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Posts posted by NoctambulantBrobdingnagian

  1. 17 hours ago, JWinTX said:

    Legally, it would just be easier for everyone to separate from the two private schools and WVU if the other conference just invites over the rest of these teams.

    Nobody cares about Baylor or TCU--not to mention those Pac schools want absolutely nothing to do with religious schools (see BYU forever snub from the Pac). WVU is too far away. KSU or ISU are what's left and ISU provides a whole different state and is an AAU institution.

    It would just be simpler to get the Pac schools to invite over pieces than it would be for the Big XII to get USC/UCLA and others to leave to come here. My guess is that a network (CBS or NBC) will lead the charge here and time this for the GOR expiring over here in 2025. If the Pac just wants 4 programs to not go any higher than 14, I suspect it would be the Texoma 4 or take out Tech for KU with the other three. I could even see a deal to invite over UT, OU, KU, and ISU, just to keep the AAU total higher for those in the academic leadership in the Pac.

    The big12 is the one in a position of power.  Why would they give that up and join a sinking conference.  This makes absolutely no since.  why throw a lifeline to bottom dwellers in another conference?  The big12's 1st&2nd tier rights makes 8 million more per school compared to the pac12's 1st&2nd&3rd tier.  This is freaking laughable.  Again, why would anyone in the big12 do this?

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Next season will be the 50th year in the same seats, so I'm like the Chinese and plan for the long term.  


    20 hours ago, BERT said:

    I never would've guessed you to be one of the olds on here. 

    Armybrat's great, great, great, great grandson confirmed?

  3. On 1/23/2020 at 8:57 PM, closetojumping said:




    Problem 1) I would eventually have to lose a bet. Not likely. 

    Problem 2) I would never allow the stakes to be as high as some random guy getting to assign my avatar. 

    Problem 3) @Fud is in deep shit on his Coburn vs Oromo bet. 



    refresh our memory on #3


    what's the bet there?

  4. 14 hours ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    You can tell he's well coached, as soon as the ball is snapped he stands straight up (so he can see over the lineman blocking him) and doesn't actually move forward for a few seconds so that he can properly diagnose the play. Then after playing patty cake with the small child trying to block him he kind of lumbers after the ball carrier. 

    I want to be the first to say, "We've missed you, old friend"

  5. On 1/6/2020 at 9:48 AM, Tex Long said:

    Either South Austin's mom's Xmas present is about to be delivered late, or agi about to get the Hall of Champions trophy they've been longing for...


    the Bama logo to be added later I take it?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

    Are you still up drinking from Friday night or getting an early start on Saturday?

    I'm fucking old and up drinking coffee because I can't sleep past 5:30


    sorry for the delay in posting; had to smoke a bowl to start off the day

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 14 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Again another bullshit post. What I want more than anything is for herman to figure it out now and win fucking games. Period. I’d be thrilled to be irritated  by his decisions and behavior for a decade while he reels off a string of playoff appearances and conference championships. 

    hell, then his behavior would be a feature, not a bug

  8. On 12/31/2019 at 12:15 PM, Vertigo said:

    Fucking really? 

    Hey Luicci, who would win between our 2 loss best team evaaar and the undefeated most likely national champions this year who just beat BlowU in the semifinal be 50 points?

    um, didn't the 2012 texum bulldogs lose to the 2012 lsu tigers?

    the 2012 lsu tigers that were wet dog shit on offense?

    but, they'd beat this 2019 lsu team?


    their retardation never fails to amaze

    • Like 1
  9. 21 hours ago, Bevo said:

    Rumor is Greg Davis is interested in coming back as a TE and special teams coach and mentor. TH is listening.

    I, for one, would enjoy seeing closetojumping give interviews next season


    shout out: work 'coelenterate' into a quote

  10. On 12/29/2019 at 9:51 AM, DFW Horn said:

    Yes, Douchey, we t-sips are "dorks" because we mock aggy for braggin' about what good losers they are and always have been. Never change, Gumps. Whooooooooooop!


    Billy's professionalism is awe inspiring, always above the fray

  11. 13 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    So, why is aggy spending two nights in Oxford, Miss this weekend?  

    It looks like the team flew to Memphis last night.

    2 night stays are rare among weekend travel in College Football (accommodation costs, so forth.)

    they flew in to acclimate to the elevation, you stupid sip

    • Like 1
  12. On 10/4/2019 at 3:21 AM, Hook1997 said:

    I think those are exact examples of track record in games like this, both could of been put away but he played not to lose, that’s the track record.........    A track record is running the same play three times in s row with a lead and playing it Uber safe with a lead.  I give credit to Herman where it needs but play calling with a lead is a weak point in his coaching so far for sure.  

    is it as big of a weakness as thinking 'of' is a verb?


    dumb fuck

    • Haha 1
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