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Everything posted by immamac

  1. If you don’t want to be monogamous don’t get married. It’s really simple. That doesn’t mean swinging or playing together etc as that is sometimes intimate just in a different way from what I’ve gathered there are tons of people who are good at that and view it purely as sport/fun with their significant other. At least that’s how it reads from the posters here and some of the other people I’ve talked to who are into it. ENM is not that. That’s just fucking around on your spouse/partner and them having to be okay with it because reasons.
  2. “Being all messed up” doesn’t help can you post a screenshot?
  3. Some say the foreplay is the best part. Pussyrubbing is foreplay?
  4. You can be a dick all you want here, why would you go somewhere just to poop in the Cheerios? The sites serve 2 different and complimentary purposes. It’s already getting about as much traffic as hornsports and it’s not even been launched for 4 days.
  5. Man this is fucking bonkers. Even 2008-2009 didn’t feel like this momentum wise.
  6. That’s what on Texas football is. Yin and yang.
  7. I had never worked from say Google images search results. It is a client side copy. Paste it into anything else, does it animate? If not it’s the client not the server. GIFs work.
  8. It’s what we are doing specifically at on Texas football. We are going anti bullshit SEO rich media overload and words for the sake of words with clickbait titles. Search be damned we want word of mouth and dedicated fans to find an approachable and digestible place for longhorns news and commentary. We need to figure out how to get younger people to surly, but not change surly to a bunch of feed algorithm bullshit.
  9. Depends on the copy source, that’s more a factor of your client than the server.
  10. Guys seriously gotta get back on topic. I know news is sparse for now but stop bumping this thread for the fuck of it. At least posit something or ask a damn question.
  11. Lots of family from the Ann Arbor area on my wife’s side. Definitely rooting for the lions. It would be insane for lions and Michigan to win in the same year.
  12. How tf did I not know/remember Shannahan went to Texas. I feel stupid.
  13. I think he alluded to family issues in his OP. I would assume some unexpected bills/expenses it didn’t sound like extravagant out of control spending.
  14. it's why the loan option is there not 401k. It's there for situations like this so you don't get smoked on interest on debt that you could pay yourself back on from money you already have. 6.5% vs 29% is going to beat any market investment you have right now or really ever and is a sure thing especially if you can pay it back relatively quickly. If you can tell me how to beat 6.5% guaranteed in my 401k I'm all ears, but the market is absolute dogshit right now.
  15. NFL DL coaches are better than Bo. That’s where we are going. It is easy.
  16. The idea isn't for everyone to post there all the time, that site has a specific purpose and it's for clarification not talking shit that's what this site is for. it's why there is a seamless integration between the 2 that will improve over time.
  17. this is what's happening. The enshittification of the internet has people just logging off entirely. They may just read some news or something, but lots of people are just saying fuck it cuz the internet has become such a piece of shit.
  18. 401k loan is the answer here that's why it's there. Pay yourself back the interest. You can also do debt consolidation/refi your cc debt into a single payment that will give you a month breather and maybe drop the blended rate down substantially
  19. New news widget live on the homepage.
  20. I just banned a guy for less (as a joke) - you guys knock it off LOL Seriously though back on topic. there are threads to bring up what you guys are talking about and it aint this one.
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