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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Rat shit batt shit dirty ol twat 32 assholes tied in a knot - GC maybe
  2. We roll with this MFer. Coffee maker and hot water dispenser. Great for tea, hot chocolate, ramen etc https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CHW-12-Programmable-Coffeemaker-Stainless/dp/B003KYSLMC
  3. Dotard is going to re-file the same thing but in all-caps because louder
  4. Lovely flying termites are erupting from the ground. Can’t we just have some nice fucking rain without weird bug bull shit ?
  5. NAVY

    Austin FC

    Wow. Love these guys
  6. NAVY

    Austin FC

    This is the most entertaining footie. This team this season, just glorious
  7. Found the first employee of the Trump presidential library
  8. Changed my mind. Glad this is taking longer to start. Imagine how anxious, pissed and impatient a certain fat orange piece of shit feels these last 32 minutes
  9. Damn it garland. Imma have to start doing work again. Hurry the fuck on
  10. It ain’t just Fox. The whole trumptard ecosystem of carnival barkers, grifters and psychopaths have been prepped with what to say and what to do. Fuck em all.
  11. Better grab today’s secret service text messages right got damn now
  12. Right, so I just stumbled on a new season of Kids in the Hall. Say what? It’s been 25 years. Yep. And it’s funny. https://www.amazon.com/Kids-Hall-Season-1/dp/B09Q3MX8ZY
  13. NAVY

    Austin FC

    That was so cool. Love it
  14. NAVY

    Austin FC

    Lol wtf is this? Midfield can’t maintain possession. Mucho estupido
  15. You know this motherfucker is pissed today. All holed up at home, jerking it to Riefenstahl flicks and dreaming of violent revenge.
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