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Posts posted by NoctambulantBrobdingnagian

  1. 20 hours ago, Eastwood said:

    We're going to argue in circles around each other on this. My point is that there are enough inherit dangers in football that we don't need to add another. Yours is that football is a dangerous sport, so what is one more? But you have your head in the sand if you haven't seen the increasing discussion about the future of football, the safety of athletes, and more and more parents being hesitant to allow their kids to play.

    And COVID is more inherently dangerous to a football team than CTE. Coaches won't get CTE from standing on the sidelines. Athletic training personnel won't get CTE from being in the training room. A strength and conditioning coach won't get CTE from being in the weight room. Students on campus won't get CTE from a player sitting in class after a coach covered up his concussion symptoms so he's available to play on Saturday.

    tell that to John Mackovic

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  2. 23 hours ago, immamac said:

    I don't think there's any way forward for the seasons. I think the big xii and acc are at least proceeding with caution. The SEC schools are going full retard. 

    There's a really good chance this all gets called off by the presidents of universities if students come to campus, there's an outbreak and they send everyone home. It's just stupid to think that 18-22 year olds are doing to make the right choice when we know the big spike in Texas at least was from bars opening back up and drunk people just not caring about anything but partying. When I was 18-22  any age I can think of all I wanted to do was fuck bitches and get drunk. 

    fixed for everyone

  3. 1 minute ago, Bob Lives! said:


    No they don’t, and no there aren’t. Frivolous lawsuits are like unicorns. On the rare occasions when they occur, they are rapidly dismissed and usually at the cost and expense of the plaintiff.

    There are already 150,000 potential wrongful death cases. Where are all the tens of thousands of lawsuits? Where are all the tens of thousands of lawyer advertisements for these cases?

    Your post reads like that of a tort-reforming insurance industry propagandist.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    sir, you might want to change your tone

    do you realize you are talking to the foremost authority on all things aggy?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, ouflak said:

    But again, whatever protocol they are following are not following, if the infection spike they are responsible for can't directly be contact traced to a football game or practice, then there's no chance of a class action suit against the university/conference/NCAA/coaches/medical staff.

    did any law suits come about when there was the initial spike when players checked in and quarantined?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    A bold prediction!

    But almost every conference outside of the Big 12, ACC, and SEC is looking like they won't play so just by sheer numbers that will probably be true.

    I'm simply suggesting that the players that aren't playing aren't going to be following much of a protocol and the ones who are playing have the best medical care and protocols money can buy

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  6. 20 minutes ago, ouflak said:

    Ok, but is it cowardice, or financial prudence? I'm not sure that their leadership is 'scared'. I just think they are behaving like executives looking out for the long term interests of their business, which any good executive should be doing. And, as someone very correctly pointed out earlier in the thread, it's one thing if these athletes are geting paid the big money. It's completely different for me to sit in an office all day and 'bravely' risk someobody else's life, and perhaps the lives of their friends and family, when they aren't making a dime, and I'm raking it in directly as a result of their efforts (and risk). Here on this message board we can argue, "that doesn't matter". But in those boardrooms with their legal teams, I'm sure it's been pointed out that that fact would be mentioned in front of a judge quite loudly and publicly in every one of the plethora of class action lawsuits that spring up when a traceable infection spike is linked directly to a football game or practice.

    There will be more covid19 cases in the B10 and PAC12 student athletes while they sit out than will occur in the conferences that are going to play

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    That ended with a whimper..


    Archie : All right, all right, I apologize.

    Otto : You're really sorry.

    Archie : I'm really really sorry, I apologize unreservedly.

    Otto : You take it back.

    Archie : I do, I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.

    Otto : OK.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    Your'e confusing relevance with on field success. There is no debate that Texas is still one of the most relevant programs in CFB. Texas still leads the nation in revenue almost every year, and has one of the biggest fan bases in the country. We have more social media interactions than any other school in the country. There's endless data showing our program's relevancy. Not only is Nebraska not winning, but their fan base and relevancy numbers have dropped off a cliff and won't come back. 

    not to mention Texas being in the center of one of the best 3 recruiting grounds in country, arguably the best

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    These are the presidents of the universities. That’s not how any of this works. They think this whole thing is possible or they’d have folded their cards with the Rose Bowlers. 

    I agree with this; they are starting the season


    9 hours ago, Fletch said:

    It’s not happening dude. Wake up. 

    The BIG12 presidents had plenty of cover to follow the lead of the the PAC12 and the B10; they didn't

    They will at least start the season, it is happening, and you are going to go ballistic -- these are all facts

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  10. 10 hours ago, mdmost said:

    Why do I get the feeling the Big 12 is still going to cancel in a few weeks and they're more just kicking the can down the road so they don't look reactionary and following any other conference's lead?

    I think they will play the first game and see how it goes

  11. 26 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    I just dont see how anyone can expect college football to carry on in the middle of fucking worldwide pandemic. its insane. i want my Horns to play more than anyone and i miss football BAD. but its just a game and is not worth risking the health of any player. We have to be adults and put their interests above our own. 2020 sucks. 

    well, you immediately disproved this

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 3 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    This is a pipe dream, but imagine if being the cultural outliers in the Big 10 makes Iowa and Nebraska reconsider conference affiliation?  They're the only Big 10 schools west of the Mississippi (save for like 3 buildings on Minnesota's campus).  Nebraska obviously should be in the Big 12, and Iowa fits completely.

    If you could convince the SEC to swap WVU for Mizzou you could have this:

    Big 12 North:

    Iowa/Iowa State/KU/KSU/Nebraska/Mizzou

    Big 12 South:


    All of a sudden you have returned college football to a place of regional cohesion, with pretty much every major conference being geographically contiguous.

    Fuck Mizzou

    • Hook 'Em 5
  13. 14 hours ago, The University said:

    smells like the growth of a long term plan to dissolve memberships from financially struggling athletic departments in a move to consolidate the major conferences. with or without the ncaa.

    if we can divest from Baylor, then I call that a substantial silver lining to the current apocalypse we find ourselves in 

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  14. 12 hours ago, bullet said:

    Baseball never recovered from the cancellation of the 1994 world series.  It did finally reach the same average attendance 15 years later, but didn't match the % of population it was reaching.  And it lost a lot of us fans.

    raises hand

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