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Everything posted by TheFlyingBoat

  1. Man can't we just get errbody and call it a day? Do we need more Kate?
  2. For #12 I would like to point out for like 5 days Satya was optimistic. What I'm hearing is calculator.
  3. I mean thankfully Brown has done a pretty good job of being Governor so CA is actually running a surplus and has run one for the past 5 years now (though an accounting error with MediCal almost broke the streak, but higher revenues saved the day) so at least CA pays for all the expenditures and has a healthy rainy day fund for when shit hits the fan in the next year or two (estimated to be almost 20 billion at the end of this FY). Agreed that Prop 13 is dumb as fuck.
  4. You're telling me a pocket passer track star is deceptively athletic? This dude has to be white right? The only misplaced euphemism they're missing is gym rat. How the hell is a track star deceptively athletic? I'm pretty sure a track star is just athletic, no deception.
  5. Maybe he should run for Governor. It's not like you can be more backwards than a Republican in the South/Texas/Plains States.
  6. I'm saying you're not a financial genius if you literally could not beat the market. That should be pretty self-evident to anyone with a brain. Now Trump did become President, kudos to him, that is something very difficult to do, but that has nothing to do with your claims about his financial acumen. He's actually a pretty shit executive but am incredible promoter if you look at the math.
  7. He started with more than a million. He was given a million dollars and then many million more in inheritance. It's also unclear due to the range of estimations of his net worth whether or not he would have been better off taking all the money his dad gave him and just putting it ab index fund. Most estimates by people that aren't Trump sycophants say that his net worth is certainly below the line where that would not be true. If he had just put his money in the S&P 500 index fund he'd be richer today. He is no financial whiz
  8. Bob Armstrong is still great and everything else is decent. Not the best tex mex but it is truly Austin
  9. This if limited to high profile cases where you have serious SIGINT but you can't release that evidence because then the Russians know how you got em I'm fine with it. If you're going after random shit not as cool with it. Imo only use it for cases against foreign actors and those that aid them against the US. Everything you do the old fashioned way or not at all.
  10. Fuck yeah : https://nytimes.com/2018/04/09/us/politics/fbi-raids-office-of-trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen.html
  11. Just guessing... it's Notre Dame and us?
  12. Google definitely has the most data on you and the most scary data. We literally search for the stuff we are too scared to ask about on a routine basis in addition for us putting our life into email without regard to privacy. Most people will be a little hesitant to post some things on Facebook, but have no worries about putting far more sensitive stuff through Gmail. Then there are the files we host on drive, the photos we use Google photos to organize, etc. Google is a lot more professional so I'm less worried about a CA like thing occurring and I guess I've kind of just accepted the NSA will have all of my data and that my only goal is to reduce the number of companies and persons that are not Facebook or Google that have significant access to my data. Google and Facebook provide enough value to me that I'm largely ok with them having my data and would be more ok if they could get their shit together.
  13. I think it's because the good people of the world recognize that being a vegan is way worse than being ISIS
  14. Dude is definitely white if they're giving him that defense
  15. I agree that the non-adult children should be permanently off limits unless they do something wrong enough to justify removing that protection and the First Lady should generally be left alone, but Hannity and for that matter anyone at Fox News is in no position to cast any stones after what they said about Michelle.
  16. I feel like that's the wrong clarification and largely unneeded. The more important thing to clarify is was the female a human or a sheep?
  17. Jesus christ I miss 2009 before the Tea Party took over and took public discourse from needing work to a shit show.
  18. Agreed with pretty much everything you said.
  19. I voted for all 4 as well, because all 4 are true. He lost to OUsux too much, kept Greg Davis too long, was a gigantic pussy, but was also a highly successful coach that finally took us back to a title and created fantastically memorable games that I am extraordinarily grateful for. Bringing him back in the fold is probably a good decision.
  20. A much simpler and smaller investigation in terms of scope took two years from beginning to resignation ending the inquiry. I'd prefer if they could get it done by 2019, but if you look at past investigations of crimes that so large in scope, it takes time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Watergate_scandal Hell Ken Starr's meandering got to go on for 5 years and change scope from Whitewater to a blowjob. Mueller has seemed to be entirely circumspect thus far and is a Republican himself, so it isn't like he is a bloodthirsty hound looking for a result and trying to create the roadmap to it like Starr was.
  21. You are off by a little with your first number. 0.25%, not 25% (what's two order of magnitude in the grand scheme of things?) of the US prison population is made up of foreign nationals (55,000 according to your link against 2.2 million incarcerated people according to the DOJ) Immigrants are far less likely to commit crime http://www.nber.org/papers/w13229.pdf : As for just illegals: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1745-9133.2008.00491.x Research Summary: The study compared the recidivism of 517 deportable and 780 nondeportable aliens released from the Los Angeles County Jail over a 30-day period in 2002. The results of our analyses revealed no difference in the re arrest rate of deportable and nondeportable aliens in terms of its occurrence, frequency, or timing. Policy Implications: The results lend no support to the ubiquitous assertion that deportable aliens are a unique threat to public safety. These findings undermine one common justification offered for the current crackdown on deport-able aliens within the country. More research is needed to determine whether these results can be replicated generally and with subtypes of deportable aliens
  22. Throw back to when this clown pretended she wasn't sure if Norway was mostly white: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/01/trump-dhs-secretary-kirstjen-nielsen-not-sure-if-norwegians-are-white.html
  23. Of course it doesn't matter but lol Oracle. Oracle probably has more lawyers than engineers at this point. They certainly have more competent lawyers than competent engineers at this point.
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