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Everything posted by Agent47

  1. The GOP has blood on their hands for the hate crime slayings of Blacks and Jews etc, inspired by Trump vitriol. Every rw voter is going to hell, deservedly, as the scumbag racist traitors they are. But OMG Hillary and OMG 2 emails and thank heavens that grandma lady ain't president!!! Meanwhile, Trump shames our military, our veterans and our country. Fuck you dirtbag conservatives forever. So scared of a woman. What a bunch of little dicked bitches. Girls are scary!! You people are the racist white cowardly trash I always thought you were. You have no morals and no values. You're just stupid bigoted creeps.
  2. Agent47


    Why has the Texas legislature never built a wall? Texas has had decades to build a wall, and never did. Why didn't Bush do it??? Hell why didn't Trump do it??? Why??? Because THE REPUBLICANS LET THEM ACROSS. For cheap labor. For development. For the destruction of the middle and lower classes. For political convenience, so they can emotionalize disenfranchised whites, and blame the Democrats. It's the GOP's fault. It's their hot button issue, they control the borders and they pine for de facto slavery. Now that the elections are over, they no longer care. This is precise proof that the issue is simply political. Fuck the right wing. It's a party of unprincipled insincere trash. They should never be listened to and they should always be disrespected.. They are the party of destruction and disingenuous, to be forever reviled and discredited. Bush nearly destroyed the world economy, Trump has nearly destroyed democracy itself. The GOP is the enemy of America.
  3. I'm in LA and the hills are on fire.
  4. Win the fuck out. Get back in the top 10. Top 5 recruiting class. Win a national championship. Become the new Bama. (The Path)
  5. I want this game. Bad. Kick their fucking ass now, and let's win out.
  6. A 1 play 30 minute 6 TD drive for Texas would be ideal.
  7. Trump sent them to the border to defend the country against Mexican peasants. So, I bet they regret their vote for Trump. Do you regret yours! If you do not, YOU ARE A TRAITOR!! Being that it is well known by now that Trump colluded with the Russian KGB to win and has besmirched the Constitution at every turn. He's a traitor and so are you, because I know that knowing what you know now you still do not disavow your vote & you would and will be voting for the Russian KGB again. Shame on you, shame on Trump, shame on the entire Republican party, shame on Christianity, and shame on your parents for raising you to be the unprincipled unamerican stooge cultist you are. Besides, you are Rupert Murdoch's bitch too, further cementing my point. Have some integrity and decry that piece of shit low class ass clown dumpster fire president you voted for FOR ONCE! Instead of throwing disingenuous talking points at me cooked up by alt right think tanks to obscure truth with cynical hacky debate platitudes. Fuck your rhetoric. Trump is a traitor and you are too.
  8. You're an angry misogynistic white male.
  9. He doesn't feel guilty about anything. He's a full fledged mob boss and a rank sociopath. Troops, alive or dead, are "losers" in his opinion. Prayers and condolences, rotely muttered, are all they need.
  10. I can smell the fires. This is global warming, it's real, everybody warned as much, the GOP should be sued for their negligence and fraudulence in perpetuating its continuation and cover-up. As should the NRA, for every death by gun massacre. In fact everybody who ever voted Republican should be sued, mocked, reviled, belittled, blamed, excoriated, humiliated, lampooned, ridiculed, banished, imprisoned, spanked, scarlet lettered, scalped, stripped naked, sullied, wedgied, stockaded, fingered, jet slapped, swirlied, decried, expelled, tarred and feathered ... for their imbecility, immorality and unamericanism. They're traitors. Traitors, I say!!! And I'm not kidding.
  11. The entire alt right is headed for prison I think. Yeah.
  12. Well, the blue wave happened. Yeah.
  13. I'd post my diploma but it's in Colorado & I'm in Los Angeles.
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