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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. SAKA!!! Wow what a move! Martinelli made that one.
  2. Next 10 minutes are critical. We can’t concede another
  3. That’s been coming. Come on boys. Get it back.
  4. Thats two good saves now from Ramsdale. Liverpool starting to ask questions.
  5. Visor cam of Alonso’s final battle with Seb; 0.001s https://streamable.com/cyo5l4
  6. Damn, Alonso came really close to Sainz.
  7. I'm honestly surprised they didn't stick Arsenal - Liverpool on Peacock.
  8. Gabriel Jesus is such an upgrade; insane skill level.
  9. Now let’s get everyone outta here healthy. 🙏
  10. A bit surprised to see Jesus, Saka, and Odegaard at 60', but then again I'm not a manager or involved in conditioning elite athletes.
  11. Wait two weeks then start clearing your pipes. My doc recommended 24 loads, then I had to submit two samples two weeks apart that both tested neg to get the all clear. I'd imagine yours will recommend something similar. As others mentioned bags of frozen peas are a lifesaver, as are tighty-whities for the first few days back at work to keep em supported. The whole thing was a very minor inconvenience to never have to glove up again.
  12. Let's end it by half so anyone who might be needed Sunday stays on the bench or gets to it as soon as is practicable.
  13. Lets Fucking Go. Heavily rotated side, good to see, and let’s get three points and GTFO.
  14. Klatt was on point today. “Don’t you take the focus off [aggy]. We aren’t here to praise Mike Leach; we’re here to rag on [aggy].” ”is [aggy] not what I’ve always said they are?” Followed by bob pulling a Dave South level of dead air.
  15. Dutch


    Mark Followill's day job with the Mavs probably meant he didn't make the cut; shame because he's good as the TV voice of FC Dallas. Ian Drake is a great addition; always liked his play by play, and "There are things on for the USA here..." remains iconic.
  16. Thoughts after watching: Loved how we started the match with fire and urgency. Got on the front foot and stayed there. Xhaka has morphed into an absolute beast. He’s playing at a world class level, is thriving in a leadership role for the kids, and is at one with the supporters. Awesome to see from where he was a few years ago. Emerson’s red is straight red all day long. A ref finally had the balls to call sh*t on their shit. They get away with that sort of crap every match. Until today. Thankfully. Our best XI is damn salty. Can they stay healthy is the key. Jesus and Zinchenko were rotated far more at City than they will be with us. Hopefully they can hold up for a season. Oh and of course…
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