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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bolverk

  1. 45 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Nah it's sad Dems can't honestly look at their own party and say man, what the fuck where we doing in 2014 when Obama was doing the same things to these kids. Why didn't I give a fuck then?

    Stop lying.

  2. 2 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I loved that show. 

    Same. I'd rush home on my bike every day after school to watch it. Also, I enjoyed the discussions with friends when it turned out Zoltar was a chick.

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    I don’t remember Bernard passing the scanner. On the beach? 

    If I recall correctly, it was when he was with Hale going underground. I don't remember the specific detail, but I believe it was mentioned that the door scanner read DNA which apparently was sprayed on him like perfume or something. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

  4. 1 minute ago, HtownHorn said:

    What is a lie? Obama caged kids? There are pictures out there from his detention centers.

    The lie is that he ordered children to be ripped away from their parents. To the previous administration's shame, he had family detention centers instead but at least the kids were with their moms.

  5. 21 minutes ago, hornian said:

    My thoughts, for what they’re worth, after this episode. I think I’m batting .000 on predictions, but oh well. Here goes:

    I think Ford’s end game is somehow to get the host’s code/consciousness to be written over or saved in the Forge - so that when the rich guests have their new selves printed, instead of their own consciousness that is uploaded it will be the host’s - his children. So that way they will overwrite humanity and it will be the dawn of a new species. 

    Ooooh, good one!

  6. 9 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Good for you. Let me know when Bama Chick takes the plunge, and I'm sure there is a thread on shaggy started in 2014 by you bitching about Obama's caged kids.

    This is a lie. Stop repeating it.




    When Central American migrants, including many unaccompanied children, began surging across the border in early 2014, Mr. Obama, the antithesis of his impulsive successor, had his own characteristic reaction: He formed a multiagency team at the White House to figure out what should be done.

    “This was the bane of my existence for three years,” Mr. Johnson said. “No matter what you did, somebody was going to be very angry at you.”

    he officials met in the office of Denis R. McDonough, the White House chief of staff, and convened a series of meetings in the Situation Room to go through their options. Migrants were increasingly exploiting existing immigration laws and court rulings, and using children as a way to get adults into the country, on the theory that families were being treated differently from single people.

    “The agencies were surfacing every possible idea,” Cecilia Muñoz, Mr. Obama’s top domestic policy adviser, recalled, including whether to separate parents from their children. “I do remember looking at each other like, ‘We’re not going to do this, are we?’ We spent five minutes thinking it through and concluded that it was a bad idea. The morality of it was clear — that’s not who we are.”



  7. 12 minutes ago, austingirl said:

    I do volunteer work for Beto's campaign (surprise!). I get called a "libtard" on a regular basis and get a lot of responses that are just "#MAGA!" and the like, but I also hear a lot of "who is Beto?" and "What is his position on X?" For those with genuine questions and who are on the fence, I'm happy to be there to answer questions and help in any way I can. I really have no idea what's going to happen in November but I'll do what I can for Beto while I can.

    I'm all out emojis for the day, but I'll come back and heart you tomorrow.

    • Like 1
  8. It's becoming increasingly clear Russia supported Brexit. Long read but well worth it:



    Because what we appear to see through Banks and Wigmore is a linked series of relationships between the Trump campaign – via Steve Bannon – to the public face of Leave.EU’s campaign, Nigel Farage. Through Farage to Banks and Wigmore. And through Banks and Wigmore to the Russian government. Whether it’s a channel for anything else is for other specialist investigators to figure out. Because ever since Watergate, we’ve known that you need to follow the money.

    But, in this the new age of information, there are new lines to pursue. One can follow the lies, for example. The meetings Banks and Wigmore admit they lied about, a third passport – a diplomatic one from Belize – that Banks told me about last year, but which he denied to MPs on Tuesday. Wigmore is the country’s trade envoy to the UK. A legal letter they told MPs they’d sent to the Atlantic Council but which the head counsel of the Atlantic Council told the Observer, many months ago, they had never received.

    In 2016, Brexit and Trump were the first fake news elections. Though by “fake news”, one means sophisticated information operations, developed out of hybrid warfare techniques – pioneered by Russia and now aped across the world. In 1972, the year of the Watergate break-in, money was the sole source of power.

    Today, information is also power. This is “asymmetric warfare”. It’s how an economically struggling power – Russia – can strike a blow against the richest nation in the world. Through weaponising words. And unleashing them in ways we can’t understand or even see.


    • Like 1
  9. Jesus. Step away for an hour to text with an old friend because his dad just croaked.

    Look, @Anastasis , I was being somewhat facetious about going back to 90% tax rates for the top whatever percent. My point stands that to get out of this debt hole, we're going to have to tax more. Simply cutting spending is not going to get us there.

    From a moral perspective, the "rich" have benefitted the most from our economic and political system; therefore, they should pay more.

    From a fiscal perspective, they've got the most money to tax; therefore, they are the ablest to pay and bring down the debt.

    You tax me at 15%, and you'll get 11,000. You tax a poor at the same rate, and you'll get $4,500. That's not going to do squat for the debt. That is why we have a progressive tax policy - it's not about punishing the rich. It's a completely pragmatic mathematical calculation.

    I don't know what the perfect tax rate should be, but I firmly insist that a flat tax doesn't work and that we need to increase rates - especially for the rich.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I know this is going to sound crazy but deep down, not all politicians are amoral nihilists. They didn’t all enter the invasive profession of public service just for the money and power.  

    They get put in positions where they have to compromise their values to retain power or achieve one of their benevolent objectives and that’s unfortunate.  The Republicans are being tested right now like never before to see how far they will go and they are failing miserably.



    43 minutes ago, Skyline said:



    He's easily super popular among his party members. We have to remember that Bush was there due to a war and 9/11. Otherwise Trump would be leading this. 

    I really missed my calling. I should've gone into politics as a Republican (when I actually still was one) to represent the Permian Basin. Imagine all the oily lube and cash dollahs I could be smearing all over myself right now. Kinda makes me horny.

    Oh well.

  11. 1 hour ago, Aphelion said:

    I post on many forums under many different handles.  I seldom use the same user name twice.  I don't want to be found and identified by folks in other arenas.  So I will not be linking anything.  Also, I have many conversations in real life with folks on these topics and I cannot link those.  While you are going back through your memories on shaggy, see if you can find anything that remotely suggests that I was a Trump advocate or even moderately interested in US politics.  

    What I am suggesting is that the form that these discussions take are less than ideal.  To give an analogy, let's say I don't think run and shoot offense is the most effective offense and that there are better ones out there.  I tell this to a fan of the of the Falcons in 94 and he says "this is because you are a fan of the 49ers and secretly hate the Falcons."  


    Dude, I've tried to engage you in a civil manner and even went so far as to provide wholly made up numbers to meet your "quantifiable" demand. And to my following question:


    You state you're not a fan of Trump, yourself. Please, elucidate clearly in "verifiable" and "quantifiable" terms your own concerns regarding his presidency. We'd like to see some numbers, of course.

    You gave me the above?

    Why don't you answer someone else's questions for a change? You're not the only curious person on this board. If you ignore my question or refuse to answer, then I'll be forced to conclude you're no better or different than the multiple trolls we have lurking around here. You're just more verbose and articulate.

  12. @AphelionI have yet to see you engage with Trump supporters in the manner that you just attempted with us, his opponents, either here or on shaggy. Could you please provide a link to the said conversations? I do enjoy hearing a diversity of honest views.

    Those of us who recall you from the previous board remember you as somewhat of a mathematics prodigy; however, your support of views that go beyond "verifiable" and "quantifiable" facts such as the existence of god has left a few of us a bit leery of your self-assigned mediator role.

    You state you're not a fan of Trump, yourself. Please, elucidate clearly in "verifiable" and "quantifiable" terms your own concerns regarding his presidency. We'd like to see some numbers, of course.

    • Like 4
  13. 19 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Who was Aphelion in a previous life on here? Is he a bot? Is he a troll? Can we quantify how much of a troll he is?


    Just asking questions. 


    16 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    He sounds like Axiom of Choice from the last site, in which case he isn't a troll, just a really analytical dude.   But I don't know. 

    He's undoubtedly Axiom. I think it was admitted last week in a separate esoteric discussion about god or something.

  14. 1 hour ago, Aphelion said:

    These are statements on what you believe Trump is trying to accomplish.   I used to hear similar such speculations from folks on what Obama was trying to accomplish.  These type of statements are impossible to falsify.  

    I'm asking what things you believe will happen that can be verified.  "People seem more polarized" is not an easily verifiable statement.  "Unemployment will increase by 5% by 2020" is an easily verifiable prediction.


    These are not easily verifiable statements.  What are the verifiable/quantifiable things have that happened or will happen as a result of Trump that will lead to permanent significant harm or destruction of the US?


    Is your prediction that the US is going to create concentration camps or invade our neighboring nations like the nazis?


    Quantifiable? Like, I think American influence in East Asia will decline by 45.7% and will fall 28.2% in Europe? That kind of quantifiable? Eighteen percent of Americans in the future will have lost confidence in the institution and norms of our democracy? Once the effect of tariffs fall into place and multiple trade wars have begun, economic growth will shrink to -13.4%? Twenty-nine percent of male Anglos between the ages of 25 and 34 will join White Nationalist movements by 2022? Hate crimes against minorities and immigrants will increase by 115% over the next five years?

    Get the fuck out of here. People are honestly trying to express their concerns but you turn around and try to peg them to a specific "quantifiable" prediction so that you can argue details. While I have no earthly idea if the figures I propose above are precisely accurate, I'm fairly fucking confident my guesses tend to point toward an accurate direction of trends.

    • Like 6
  15. 2 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    She actually was drafted for the role. Unfortunately for her she doesn't have bone spurs.

    She does have rather big bones though.

    8 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    This is the worst thing any of them can do.  The dipshits on the TrumpTrain use this type of banter as more ammo.  We need to cut off their supply lines and starve them like the Nazis they are.    


    I would certainly agree someone needs to cut off her donut supplies.

  16. 25 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Drama queen.  

    My only response to this is ^ what Brisket said:

    5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Perfect. It’s not the evil they do, so much as the evil they happily go along with.

  17. 7 minutes ago, NateHitch said:

    Yeah well my blood pressure is a lot lower than yours right now

    Sent from my LG-H820 using Tapatalk

    That's because you have a cold reptilian heart, are lacking a soul, and are willingly and repeatedly spouting lies about the facts at hand. You should go to Facebook if you're looking for a stupid and gullible audience.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Caracara said:

    We've been told his people think he's a God


    Which is precisely my point. If the man behind the kimono fears being exposed for what he actually is, he's not going to open it up to reveal his tiny prick for people to point and laugh at.

    You seem to be under the illusion he's proud of what he's got. But, keep in mind, he was "educated in the West", so I'm pretty sure he knows he's not exactly packing the heat his people think he is. 

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