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Everything posted by hundredTT

  1. He scored a lot, but agree. He looks tired, passive , and just not really present. I cringe every time he jumps, just seems like he's flirting with injury at every turn. I hope he slims down, because he won't last long like this.
  2. All this right here. Dirk's play in 2011 especially in the playoffs and into the finals was some of the best basketball I've ever seen. And I'm a Spurs fan who hated the Mavs then, but respected Dirk always. Luka is doing some special stuff, and I'm jealous as fuck yall have him. But let's see him do it on the biggest stage before all this type of talk. It sure looks like Luka's trajectory could land him near the top, but he has to prove it first - which he has plenty of time to do.
  3. As a man who pretty much hated the concept before my fiancee dragged me to watch. I ended up crying in the late seasons on some powerful episodes. Truly an amazing show.
  4. Bulent has become my fav. He’s just a strange dude, you can tell he does have compassion, but at the same time he can be like wtf and move on. Ole country boy Ryan bugs the shit out of me more than any one now. Can’t even pinpoint it, he just seems like he thinks he's a legendary hunter because he killed a squirrel with a bb gun in Alabama a few times.
  5. After my 4th of July relapse, I’ve been good. Sleep has been much better physically, but been having nightmares about covid 19 almost every night, feel like I’m not getting any mental sleep. My work had a big uptick last week, but I didn’t think it bothered me much, guess not. I just bought some CBD Gummies for anti anxiety and sleeping as melatonin hasn’t done shit for me lately. Just ate one and feel almost buzzed. Know it is in my head, but I’m very relaxed, hope this isn’t a bad move.
  6. The reffing for UFC continues to fucking suck. And the corners need blame too. There is far too much ass beatings going down, I get they all have pride and no one wants to see a BS stoppage. But there comes a point where it’s clear, and is it gonna take someone dying to make it clearer?? Fuck sake.
  7. Maybe it’s my internet. But I can never stream UFC worth a shit almost every time. Bought it because I’m desperate for sports. PVZ needs to just porn it up now.
  8. I'm so scared of these being fake, and I end up looking forever with no find. I just don't see it.
  9. Been watching with my folks, been a great time. Best thing ESPN has done in a while!
  10. Yea, will not be making that mistake again. I tried a sip of it and it was nasty too. No point to even go down that path.
  11. The 4th was not kind to me, well I should say I wasn’t kind to myself. So I was in day 13 sober starting to feel like my old self. My brother and I went to the store got some meat to grill, fireworks. I started the day with good intentions. I bought a pack of Heineken 0.0. My brother doesn’t know how bad my drinking is, but he supported my decision to go non-alcohol, he’s on a strict diet so it worked for him too. We’re 1 beer in both and we both almost at the same time said we feel buzzed, thought it was a placebo or something. Well we look at the Heineken box, and my dumbass self didn’t read it right. It has Heineken 0.0 in huge letters, also says extra 3 included, still a bit confusing as I look at the box now, could be read as 3 extra 0.0’s... I was also in a rush to get out of the store with covid and shit, but def my mistake for not reading it. So I finished my regular Heineken, got a buzz, honestly hit me kinda hard which is rare for beer, and that’s was the trigger and excuse to keep drinking more. Finished all the beers, except ironically the non alcohol beers, finished with a vodka. I had a great time to popping fireworks and enjoying the 4th. I didn’t go nearly as hard as I used to, but still woke up with a hangover today. Feel really disappointed today, but I am not going to start drinking again. Feel focused. Exact box:
  12. The HBO one is spot on. I remember my grandparents having HBO and it was like the sacred grail. Funny how priories seem to have changed. My parents could have afforded HBO back in the day, but that was like an extreme luxury, hell cable was even pushing it. Now everyone has HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Disney +...etc. and it’s like deemed a necessity. When I was an investigator, every poor persons house I would go into sometimes didn’t even have working water, but that Netflix app on the smart tv and kids with iPads were always prevalent.
  13. All the rich kids in middle school had like new shoes every month, my time as a teen in the early 2000’s that’s when Iversons, Shox, tmacs were all the craze. Of course Jordan’s as well. I would just get my basketball shoes at famous footwear, my parents laughed when I asked for $200 Iversons lol.
  14. Fuck YouTube tv for doing this during a horrible recession. Canceling this shit, not worth it with all the issues that it comes with.
  15. That fucking pisses me off. This body positivity shit is such insanity. My biggest rage of the moment is the “safe drivers save 40 percent” commercial.
  16. They don’t hurt, like someone flicking you really hard. I shot my brother on the back when he was sitting, he retaliated later. As long as it’s not in the face, you’re good.
  17. My 2.0 just shot a huge fly hard enough, it’s guts stuck him to the wall. The auto safety does suck though, but love it either way.
  18. With grill season full in effect, just bought this baby out and been having a blast. One of my fav toys. Anyone have some kills this season?
  19. I have been slowly tapering off since May, from an every day vodka drinker to finally completely sober - day 5 today. Not been a fun 5 days at all. Sick first 3 days, sleep was a pure nightmare until finally last night, but still woke up like 10 times last night. Been through it before and get it. What is different this time is I'm just sad a lot of times. The last time I got sober, I was loving life almost immediately and felt so upbeat and determined. I've just been very up and down this go around. Like right now it is Friday and I've just been in my bedroom all day fucking around. Have no urge to go outside, no urge to even answer my phone, nothing interests me. I want this to pass so bad, really depressing. But I know it is not supposed to be easy.
  20. Just watched Beautiful Boy with Steve Carrel. Having a similar story dealing with addiction, I balled my eyes out at times. Very well done.
  21. That’s what throws me off. I clearly see the woman, but the dude still ain’t matching up ha.
  22. I still don’t get it, is there a dumbass breakdown for me haha. I see heels and tight white pants on a dude.
  23. Suzanne is no doubt a freak in the sack. Total milf.
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