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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Argue the content capn'.

    I'm sure AT is as in the tank for their team as anyone out there.  Drill deeper.  Are the quotes by Al Sharpton and company made up?  Would it make you feel better if I had just posted those quotes with no source?

    That's the shit that Trumpkins do, cover their eyes and plug their ears because, "Fuck it if the message is true, look at the messenger!"

    Be better than that man.

  2. On 11/11/2018 at 7:11 PM, Agent47 said:

    The GOP has blood on their hands for the hate crime slayings of Blacks and Jews etc, inspired by Trump vitriol.

    Every rw voter is going to hell, deservedly, as the scumbag racist traitors they are.

    But OMG Hillary and OMG 2 emails and thank heavens that grandma lady ain't president!!!

    Meanwhile, Trump shames our military, our veterans and our country.

    Fuck you dirtbag conservatives forever. So scared of a woman. What a bunch of little dicked bitches. Girls are scary!!

    You people are the racist white cowardly trash I always thought you were. You have no morals and no values. You're just stupid bigoted creeps.

    Such a loving, inclusive, open minded post lacking in paranoia and histrionics.

    This is today's left, here to save us all and put smiles on faces from shore to shore.

    Dilly Dilly!!!

  3. Also, let's use your "logic" and apply it to immigrants, shall we?

    You know that BP arrested two convicted child molesters and two MS13 members last week in Arizona, right?

    You sure you wanna ride that horse Friendo?

  4. Ah, the old take a small percentage point and extrapolate it into a much larger one with some good old fashioned linear thinking.  

    Love it brah!

    Hey, did you know that in 1974 there were 18 registered Elvis impersonators?  Yeah, by 1984 that number was over 5000 and by the yr 2000 there were over 15,000 registered folks walking around like The King.  Using your noodle it figures that one in every three people in the world will be an Elvis Impersonator by  the year 2050.

    I mean, holy shit, now that's something to get histrionic about, amirite?

  5. 5 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    And all that to say you stay above the fray?


    1 hour ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    I don't partake in personal insults often. But you are an idiot. On purpose too.

    If you really think the weight of "paranoia" in the left is comparable to the decade bombardment of paranoia on the right, then you are purposely obtuse. 

    Uranium one






    Guns to fight the government

    Kenyan Commu-facism

    Death panels



    You have no ground to stand on anymore. Trump was your last leader to follow with your outdated, insecure, anti-intellectual philosophy and he is making a fool of you with every tweet. The fact you have to try and defend every little inconsequential point so that you feel some shred of relevance, tells all. 

    Congrats you inept moron. 

    All that to respond to an inept moron?

    Fun game

  6. 57 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    I don't partake in personal insults often. But you are an idiot. On purpose too.

    If you really think the weight of "paranoia" in the left is comparable to the decade bombardment of paranoia on the right, then you are purposely obtuse. 

    Uranium one






    Guns to fight the government

    Kenyan Commu-facism

    Death panels



    You have no ground to stand on anymore. Trump was your last leader to follow with your outdated, insecure, anti-intellectual philosophy and he is making a fool of you with every tweet. The fact you have to try and defend every little inconsequential point so that you feel some shred of relevance, tells all. 

    Congrats you inept moron. 

    See, that's the thing, Trump is not "my" leader.  Does he fear monger?  Yep.  You wanna yell "Lock him up!  Lock him up!", be my guest.  Get him.  Burn him down man.  I'll enjoy the show.

    That you equate someone pointing out that each team is just a different side to the same coin in this fear mongering/paranoia/bogeyman debate to that person being a Trump supporter/apologist exposes the dualistic "thinker" that you are.

    And this "The fact you have to try and defend every little inconsequential point so that you feel some shred of relevance, tells all", is the pinnacle of ironic hilarity.

    Bravo, man.  Damn, that's some grade A self unawareness right there.  I'm getting a buzz over here.


    P.S.  If you wanna feel better, go dig up Bill Hicks' bones and take a leak on them.  He busted on both sides too.  Probably planted his ass around Fredericksburg or some shit.



  7. 47 minutes ago, Jack Straw said:

    Isn’t this the poster who claimed that Obama was the most divisive President of all time, and was responsible for race riots? 

    Find that.

    Post it up.

    Never said it, but hey, another windmill awaits.

  8. 1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:



    I just checked it. What strikes you as paranoid?

    It is important when being intellectually dishonest to root oneself so heavily in the word that one can pretend that the spirit behind it isn't dead on.

    Congrats, you made the Dean's list!

  9. Let's start the drip...


    Liberal critics are caught in a classic negative feedback loop, where each dire prediction by one liberal pundit or commentator is repeated and amplified by the next, until you end up so far afield from reality that their pronouncements become parodies of themselves.

    To wit:

    MSNBC's Ali Velshi narrated a segment listing various things gay Americans will likely lose under the new court.  "If I were involved in a same-sex marriage" in a conservative state, Velshi said, "I'd be panicking." 

    MSNBC analyst Midwin Charles said that with the exception of "straight, white males," everyone should be "freaking out" about the next Supreme Court justice.

    An editor at the Daily Beast, Erin Gloria Ryan, said that if Trump were to pick a woman for the job, she should be known as the villain in "A Handmaid's Tale" due to her anticipated antipathy to preserving federal abortion guarantees.  Another CNN guest, Neal Katyal, said the next justice could take the Court "in a really dangerous direction."

    MSNBC's Rachel Maddow cautioned that birth control could soon become illegal and told viewers that this is a "pull the fire alarm moment."

    MSNBC contributor Al Sharpton cryptically cautioned: "All human and civil rights are at stake."

    CNN contributor and MoveOn.org adviser, Karine Jean-Pierre, said the rights of workers, women, gays and transgenders "could be gone."

    "Everything is at stake when you're looking at the SCOTUS pick, everything that we worked for for decades is on stake, abortion, working – worker's rights, everything, same-sex marriage, LGBTQ rights, everything that we have worked so hard for now could be gone," Jean Pierre warned.

    CNN's Baraki Sellers said the damage won't just be over the short-term, but will last "for generations to come."

    Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/07/its_the_end_of_the_world_as_we_know_it_hysteria_over_trump_scotus_pick.html#ixzz5acsiSxPi 
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