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Everything posted by staboner

  1. how off brand. coulda just punched the kids i think. maybe they were all boys
  2. staboner


    such a great fucking song lucinda williams cover aint' too bad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6R-sALVlA
  3. sadly, the only adult option on the table is to ignore them. granted thats hard to when they have elected power, but thats all we got my man and I mean people tweeting back at her, like in post 5482 just above ^. that gives degenerates power, can't do that
  4. For every wokism in the world, there is an equal and opposite racism - Newton, if alive today, probably
  5. thanks for bringing back a memory i had long since farted away
  6. good points. My 2 cents. analytics and really just predicting the future is good within BAU. When we get outside that we see what we feel is an irrational actor (Putin invading Ukraine for example), but as @NAVY also points out in his post, maybe Putin/Russia was just bad data. Just perspective. If we could have factored in "out-dated soviet warmongering view, currently ill, with lots of small dick energy, with corrupt, never used army of 20+ years" more aptly then maybe we would have accurately predicted this shitshow. This war is so good for everyone else not named Ivan or wtf Ukrainians name themselves. The models will get updated and our intel priorities will be revisited, as @BamaATL shows us it was as inadequate as the Russian army. Analytics is great in a more controlled environment like baseball. Too much BS in the real world. I'd even say football is closer to war than baseball, and thus analytics a bit less useful. I love @atomheartbevo putting Zeihan on there on the reg. His views are great, but they also lack the human element. His American boner is clear, and easy to understand. However, IMO his lack of caring or even acknowledging the people aspect renders his timelines and predictions mostly academic. America does indeed have all the resources, geography, etc to be OP for sure, but lots of Americans certainly aren't healthy, and the goals and priorities of the society are somewhat not in the right direction, but thats my judgement of course. huh, sounds alot like a certain football team, with all the resources, but a pussy ass culture that can't seem to ah sorry, wrong meeting. Is this? wait. Hope you homies are well. Thanks for the updates as always, and great conversations. Get fucked putin
  7. this is some crazy shit. yikes.
  8. TF is going on here https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/unidentified-objects-us-airspace-white-house-02-13-2023/index.html May have been carrying something? Goddammit. Its only Tuesday over here. I am too old for this shit.
  9. great corching from reid. he is working in is prime man. that fumble is brutal. thas maybe a 14 point play. hurts gonna have problems sleeping fuck this ending in the goat ass
  10. this is some anti climactic monkey shit come on man, miss it
  11. wow this is fucked. eagles like get in the house dawg
  12. finally. run a slant against the blitz oooffff thats wide the fuck open
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