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Posts posted by BearSchlong

  1. Using their head to head record is stupid? Patterson calling out rape is petulant? 

    Not paying attention to the trends toward the latter years of their H2H. Not paying attention to the fact that in 2013, 2014 and 2015 the two coaches essentially geared their entire season to one game against each other. You think that the 2010 "way to go big12" TCU drubbing of RG3 led Baylor was relevant in 2015? (Though that monsoon shitshow in '15 did go TCUs way and slightly exposed both offenses as less than weatherproof)


    I would never criticize anyone for calling out rape. That is legit and I never thought less of Patterson even though his comments were barely noticeable in the big picture of that situation. Apologies for the misunderstanding.


    I thought you meant Patterson calling out Briles for not getting Ahmad Dixon off the field after he targeted Boykin in 2013.


    It was essentially a rivalry between historically strong defensive coach forced to manufacture a potent offense vs. The TX HS coach who didn't give a shit about defense because his offense was going to outscore any team. The thing both coaches really had in common was over performing with mainly 3 star recruits.


    Can you imagine how dominant Texas would have been had they offered Briles (or Patterson) instead of Strong? Briles pride and ego told him his record was self explanatory and he was too good to actually come interview for the Texas job and Texas wasn't going to offer without at least a sit down.


    The takeaway is that Texas had active coaches in Waco and Ft Worth out coaching Mack Brown and the big cigars basically ignored them. Add Aggy shoving the SECs proverbial camels nose into the Texas high school recruiting base tent and it's no wonder the Longhorns are underperforming. I just checked the box scores and it looks like Briles former OC (and the guy many Baylor fans wish was coaching the Bears) at fucking Tulsa gave them a game in Austin tonight.


    This is probably the first UT football related post I've made on the surly/shag in many many years and my point is that Texas either needs to hire someone proven from here (Major or Patterson) or just fucking money whip someone PROVEN like Dabo, Urban, Peterson, Bob Stoops (yes I said it), Kirby, or even Les Miles and quit dicking around.



  2. That happened to me when I was traveling. Was a few hours drive away and realized I forgot my charger, so I stopped at a Walmart and bought one. Finally gave up on it until I got to hotel and asked the front counter lady for some scissors. 
    Shit like this is why I keep scissors in my truck console.
  3. Sweat  has a 5-3 record over Rape and called him out for his shit before it became public.

    Don't be stupid.


    When Baylor's talent caught up with Briles' scheme, Briles was starting to own Patterson to the point where TCU changed their entire offense to keep up with Baylor. I was at 61-58 and the year prior in FW in the game where Baylor won - and Patterson called out a Baylor thug at the presser and then Briles challenged him to a fight. If you really paid attention to the baylor/tcu rivalry you would know that Briles was starting to become Patterson's kryptonite. He called him on his shit but looked petulant doing so.


    All academic now and Baylor very quickly became TCUs bitch once Briles got shitcanned.


    Fucking Mond (former Briles committ) and Jimbo almost beat Clemson just now with Sumlins croots and Aggy is obviously the program on the rise compared to Texas.


    Fiance just commented that she hopes tOSU whips TCU and I said I hope TCU wins because big12 plus I am a huge Patterson fan - his body of work is very impressive and honestly I wish he was y'alls coach.


    Texas is the Dallas Cowboys of college football and that sucks - and there's nothing I loved more than a Baylor victory over Texas in the Grant Teaff years.


    • Like 1
  4. And let's not forget how much Patterson hates Briles. Extra points in my book.


    But he ain't coming.

    Damned I wish you guys would have hired Briles. . .that would have been fun to see. Since the BOMC was responsible for his downfall that whole thing would have never happened if he had been hired instead of Strong, and he would have brought a killer attitude - there would have been NO soft Texas teams under Briles. NONE.


    I think Briles at UT would have been a much better fit than Patterson.


    Just keep his miscreants from assaulting women and he would have your team skull fucking big game bob/Lincoln riley's teams every year.


    Briles would have a Natty at texas by now for sure.


    Edit: I've cut $$ ties with my alma mater and I think what happened under his watch was despicable.

    • Like 1
  5. Agreed. Quit eating bread 3.5 years ago and if I have a piece of pizza or cake I suffer. Sitting here eating cream cheese with a spoon. . .but damned I look good.

    Took a grandsponsee that can't stay clean to a book study meeting tonight. Been going out of my way to spend time with the newbies at my home group. Keeps me plugged in to what's out there.

  6. Metal is heavy, and there’s fuel economy standards to hit. 
    Which is why I bought my obsolete, fuel guzzling 2018 tundra with the 5.7 because when you have the Prius in your fleet. . .
    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Al_4_ISU said:

    I honestly have no clue. 

    She's a CPA that works as an auditor, so I think she has some deep seeded need to have everything in a perfect order, and fully controlled.  I don't know what kind of trauma is lurking, but from what I can tell, every single aspect of her life is handled that way.

    Image result for movie the accountant .gif

    • Like 3
  8. 6 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I figured that we've gone so deep at this point, that I'd keep you guys updated.

    So I approached him about coming up to Ames for the home opener Saturday.  He's a big Cyclone fan and makes 2-3 games a year.  When I learned about the extent of his leash, I assumed he wouldn't show unless they broke up.  2 weeks ago he tells me he's coming, so I assume that he'd broken up with her.  It was only earlier this week I found out he's getting into town an hour before the game (so as not to be socially tempted).  He said he was still staying at the hotel with the group which consists of me and my wife, his sister and her husband, and a buddy of mine who is single.

    Get a text last night from him wondering who the roster of the room is.  I explain.  He responds "No other people?  No visitors beyond that?".  As I start boiling it down, she's demanding to know if there's any chance some rando slut will be staying with us before she approves his stay.  I finally tell him that if it's this big of a fucking deal to not bother coming as he'll spend more time on the road than in Ames.  His final response on the matter is "No, I'm coming to the game, but we'd decided that I'd drive home instead of staying the night". 

    It's 6 hours from St. Louis to Ames.  He's going to spend 12 hours on the road to spend 4 hours at a game.

    How do I kill this evil beast? 


    Looks like we're dealing with. . .. 

    Image result for jezebel spirit


    Image result for ncis sunglasses .gif

  9. 3 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Lmao, indeed.  I dunno, I'm a wuss.  I needed help, I finally accepted it, I'm a better person.  It can go the other way too.

    or maybe I'm a reactionary extremist.

  10. I know, I've said it before, and maybe folks don't agree....but it makes me sad when folks kill a big, OLD fish like that.  I catch and keep plenty of fish for eating, but I also do a whole lot of catch and release, and I think alligator gar are some of the coolest fish that we have in the state. They're prehistoric beasts.  And killing an old one like that just seems pointless.

    I mean, I'm sure it was a cool and exhilarating experience, but I just wish they could weigh and measure the fish, and slip her back into the lake.

    Yeah that guy that speared the gar is an asshole.


    Part of the reason I got a big live well in my new boat is so I could keep a few smallish legal trout and then release them unharmed if I only caught 1 or 2 which to me isn't enough to break out the filet knife. I'll keep a single red because a 18 (legal in LA) or 20 inch fish is enough for 2 people.


  11. 58 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    We actually had that frank conversation.  I told him I didn't think he was an alcoholic, but asked him if he was hiding his use or using more than any of us realized, and he said his use was basically the extent I've observed before.  I think he was honest with me.  I went through a phase where I was abusing it, and have been pretty open about it with him, so I figured he'd feel disarmed.  The final straw for her was when he went out for drinks with a friend who was visiting him 3 nights in a row.  In those 3 total days, he had a total of 7 beers.  I don't believe that to be excessive use.

    They don't live together, and there are other disturbing signs.  She has instructed him to never masturbate, for example.  Another odd sign is that she seems to have little sense of attachment to anything.  He and her were travelling together, and she got word that her sister had attempted suicide.  He offered to turn around and head back so they could be there, and she said "it's fine, she does this all the time.  I'm not going to indulge it".  We were at a friend's wedding in January, and she didn't come with.  He spent the entire reception on the phone with her so she could be assured that he wasn't trying to fuck bridesmaids.  In February, he was in Minneapolis for work (he lives in St Louis), and he was planning on going up to Winnipeg from there for his nephew's birthday party.  This was Thursday, the party was Saturday.  I was heading up to a Turnpike Troubadours show there, and asked if he wanted to come with (we're both big fans), and he went out and got tickets.  As soon as she found out about that, she demanded he drive back to St. Louis that night, before heading back to Winnipeg on Saturday.

    He's admitted that she's extremely controlling, and that it's an unhealthy relationship.  But he doesn't want to break up with her because of the things she's trying to control about him, because he thinks that will just prove her right (IE, if he breaks up with her because she won't let him drink/go to bars, then he's the drunk she says he is).  Which I understand.  He basically wants the relationship to end, but for other reasons.  And I think that's right, but I don't want to be oblivious to some deeper problem either.

    Holy fuck why has he not run away from her as fast as he can?  This screams "personality disorder" behavior.  And I'm not being judgemental, I have 23 years of personal experience in this kind of matter.

    I mean, damned. . .this is about the sickest kind of relationship possible and he can't see it because his perception is so distorted.

    I love the variety of responses you'll get on this thread.

    Twicehorn: there is reason for concern.

    BearSchlong: kill it with fire immediately!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  12. Thanks for the contributions.

    I've seen guys with decades of continuous sobriety get a chip to recommit. VERY often I've felt compelled to stand up and get a desire chip when offered at meetings but haven't, probably because pride and ego get in the way and I feel like explaining "I've got 7 years, 7 months, and 7 days sober but I still have very objectionable character defects that i want to live without."

    Today I actually have that much time, noticed I was creeping up on that when I opened my daily reflections app the other day.

    Rigorous honesty. I'm an alcoholic and I'm so into myself that I'll barricade myself from God and just go off on self will every single day sometimes. So grateful today for a framework for living that doesn't involve me trying to escape from reality. More than anything I want to be a sober member of alcoholics anonymous.

    • Like 1
  13. Buddy who I went to Surfside with a few weeks back took his son again this morning. Fishing off the jetty caught 8 keeper specs and 3 spanish macs, went to filet them and all had worms.

    Thats not normal is it?

    Very normal, but not a problem at all. Just cook them, or pick them out of the filet. Pretty sure all keeper specks and reds come with worms, even if you can't see them.

    I was obsessed about this for a while and the intertrons reassured me that these parasites are harmless to humans.
  14. I have gotten 47 phone calls to my work phone in the last 3 days from "microsoft" informing me that my licensing has expired and I need to call in and get it renewed.

    For shits and giggles I called back and a dude in a deep smoker's voice and a long island accent said "thank you for calling microsoft what is your credit card number"

    I wonder how many people have fallen for this scam?

  15. I got one.

    Drove home from work the other day behind a Chrysler Minivan.  The rear wiper blade/assembly was missing - but the "nub" attached to the wiper motor was still attached. . .and it was on.  Sat in a traffic jam for about 10 minutes watching that little nub move back and forth.  Sunny, clear day too - I wonder how long it's been on?

    Incredibly trivial but it made me surly.

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    Alas, now those days are gone.  Now everything is sprits and string drops.  It took real men to juggle the heavy pole and pull down a big kite.  
    Are you old enough to have ever used a wire guy/afterguy?

  17. My guess on the life jackets is they know they're fucked and getting a full body cavity search by the coast guard, police or whoever has jurisdiction there.
    "Boys, I know the law says we just gotta have life jackets for enough souls onboard, but put those fuckers on.  I'm in enough shit as is.  Jim, you hold the whistle.  Bill, you grab the horn.  Frank, here's the flares.  Hank, you dump all the beer and whiskey overboard.  I'll hide the coke in the head.  Craig, you know what to do.  The usual.  Dump the five dead hookers overboard."
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