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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tom said:





    I can't help but laugh every time one you conservatives come along posting these old quotes from Democrats saying "illegal immigration is bad" like it's some kind of gotcha moment.  You only think you're making a point because you believe the conservative media's bullshit narrative that Democrats are for open borders.  They're not and they never have been.

    Of course Democrats and liberals are against illegal immigration and want immigration reform.  That doesn't mean they think people who come here legally asking for asylum or even the ones that do break the law should be treated as subhuman and abused as a deterrent.  Democrats and liberals (and many classic, non-Trumpkin conservatives) also don't think a $50+ billion symbolic wall is the answer to the broken immigration system when it's been pointed out a million times how most people don't illegally immigrate into this country by sneaking across the border.  Especially considering that we're already nearly back to recession level deficits (thanks to the party of fiscal responsibility) and we can't afford it, we would have to steal land from private property owners to build it, and it's been said it would be detrimental to the local environment.

    So yeah, Republicans are not called "Nazi Racist Fascists" because they have an "R" next to their name.  They're called that because so many seem okay with kidnapping children from their parents, letting them be mistreated, abused, and even die.  They're called that because they go on TV and talk about how these people are dirty, diseased, rapists, and criminals who bring their problems to this country.  It's about their words and actions, not their political affiliation.  But feel free to keep thinking videos of Obama and Schumer saying we need to do something about illegal immigration is the same thing.

    You've missed my point completely.

    The wall is a joke.  It won't make a bit of difference.  Feel free to keep thinking I'm a Trumpkin.

  2. Brisket, I agree with you completely on that aspect.  There is no need for poor treatment and the types who "cheer", as you say, are a huge problem.

    Another big part of the problem is that those of us who agree with and say the things that Obama, HRC, and Chuck said in these snippets are called Racists and other wonderful things in this environment.  I'm not taking a shot by using this word (I'm really not), but even touching the edges of these statements gets one categorized and castigated almost reflexively.  Take Trump out of the equation for a minute.  What Schumer was saying there is dead on.  Shit needs to be handled firmly.  It will be tough and there will be some damage, but in the long term it will be for the better.  We're going to have to rip this fucking band-aid off and the sooner the better.

  3. 10 minutes ago, TheRealRonWeaver? said:


    Please, continue spreading half-truths.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    What Trump and his people claimed was "half truth", but that Hillary espoused a lot of the same sentiment there that people are demonized now for is 100% true.  She and Barack, (and Schumer and Biden by the way) all said stuff that if you put a bag over their heads and an R next to their names it'd be a nano-second before "Nazi Fasciast Racists!" would reverberate around this board and the airwaves.

    One Hundred Percent Fact.

    I loved Kilmer as Doc Holliday, but he ain't got nuthin' on some of you folk.

    • Like 1
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  4. It's a mix of calculated desperation and genius.  Dude has nothing to lose. Zero.  

    So, why not cloud the picture a bit and pluck on some nostalgia strings right before that charge hits print?

    It won't work,  but it was probably his best shot and he took it.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    If you look at your post you'll note that you reference the bowl game.


    I admit I don't follow UH football that closely.  Just looked at their season.  They lost their last five games with the least points given up being 45.  

    True, I did just reference the one game.

    In my mind I was thinking about the whole season, their best player quitting on them, the team looking like it didn't give a shit everytime I watched, etc.  I didn't put that out there in my first post, so I can I understand your initial response.

    As you were.  Carry on.

  6. 18 hours ago, retread said:

    So heartbreaking that this is who we are now.

    Some people are working to fix the inhumanity.


    "Don't send your childen to our borders.  If they do make it, they'll be sent back..."

    ~Barack Obama

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