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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mikey4

  1. Most, if not all, of the discussion surrounding masks has been N95 respirators because that is what nurses and doctors need. We should require people to cover their mouths however they can.
  2. Is there a shortage of surgical masks? If so, use a bandana or shirt. Something to limit the droplets that come out when an infected person coughs and sneezes.
  3. I cannot understand why we are not doing the same. This situation is so dire that we are killing the economy, locking people up, killing the market, putting countless people out of work, preparing a trillion+ stimulus package, etc.-- yet our leaders are not mandating masks?? Even surgical masks, if worn by an infected person, would slow the transmission. So why is the president and CDC not mandating or even encouraging the use of masks? It's mind bottling.
  4. Yes, after watching the panic buying following the 2008 financial crisis, I waited until inventories replenished and then stocked up when demand was lower. But I focused on handgun rounds and skimped on shotgun shells. Kicking myself for that now.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised to see the unemployment system transform into something that looks like universal basic income.
  6. Everywhere is like this. To get any ammo at all, you have to go to one of the auction sites and bend over.
  7. No clue. I stocked up on .40 s&w as the shit was starting to hit the fan. Then went back a week later to get some 00 buckshot.... And it is sold out everywhere. Every brand. Every store. Completely gone.
  8. Shit shit shit. Just crazy. Using a pseudonym, he started a law blog called Underneath Their Robes back in the early 2000s, when I was in law school. Word got around that he was the writer. That blog then turned into Above the Law, one of the most popular legal publications today. He cashed out a long time ago. He's an incredibly cool guy. I hope he pulls through.
  9. After weeks of people saying this virus is "no big deal," you've convinced me that they are right, in a sense. But it still feels like a fucking big deal. Carl Sagan's 1994 speech on the Pale Blue Dot always helps me put any struggle, no matter how big it may seem, in perspective:
  10. We desperately need to bail out basically everyone living paycheck to paycheck. Give them the money. I know that's in the works, but it needs to happen fast. That, and perhaps a freeze all mortgage payments.
  11. I didn't read the comment that way, but whatever. I've said my piece. This is becoming a bigger deal than it should be.
  12. Fair enough. I agree with all of your policy points -- we should have been testing in mass volumes weeks ago, and the fact that we aren't shows a failure of leadership. Policy discussions should absolutely be in bounds, and I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. It's one thing to discuss policy and another thing to single out a particular politician as "a fucking hack," which is what OP did. We should all want to keep this thread from spiraling into a debate about whether Abbott is a hack, a pussy, etc.
  13. If I disagree with the claim that Abbott is a pussy, I suppose I have to go to CR to defend him? I think yes. So why is it okay to make the claim here? It's one thing to talk a out policies, but when you single out politicians as "pussies" etc., that's CR.
  14. The title of this thread expressly says, in allcaps, "NO POLITICS ALLOWED." Yet you wrote: That's bashing Abbott, plain and simple. For the love of god, can we please not cloak up this thread?
  15. Somebody needs to start a separate thread -- hell, maybe a standalone forum -- where we can bash politicians we disagree with.
  16. Holy shit, David used to have a poular law blog. I had no clue he had covid. That's scary as fuck.
  17. The Anson, TX police department has taken the extraordinary step of banning ALL criminal activity during the coronavirus outbreak. https://www.bigcountryhomepage.com/health/coronavirus/anson-police-asks-that-all-criminal-activities-stop-during-covid-19-pandemic/ SIAP
  18. I want to stay in, wife wants to go, kids want to go. So we're going to go, keep our distance, and keep it short. I've told her this can't become a regular thing.
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