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Posts posted by NoctambulantBrobdingnagian

  1. 16 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Yeah, I debated whether to use football or soccer. Decided to use soccer because I'm writing for a mostly American audience. Figured I was likely to get a snarky comment either way. 

    Soccer is actually a British term widely used from the late 1800s through the 1970s

    it differentiated Rugby Football (Rugger) from Association Football (Soccer)

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  2. 17 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Lots of people have infatuations with Blake. I myself am completely infatuated with the idea of him being violently buttfucked by bear with a sword for a dick, and then given repeated mouthwash enemas. Fuck him. 

    so you're a moderate?

    I was thinking of something more severe

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  3. 1 minute ago, crash_davis said:

    don't care as long as any of them do much better than GDGG, david ash, case mccoy, and a TE playing QB. my god i'm getting ragey thinking about those years.

    I think Ash out of all of those could have been a damn good QB if not for the concussions, but otherwise, yes, much anger

    p.s. McCoy beating ou and aggy make him a bizzaro legend

    • Hook 'Em 5
  4. On 7/30/2020 at 6:34 PM, texifornia said:

    When he's not wetting himself, he's actually a good poster. He uses his 247 account for good and he generally knows his shit (you're not getting Football Board-level gibbering FIRE EVERYONE taeks), which gives the board someone not brain damaged to use as a backboard for arguments.

    Also in his vanishingly rare moments of optimism he brings quality Bollywood gifs to the board, which are a personal inspiration in terms of borderline insane levels of raw overacted emotion.

    the very first post I saw from Satya was a ferociously exuberant victory celebration after a battle

    I thought, "this guy's optimism has no bounds, this is fantastic; what a breath of fresh air"


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  5. On 7/4/2020 at 9:32 AM, Extra Anejo said:

    I think spring football would suck, especially if the NFL did it too. Combining NFL, NBA, NCAAB, and NCAAF all into the same time period would make all the above less entertaining. Plus there's the start-up of MLB to factor in. Too many choices for fans.

    I don't see this as a choice at all

    All I see is college football

    • Like 2
  6. On 6/19/2020 at 12:28 PM, HeyMcFly said:

    not trolling or anything but what could be the downside? Do you think people would not buy burnt orange or whatever the hell god damn orange we are using nowadays?

    Back in the 90's I had I a dark blue shirt with a burnt orange TEXAS across the front; it looked surprisingly and ridiculously good, but I'm still not sure what marketing expert came up with including a non-school-color

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  7. On 6/19/2020 at 12:39 AM, Reese Bennett said:

    Still way too many unknowns about the long-term effects of this virus. According to this article, asymptomatic patients still had lung scarring and there is potential for infertility, among many other things. I don’t see how we can expect football this year unless we are all willing to shut down, mask up, and bend the curve to where testing, tracing, and isolation is overwhelmingly effective. So, yeah, I’m not optimistic.

    Umm, could you repeat that? - Antonio Cromartie

  8. On 6/15/2020 at 5:37 PM, SwanderedTalent said:

    And for all of you freaking out about Chuba "overreacting", well no shit, he's not "reacting" to the t-shirt at all. The t-shirt is an excuse to go public with a grudge but with Absolute Moral Authority. 

    you seem to be sublimating 


    On 6/15/2020 at 5:54 PM, texifornia said:


    Swandered is being pretty passive aggressive, but he won't come out and say what he's thinking


    methinks phlegm was right

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  9. On 6/4/2020 at 8:37 PM, Burntcowboy said:

    I was negged for saying all cops aren’t bad. That’s fuckin dumb as hell. 

    hey, chuckles

    do the 'good' cops EVER do anything about the bad cops?

    except, of course, protect them

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  10. On 5/19/2020 at 7:19 PM, kopp0e said:

    Well, universities' football staff, may have a new way to fill holes, err, seats, in an empty stadium.?!



    On 5/19/2020 at 7:22 PM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    So kind of like sorority girls, but quieter

    probably make a better sandwich as well

    • Haha 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Wanker Bob said:

    In just 2 months over 30 percent of the number of Texas who died in the entirety of WW1 have died of covid19. Within a year it's sure to be far more. 

    Can we rename it Covid Memorial Stadium?

    As the actions/inaction of both the US and Texas during this time has been completely shameful and will lead to far more death than any foreign war America has fought (and possibly the civil war) the time for giving thanks is over and the time for feeling shame, anger, and embarrassment is here.


    Well, you got one thing right there

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