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Posts posted by NoctambulantBrobdingnagian

  1. On 12/22/2020 at 5:46 PM, closetohumping said:

    *Kicked the booze problem

    *Knows offense

    *Has coached a lot of guys who've made it to the NFL

    *Plus recruiter

    *Mentored by Saban and Carroll

    *I assume he's learned from his past failures.  

    *At 46, he's still relatively young.

    *while having absolutely no pressure as the offensive coordinator for the greatest coach in the history of college football

  2. 4 hours ago, closetohumping said:

    It’s gonna be Urban. The signs are there.  


    if it isn’t urban I’d take sark over a lot of the names I’ve seen

    dude this is the 'urban meyer or bust thread', not the 'coaches I'd like to get shit-faced drunk with' thread

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, PDX_Horn said:

    Lotta wishful thinking here

    Texas A&M makes it to the title game and regardless of outcome they will be out recruiting us on top of out of state programs poaching top tier talent. 

    To make matters worse, we have Saban potentially retiring soon along with LSU and Auburn in disarray

    This is a watershed moment to determine if the LHN was really worth it cuz CDC looks to be just about any other PAC-12 AD

    you are a fucking aggy

    using the word 'watershed' and taking a shot at LHN is pretty transparent dude

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  4. On 12/17/2020 at 2:54 PM, Nicole44 said:

    No. This is BDE. (This is an actual screen shot of a hurricane projection for Delta that I stole from the Daily Texan Weather thread). Knocking up the weather girl was unnecessary as I can tell from her expression. This is BDE and it should be in burnt orange. 


    somebody put Herbsteit's face on this fine weatherperson and make the 'storm' burnt orange

  5. 42 minutes ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

    If you've been watching the same dumpster fire that I have for the last four months and you really can't understand why a top 20 recruit wants nothing to do with us then I really don't know what to tell you

    the self-flagellating, woe is me, bitch made Longhorn is the worst fucking Longhorn

    pull yourself together you gigantic pussy

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 2 hours ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    I'm surprised its not postponed.

    Well, now that the Meyer smoke-screen is complete - they can fire Tom and start a 'search' while they wait for Urban to finish making preparations for his arrival in Austin coronation and the subsequent tar and feathering of the prior ruler.

    fixed it foreveryone GIF

  7. 18 minutes ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    Traylor is essentially Mack Brown without (hopefully) the thin skin and insecurities. He doesn’t need to be a master play caller, although he can do that better than meddling Mack ever could. He mainly needs to be a likable figurehead who doesn’t need to be surrounded by loyalists but who can recruit lights out and motivate. Mack Brown had the likable (albeit a too fake for me...Traylor is genuine) and recruiting parts down, but his thin skin and insecurities led him to shield himself with guys who made him comfortable and secure.

    Lets not pretend that Mack Brown was some sort of coaching genius. He was a softie who was about to be run out of town until his recruiting prowess (in the name of VY) rescued him. Remember, he lost 5 in a row to OU with 2 of those being humiliating blowouts.

    One more advantage Traylor has is that he is a Texan, not some interloper who pretends to get what football means in this state. Just give him the resources to hire the best assistants and bag man he can find. HS coaches will appreciate all of that, and it will be rewarded.

    Now, let me get back to my fantasy world of puppies and blue chips frolicking in burnt orange meadows. 

    goddamn it; I think I can be talked into this; at least it's not fucking Steve Sarkisian

  8. 22 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    I think you’re making some bold assumptions. But hey if Alabama thinks he’s good enough for them to be the next guy and their fans seem to really like him who are we as a fan base to judge a school like Alabama. We’re the joneses!


    that’s how idiotic some of you are 

    yea, the guy taking it as a given that Sarkisian is taking over for Saban is the genius in this scenario

  9. 13 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Going to the saban rehabilitation program seems to have worked for Lane Kiffin. Fwiw Sark has been sober for about 4 years now. It’s amazing what sobriety can do to a person both personally and professionally. Also fwiw there is legit talks in Bama about him being the heir to Saban. 

    you think he's going to stay sober in the Texas job?  He has absolutely ZERO pressure in the position he's in right this fucking moment.

  10. 1 hour ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    After losing my mind last night I'm much more optimistic about things this morning.  You could talk me into just about any candidate (Tom Allen can stay the fuck in Indiana) and its going to be an improvement over Herman.  Tom is hated by players, coaches, boosters, Admin, and fans.  He got his dream job and then did everything he could to sabotage himself, the people that work under him, and the players most of all.  We need to cut that cancer out.

    And if it means Gary Kubiak, or Jeff Traylor, or Steve Sark end up as the next head coach of the Texas Longhorns I'll be excited about it.  Because Tom Herman is no longer the head coach and embarrassing the university on a daily basis.

    there are people in this advocating Sarkisian as a non-joke candidate? is that what I'm reading?

    this is the guy that was average as fuck at Washington and then wen to USC and turned himself into a flaming dr. pepper?  you morons want a flame out drunk because he has the fucking no pressure job of being Nick Saban's offensive coordinator?

    is everyone completely and utterly out of their fucking minds?


    let me get this straight, you think he will stay sober in the sunshine and candycanes job of the Texas head coach? jesus fucking christ fuck shit

    • Hook 'Em 5
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    Look, I am not the girl y’all need nudes from. Y’all are way too picky. And notice too much. Lol. And I’d be proud to call most of u my friends and if we could have a happy hour I would show. That is my almost 16 year old dog Little Bitry with me. Anyway still nursing a broken heart stuff but this thread has made me happier than I can say. Proud to be a part of this palace of degenerate posters. That’s the most current picture I have. And by current I mean a few weeks ago. 


    I wouldn't have thought it would take this long to get over Grendel, but the heart wants what the heart wants


  12. 12 hours ago, Mr Orange said:

    Urban is coming.  Nicole, send nudes 🤣



    *unless the posting of nudes pushes Urban to accept the Texas job of course, your sacrifice is appreciated

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Helobious said:

    I think the bottom line is after the W against KU next week, that’s a 7-3 season. Disappointing? Yes. If this was the end of Herman’s contract you don’t renew him for next year at all. But 7-3 just isn’t “pay $15 mil to get rid of him now” bad. 

    you are a dumb fuck with bad opinions; I think I remember you opining that there shouldn't be live mascots including Bevo

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 13 hours ago, RedAustin said:

    I want Taylor and Sylla but Aggy have their teeth so far into them it seems impossible. Doesnt help they already have their TE

    This guy is Daniel Figuerrelli...


    Unleash hell

  15. 2 hours ago, Eggo said:

    There's nothing in the bourbon regulations that prevents charcoal filtering. 

    I expect this will eventually be settled by a duel.  Hopefully, no fences will be destroyed.

  16. 13 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    That would be worth the price of admission.  submission

    Don't let him bring Zach Smith. Smith is an excellent position coach, but he's not worth the drama.



    fixed it for Zach

  17. 8 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Here is bigger picture 


    Urban Meyer’s teams were 26-3 in “rivalry games.” Bowling Green was 1-1 vs. Toledo; Utah was 2-0 vs. BYU; Florida was 16-2 vs. Florida State, Tennessee and Georgia; and Ohio State was 7-0 vs. Michigan.

    In the first year at Utah, Meyer's team held BYU scoreless for the first time in  361 games.  Is that good?

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