. Just give me the damn game. Hell put Jim Thorpe on the cover. Give me the teams, stadiums and edits. I'll take care of the rest. Trying to fit players in who will only be around for 1 season of dynasty is ridiculous.
  5. Reading about the Bama assistant who got caught in the FBI investigation and this part stood out to me.. So what happened to the money? He didn't say it was rejected. He probably got the example treatment. But it's not as if he is as innocent as the article would lead you to think. https://theathletic.com/5394716/2024/04/06/alabama-preston-murphy-fbi-final-four/
  6. Back stand support. Most of the time, when in use, it's plugged in
  7. All these damn years, I've been doing it the hard way. I may never go to work again. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQX61G7P?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
  8. Nick did some ho shit. He got his and then some. But now that the players are getting a taste, he is running around crying.
  9. Suit Vests are an underappreciated fashion statement.
  10. 22 minutes into the 1st episode and loving. Classic Guy. Glad he went back to his roots.
  11. I hope he doesn't apologize for that.
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