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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. Ditto what others have said about keeping a journal.  Document everything you do: how you prepped the meat, the type of fuel, how much wood and what kind, what temp the WSM is running at in relation to the vent positions, what time the meat went on, if you wrapped and at what temp, when you pulled it...all that stuff.  I kept a very detailed WSM log for my first five or so cooks, and it really helped me see how the cooker performed in relation to what I was doing and where there were opportunities for improvement.  I still keep a log, but much more simply than at the beginning.

    And it's like making chili: only change one variable at a time.

  2. On 5/8/2019 at 11:25 AM, TwiceHorn said:

    On this, as a kid, I had a healthy disdain for baked Cheetos (that's what they were called long before "baked" chips became a thing).  Then Planters came along with these:


    The original cheezy poofs.  These altered my view of baked cheese puffs.  Now I like them as well or maybe better than the fried.  They are almost different snacks altogether.

    FTMFW.   Grandma always had these for us when I was a kid.  Love them to this day; many imitators but only one OG.  There may (or not) be three cans of these currently in my house.

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  3. In my experience, the pucks remain solid and will "knock out" intact.  The only time they don't is when I'm using a darkly roasted bean (but even then ~95% of the puck stays intact).  As long as your finished product is tasting great, then you're tamping with the right amount of force.  

    I share your Breville love;  think I've bought a latte or espresso twice since I got my Breville Express.  Freaking love that thing and science of dialing in the perfect shot.  A 12oz bag of beans usually lasts the wife and I about 5 days or so.

    This video helped me improve my tamping; don't even mess with the "Razor" tool that Breville included with the machine.


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  4. 24 minutes ago, Saint Austin said:

    So I just bought myself a WSM 22”. I’ve never smoked anything in my life. I eventually want to work up to smoking brisket, ribs, pork butts, a turkey, etc… but should I start with something simpler? Any other tips for a first-timer are greatly appreciated. 

    Welcome to #TeamWSM. You won’t regret it. I’d say start with a pork shoulder. It’s (nearly) impossible to mess up, since there’s so much intramuscular fat and connective tissue. You’ll also learn temp control and fire management on your cooker with a cut that isn’t temperamental or have a narrower “done” window. Plus, it’s damn tasty. I did shoulder for my first two cooks then moved on to spares, and I think learning on shoulders helped make my ribs better. 

  5. Nah, it was maybe 5” long and chill. The lack of a triangular head and slit eyes = I let him go and bade him eat some vermin or whatnot in my backyard.



  6. Saw it today with the wife and kid. Both the wife and I walked out thinking it is better than we expected. Will Smith isn’t horrible, but he’s playing a role made iconic by a comedic genius. No one could come close to the original. My daughter (she’s six and likes the original) loved it; danced in her seat during a few of the songs. 

    I would have used a wish on a threesome with Jasmine and her handmaiden. 


    17 hours ago, formermav43 said:

    All of it.


    17 hours ago, SurlyORama said:

    Breakfast is the best meal.


    Ah breakfast.  How myriad the greatness of thy combinations...

    -Eggs scrambled with diced onions and japs cooked in the grease of a breakfast meat (bacon, sausage, chorizo, maybe a combo of all three), with a little shredded chee and whatever hot sauce I'm in the mood for (or maybe pico or salsa instead...it's all good), and a nice side of crispy hash browns. Even better of it's all wrapped up in a freshly toasted tortilla.  

    -Ain't a damn thing wrong with a big-ass bowl of cereal and a slice of buttered toast, either.

    -And I haven't even got to waffles, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, omelettes, or oatmeal yet.  

    -Lest we forget about last night's pizza or fried chicken, cold and straight outta the fridge.  Maybe dunked in queso?  Maybe with a dash of hot sauce? Hell yes, that's breakfast.

    Bless thee, breakfast.  Bless thee.

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