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Posts posted by BearSchlong

  1. Just have your husband install it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    You insensitive asshole, I have one arm. ;)

    *2 weeks post op rotator cuff/bicep reattachment surgery.
  2. What kind of wheels/tires? I almost bought one of those, that factory package is less than the port installed TSS package.


    Just rolled into the driveway in a new SR5 Texas Edition. I didn't need 4wd. Silver color. Very happy with the purchase. About $14K less than the platinum and the only real difference is no leather or sunroof.


    My good friend was the salesperson, first thing he did was remove the price on all the dealer installed options (paint sealant!) and other bullshit and I thought he was very candid with me. He knew I didn't come prepared to buy so there was no pressure, I walked in with an idea of what I was prepared to pay and he was significantly beneath that line. So I feel good.


    Best part is i have unlimited lifetime full service car washes/vacuuming and I live 1/3 mile from the dealership.



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  3. Test driving '18 Tundras after work today, still trying to decide on if I want a loaded out TX Edition SR5 or the Limited.  Requirements are the big V8, tow package, 4x4. . . highest and best use will be boat pulling, beach driving (chasing trout in the surf) and home improvement stuff. .  .I don't really NEED a 4x4, but I've never had one. 

    Who on here drives the Tundra, and is there anything I'm not considering that I should?

  4. Just finished it.


    Ho Lee fuk


    Also, of you haven't heard her very deep voice you should search her on YouTube. The book harped endlessly on her deep voice.


    She sounds like Kylo Ren.


    I'd subscribe to that Schultz kid's newsletter.


    Good book by the way.


    Also, I'm convinced she is a sociopath.


    And if I ever need a lawyer I want David Bois.






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  5. Ok, I finally bit the bullet and got Biote hormone/testosterone pellets embedded in the fleshy part of my butt cheek this week. My levels had been dropping and were around 300 or so.


    Holy shit it's been about 47 hours and I feel 20 years younger. Clearer thinking. No fatigue. I feel bold.


    I'm sure now that I'm hooked it'll be about $2k a year for replacements and I'm sure I'll die of some kind of cancer but wow.


    Reagan, what sealed the deal is that I discussed it with my 30 yr sober grand sponsor and he admitted he gets them too.


    Prayer and meditation and being sober for 7 years helps tremendously for most of what ails me, but that doesn't effect hormone levels.


    I'm hoping that once my shoulder heals - I'm 10 days postop rotator cuff surgery - I can start exercising again.

    • Like 1
  6. I've gotten to the point that I can almost guess if a sponsee is Catholic before asking the question - So much guilt shame and remorse instilled in Catholics at an early age.

    Apologies for making an over-generalization, just my experience.

    I had one guy who was a devout catholic who admitted to me that he wasn't sure that Jesus was real.  That was literally the deepest darkest admission he had ever made to another human - and this guy served multiple prison terms on drug and burglary charges.

    My reply was "aha, now we can make some progress on finding you a higher power that you can rely upon to keep you sober!"

  7. Holy fucking shit.  Like looking in a mirror.

    Hate what happened to Guanos brother.

    But my god do I completely understand that man's particular insanity.

    Thank you for telling us about what happened on this thread. Your brother's story might have saved one of us. Thoughts and prayers for his loved ones.
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