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Everything posted by billfromlaketravis

  1. https://texasschoolofpreaching.com/personnel/terrance-brownlow-dindy/ There's plenty of "religion" in College Station.
  2. If aggy again fails to sign 20 high school players in 2024, will the THSCA provide The Elk with some unsolicited advice? I’m mildly surprised they’re not burning Kinne in effigy at their meetings.
  3. I'm drinking for a purpose. The last time I drank M10 on New Year's, Texas beat Georgia in the Sugar Bowl.
  4. I don't think the bottom will completely fall out, but a losing record in conference seems probable. 7-5 with constant bitching about the schedule feels about right.
  5. aggy : This kid does not look happy with his decision. If you look closely he's blinking Morse Code for The Elk to rescue him.
  6. Beating the Colts seems like a pretty low hurdle to clear. We gotta feel fortunate to be in this position.
  7. He's making a joke. Dickel came out with a much hyped, well priced, 13 year old BiB a few years back, and it tasted like Flintstone vitamins. People weren't pleased. It ruined Dickel as a brand for me. I'll try it again if they ever start giving it away it to people.
  8. The Norvell stench must be pretty awful right now. Jesus.
  9. Explain this one to me. He didn’t record a catch for fOSU in 2023.
  10. Wow. I’d imagine the Twitter receipts are being quite unfriendly to Danny this weekend.
  11. Yeah I want nothing to do with these cry baby pussy make believers. We already have one aggy, and they're plenty. I wish FSU no luck in the Big Ten.
  12. This is a joke right?! edit: He isn't joking.
  13. I think they can be selective. Trill Cater level ability should be the floor.
  14. Kanell and Elliott put targets on their backs because they act like fans. Do your job well and be a professional like Brian Jones.
  15. Not Hanks best work, but certainly different. I wish he had played the black hat more. Probably too old to revisit it now.
  16. Time to start staking out the top breakfast spots in Austin.
  17. Fair Play is pretty good. Very freaky, pretty hot redhead gets promoted/rich at work and her Gen Z beta bitch subordinate/boyfriend can’t deal. One small quibble. Another movie with a fully clothed strip club scene. Where does do these places exist in the reality?
  18. I wish they’d license to whomever will give them money. Still no Vineyard Vines or Southern Tide polos. If we win the national championship, I might Texas gear for every single day of the rodeo.
  19. Yep, every Peter Millar shirt fits like how you described. I believe they stock most of the UT Golf gear. The Co-op should own this space, but they took the Nike money and regarded statues and haven’t looked back. We’re back to the 90’s where the UT merchandise market is very segmented. Might as well get Reebok involved again.
  20. I hope when the bowl contracts get reworked, CBS picks up more bowls and tells Danny to shut the fuck up. It’s easy to shoot hot takes from the hip when CBS’ best bowl is the Sun Bowl. ESPN would publicly execute Danny for that take if he was in their employ.
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