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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. who-pete-bloody-hand.jpg

    Back story...


    Oakland, California, April 1980

    Pete Townshend

    Photographed by Annie Leibovitz

    “I bash away at my guitar as though it were a veal escallop I’m trying to thin down,” says Pete Townshend. “I break my nails, I tear flesh from my fingers. I make minor cuts. Then I swing my arm at high speed, and all the blood rushes to the tips of my fingers and pours out profusely under the centrifugal force. My hand always bleeds, even today. But now I have a spray that stops the bleeding and the pain immediately.”
    In the spring of 1980, Annie Leibovitz traveled with the Who for a few days and readied a studio around the corner from one of the shows in Oakland, California. The idea, Townshend remembers, was to have him arrive “drenched in sweat and still shaking from the exertion of the gig.” But once Leibovitz noticed his bleeding hand, she became transfixed.

    “By the time we got to start taking pictures, the blood was badly congealed,” says Townshend. “Annie got me to swing my arm afresh to generate more blood. Then she actually found some fake blood and added a little to create the runny effect. But I have to say, my hand was a fucking mess before she started to embellish it.”

    The studio, Townshend says, had been used in the past for porno flicks. “It had a surprisingly nice atmosphere, as though the room had seen many happy times,” he recalls. “But then, in my condition, I probably wasn’t geared up to divine the true essence of things.”

    The Who were wrapping up their second world tour since drummer Keith Moon had passed away two years prior. They were also coming off one of the most tragic events in the band’s history: the deaths of eleven fans at Cincinnati’s Riverfront Coliseum in late 1979. “I was drinking a fair bit at the time,” says Townshend. “By 1980, I was also doing a bit of cocaine every now and then. I was often very happy and content on a rock & roll tour. Where my head was at felt like a real rock & roll condition.”

    Leibovitz says that her original idea was to have Townshend do his legendary guitar-smashing routine and some airborne leaps. “The hand was just an afterthought,” she says. “It was just to show that he beats himself up when he plays. What’s so beautiful about the Townshends and the Dylans is, we rarely got to see who they were. And that made them at some level more interesting.”

    Says Townshend, “I loved how that photo turned out. I look like someone from Fight Club. Annie was already a great artist. I was honored to work with her. It’s incredible I’m still here, that Rolling Stone still writes about real music and that Annie is now properly recognized by both cool and art establishments in the States and around the world.”

  2. 11 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    If los eSpurs make the playoffs with this garbage roster, it'll be Pop's best coaching job ... EVAR.

    This has already been in his top 3 imo.

    Remember those nights when Tony/Timmy/Manu would sit out because "old" and we'd roll Lebron and the Heat or sumsutch?

    It's close to like that every fuckin' night this season and we're 4 games out of first in the division.

  3. 13 minutes ago, TheRealRonWeaver? said:


    So, forget the attempts to distract, you’re sticking to the half-truths. The only “claim” I made was to quote the link you posted: “Half True.”

    It's good, when you really don't have a winning position, to ignore context.

    Keep fuckin' that chicken brother.

    Edit: Hint- " Because the link you provided said the info was half true. "    That's not what it says.  I'm really trying to help you out here, but you need to do your own work.

  4. Oh, and this...

    "So yeah, Republicans are not called "Nazi Racist Fascists" because they have an "R" next to their name.  They're called that because so many seem okay with kidnapping children from their parents, letting them be mistreated, abused, and even die.  They're called that because they go on TV and talk about how these people are dirty, diseased, rapists, and criminals who bring their problems to this country.  It's about their words and actions, not their political affiliation.  But feel free to keep thinking videos of Obama and Schumer saying we need to do something about illegal immigration is the same thing."


    Please spare me.


    On a December morning, Border Patrol agents confronted a 15-year-old high school student named Jahveel Ocampo at a rest stop in California while she and her friends were on their way to the mountains to see the winter’s first snow. Jahveel was a young child when she came to the United States from Mexico with her parents, and she grew up undocumented in southern California. She was a mother to a 2-year-old child, who was a U.S. citizen.

    An agent in a blue jacket asked whether Jahveel was an “illegal.” He handcuffed her and drove her to a Border Patrol station in the border town of Campo. There, he slapped her twice on the buttocks and ordered her into a cell. He and another male agent told her to sign an “order of voluntary departure,” a deportation order. She refused.

    Then the threats began. One agent said, in Spanish, according to the complaint she filed later, “Right now, we close the door, we rape you and f*** you. If you cooperate with us, we can deport you to Mexico. Otherwise, we will take you to jail and deport your entire family.” They told her that her child would end up in foster care.

    Terrified and alone, Jahveel signed.

    If you assumed this abuse happened during the Trump administration, think again. Jahveel was threatened in 2009 by President Obama’s Border Patrol, and her treatment was not an isolated incident. Her case is part of a pattern of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by Customs and Border Protection officials against child immigrants that existed long before President Trump emboldened the agency by unleashing its officers to enforce his draconian immigration policies."


    Has shit been handled poorly, shit yeah.  Was the team before this one real worried about it?  Shit no.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, TheRealRonWeaver? said:

    So, you’re not spreading half-truths?  Because the link you provided said the info was half true. 

    Lol.  Yeah, I'd ignore what I wrote in the original rebuttal to your claim too if I were you.

    It'll keep you in that warm, fuzzy place.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Tom said:





    I can't help but laugh every time one you conservatives come along posting these old quotes from Democrats saying "illegal immigration is bad" like it's some kind of gotcha moment.  You only think you're making a point because you believe the conservative media's bullshit narrative that Democrats are for open borders.  They're not and they never have been.

    Of course Democrats and liberals are against illegal immigration and want immigration reform.  That doesn't mean they think people who come here legally asking for asylum or even the ones that do break the law should be treated as subhuman and abused as a deterrent.  Democrats and liberals (and many classic, non-Trumpkin conservatives) also don't think a $50+ billion symbolic wall is the answer to the broken immigration system when it's been pointed out a million times how most people don't illegally immigrate into this country by sneaking across the border.  Especially considering that we're already nearly back to recession level deficits (thanks to the party of fiscal responsibility) and we can't afford it, we would have to steal land from private property owners to build it, and it's been said it would be detrimental to the local environment.

    So yeah, Republicans are not called "Nazi Racist Fascists" because they have an "R" next to their name.  They're called that because so many seem okay with kidnapping children from their parents, letting them be mistreated, abused, and even die.  They're called that because they go on TV and talk about how these people are dirty, diseased, rapists, and criminals who bring their problems to this country.  It's about their words and actions, not their political affiliation.  But feel free to keep thinking videos of Obama and Schumer saying we need to do something about illegal immigration is the same thing.

    You've missed my point completely.

    The wall is a joke.  It won't make a bit of difference.  Feel free to keep thinking I'm a Trumpkin.

  7. Brisket, I agree with you completely on that aspect.  There is no need for poor treatment and the types who "cheer", as you say, are a huge problem.

    Another big part of the problem is that those of us who agree with and say the things that Obama, HRC, and Chuck said in these snippets are called Racists and other wonderful things in this environment.  I'm not taking a shot by using this word (I'm really not), but even touching the edges of these statements gets one categorized and castigated almost reflexively.  Take Trump out of the equation for a minute.  What Schumer was saying there is dead on.  Shit needs to be handled firmly.  It will be tough and there will be some damage, but in the long term it will be for the better.  We're going to have to rip this fucking band-aid off and the sooner the better.

  8. 10 minutes ago, TheRealRonWeaver? said:


    Please, continue spreading half-truths.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    What Trump and his people claimed was "half truth", but that Hillary espoused a lot of the same sentiment there that people are demonized now for is 100% true.  She and Barack, (and Schumer and Biden by the way) all said stuff that if you put a bag over their heads and an R next to their names it'd be a nano-second before "Nazi Fasciast Racists!" would reverberate around this board and the airwaves.

    One Hundred Percent Fact.

    I loved Kilmer as Doc Holliday, but he ain't got nuthin' on some of you folk.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. It's a mix of calculated desperation and genius.  Dude has nothing to lose. Zero.  

    So, why not cloud the picture a bit and pluck on some nostalgia strings right before that charge hits print?

    It won't work,  but it was probably his best shot and he took it.

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