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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. 1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

    What does this have to do with the topic at hand?

    You were 100% wrong about WTB and your posts were therefore completely nonsensical and pointless. Admit that part instead of trying to deflect by bringing up some other topic that wasn't being discussed.

    Your performance is only getting worse.

    It has everything to do with my first post on the thread.  

    Buck was responding, in part, to that.

    Try to up your reading comprehension game before doling out advice on the matter, mmkay?


  2. 1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

    On the other hand, reading comprehension is not serving you well.

    WTB's assertion was that this court case was not about abortion, not that PP's Kavanaugh opposition wasn't about abortion. This has been a pretty terrible performance by you in this thread.

    And, yet, non RW mainstream media are yapping away about it being tied to abortion.

    Again, feel free to let them have it Huck.

  3. 1 hour ago, sidis said:

    just out of curiosity...what point do you think you're making?

    So, Buck asserted that the idea that it was the construct of the right wingers that the PP/Kavanaugh histrionics were over abortion rights to which I posted PP's position, pre-confirmation, nicely packaging said histrionics and you want to know what the point is?

    Ok my man, just write it off to the musings of a "get off my lawn" Surly poster with too much time on his hands.

    I want you to be comfortable.

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  4. 11 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I wasn't aware that this case had anything to do with abortion. I understand the right-wingers think that's all Planned Parenthood does.

    Pro tip:  When engaging the smug, it helps to understand what you're talking about...


    "We oppose the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and call on the Senate to do the same. There’s no way to sugarcoat it: with this nomination, the constitutional right to access safe, legal abortion in this country is on the line. We already know how Brett Kavanaugh would rule on Roe v. Wade, because the president told us so. We take Trump at his word that Brett Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v. Wade and get rid of the Affordable Care Act. The balance of the Supreme Court is at stake — we cannot allow it to be tilted against the constitutional right to access abortion. Generations of women, especially women of color, will be affected. And generations of people have grown up only knowing a country where they have the right to access safe, legal abortion. We cannot allow our children and grandchildren to have fewer rights than we do today."




    Here's the number to call to voice your strenuous objection to PP's uneducated opinion - 1 (800) 230-7526

  5. 3 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Wait, am I understanding this right? They decided not to judge on the case.....So that somehow proves how he would/would not judge on a case? And all the right wing nuts come out applauding?

    Pointing out that the "Oh my GAWD, he'll undo everything related to Roe V Wade!" crowd may have been bit ridiculous in their projections equals applauding?


    Maybe you should write a strongly worded letter to those right wing hacks over at Politico...




    The decision to refuse the cases came after Kavanaugh was confirmed as the ninth justice with strong support from anti-abortion activists.

    Tim Jost, an emeritus professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, said it's "noteworthy" that Kavanaugh passed on the cases. 

    "If Kavanaugh was going to deal a major blow to health care rights during his first session on the court, this would have been the case to do it," Jost said.

    The anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List said it was "disappointed" the Supreme Court declined the case, as it called on the Trump administration to quickly finalize rules blocking federal funds to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers through the Title X family planning program.

  6. On 12/6/2018 at 8:24 AM, SHOOTER12 said:

    I'm still saying from the shape, irregularity and position of the cuts he slammed a bottle down and broke it.   Seriously dying to find out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  (~~Aerosmith-Dream On~~)

    It was all in God's plan and was already written.

    Just pick up the book.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Augustus said:

    There's a bunch of redneck SEC fans, no doubt, plus a bunch of current students from the various schools, which makes for an impressive collection of emotional immaturity.

    Given that just about any cfb message board is a group exercise in emotional immaturity, it's impressive how well SECRant distinguishes itself on that score.

    So, the Finebaum show in print.

    You coulda just said that.


    (edit for spelling that dick with ears name wrong)

  8. I can tell you this, there will be plenty of talent on both sides in the stands for this one.

    And later on all that talent will be staggering around the Quarter with horribly bad, extremely expensive, high octane beverages in tow.

    Don't let me down fellas.

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