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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mikey4

  1. It's going to be strange having a baby in this environment. At least you'll be able to be there. I hear some hospitals aren't allowing even spouses out of concern that they'll bring in covid.
  2. I too am interested in the antibody test (assuming my symptoms don't get to the point where I get tested in the immediate future). I'm almost certain mine is just a cold, but only time will tell.
  3. So strange that being diagnosed with strep is actually great news. Glad to hear it's not covid.
  4. Anybody tried this yet? I just installed it but haven't played. Maybe this evening. Going to try OG Vive and Quest with Oculus link.
  5. How are you doing? For me, the last 2 days have been the same. In the morning, I feel like shit, have no energy, and need to cough a lot. By 11 or so, I feel almost 100% and stay like that for the rest of the day. And no fever, even in the morning. It's gotta be something else... allergies, or I'm fighting a different bug.
  6. I used some of my downtime yesterday to build a new computer with my sons. We built one four years ago, and that one was in need of replacement. The coolest part was that I got to raid the "cable box." You dads know exactly what I'm talking about - the box containing the tangle of random cables, most of which will never be used, but you might need at some point. This time it was HDMI and ethernet patch cable. I felt like a successful dad.
  7. This is the ultimate Surly humiliation and shaming. How could anyone be this stupid? I bet these posts age well.
  8. At least she's trying. My dad was certain that he was in no danger because he was using hand sanitizer. I explained to him that the virus can transmit in droplets that linger in the air. So if someone coughs on the aisle, and you walk through it an hour later.... Surprise! You just inhaled CV.
  9. I get the independence, and there's probably some of that in my dad, too. But don't these people realize the risks involved? It makes no sense to take that kind of a risk at 65+.
  10. Check in on your parents. My brother (who is on this thread somewhere) realized that our 70-something dad is going to the fucking store... almost daily... for a handful of things at a time. We talked him into letting us set up delivery. WTF are people thinking.
  11. That's right, but you're missing the point that they probably won't be tested at all. A lot of them won't want to do it (too much hassle, risk of infection if your symptoms are caused by something else, no insurance, etc.). And the ones who DO want a test might not be able to get it given the ridiculous restrictions on testing due to limited availability.
  12. Something like 80% of cases have only mild symptoms. A lot of those people will take dayquil and push through without getting tested. The conformed positive tests are more likely to be the more severe cases, such that more of them will be hospitalized.
  13. Has anyone seen a report on life in Wuhan today? My impression is that everyone is back to work with minimal new cases. Hopefully that's right.
  14. Not fun at all. Hang in there and keep us updated.
  15. I'll keep watching it. It bumped up to 99.5 but came back down. I still feel like it's not CV -- the odds are just so against it -- but I'll probably know one way or the other in the coming days. I'm sequestered in one room for the most part, but I've been locked in my house for over a week. So, if I have it, then I've had it for a while and have been around the wife and kids the whole time.
  16. Yesterday I developed a cough and breathing was harder, but otherwise, I felt fine. Today I've had a headache all day, worse cough, more trouble breathing, no appetite, and extremely low energy (I can't be on my feet for more than a few minutes before having to go back to bed). So far, no fever at all, which is bizarre, because it feels like flu. Also, I read that covid can affect your senses of smell and taste, and those are fine. I guess I'll try one of these tele-screening sites if I get a fever.
  17. Right, because -- guess what? -- people purchased them. If someone has a mask, there's no reason to leave in on a shelf at home. That makes no sense. He should wear it. If someone doesn't have a mask, then he should cover his face with something else. It's not that hard.
  18. Wrong. Educate yourself before making these claims. There is a difference between N95 respirators and generic face coverings.
  19. It's not that hard. Cover your mouth in public. Use a mask, any mask, if you have one. If you don't, use a scarf or bandana. I've been following current events closely and have not seen any shortages in scarfs, bandanas, etc.
  20. Shirts? Scarves? Bandanas? People can find a way to cover their fucking mouths.
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