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Everything posted by hundredTT

  1. This pussy rambles like someone who took his first adderall. As long as he's had these rants, shows his body still can't handle it - like a hyper 12 yr old. Fucker probably still drinks monster energy and cokes (cola) while playing computer games every night. Hope he offs himself before hurting someone, though he'd prolly be the dude to have a murder/suicide - with his lizard.
  2. Aggy just claimed the MNC for 2020. As hard as I tried to fight it, I've accepted there will be no college FB in 2020. They just can't risk it due to being "amateurs". Hope I'm wrong, hell I'd be so happy to be wrong. But like as others have said, a vaccine won't magically cure everything in the next months. Plus threats of another fall spike, stick a fork in contact sports for a while. I mean honestly, if you were a wealthy professional athlete, would you want to sweat and slobber on someone during all this relatively soon?
  3. Jordan Love is not good, do not get the hype. Watched plenty of Utah State games, he’s gonna be another Brett Hundley journeyman.
  4. I liked him as a player, he was obviously not great but entertaining at his best. Seems like every time I open up ESPN some athlete has died, COVID or not. Fucking depressing.
  5. Just tuned in, this already looks like it could be a disaster haha.
  6. hundredTT

    SNL 45

    I've tired to see the positives in SNL the last few years. Having said that, tonight is the kiss of death. Just so bad...
  7. Daughter saying her goodbyes - she is not taking it well + a pic of her as a pup in 2007. https://ibb.co/Xkf6hDB My pooch was born in 2007....daughter in 2011. My wife and I tried so many times to get a baby with no luck. We eventually were blessed with our miracle baby. But this pooch means everything to me, we got her when we thought this would be our only "child". Having to put her down tomorrow is killing me, she is my best friend.
  8. She has barley moved the last 2 days, and just now walked to me and I picked her up. We are now watching old clips of her life from a pup to now,. She seems so content, and still comforting me in these last moments. Fuck man, I honestly can't imagine life without her. But I can't have her suffering obviously. I'm completely broken.
  9. My dog is my best friend. It is not close. When she came into my life, I was going through some issues and she became my Best friend. Transparency- I’m and alcoholic and my dog would sleep with me, go for walks, go fishing, she is just amazing and helped me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. My precious (dog) girl can’t eat or walk anymore. I’ve been crying more than I thought was. possible for the last hour. Pets really are special. Taking my special girl to die tomorrow literally has made me throw up, but I will man up.
  10. While many quarantiners have not much else to do but fuck, I’m getting killed in that dept. I’m one of the unlucky Fucks who has to go to work everyday still and be around people. Not exactly a turn on for the wife, especially since a colleague tested positive last week. But when things get back to normal, I’ma demand reparations.
  11. I really tried to get into it, but the play was just not good. Especially after watching the NFL, then watching that product was just such a difference... in a bad way.
  12. I still have to work everyday in a secure facility that has a confirmed case. My mental health can stfu. Get it together boys, much worse things out there; (Like WFH with my wife all day for weeks) yeeeesh.
  13. Meant to post here: I work in Juvenile Probation, one of the detention officers tested positive at Gardner Betts per email this evening. Shit could get interesting for the youths there. We’ve released the low risk people already, we got the real pieces of shit here now. If it spreads, not sure what recourse they will have. Luckily I’m on the office side, but everything is compromised now.
  14. I work in Juvenile Probation, one of the detention officers tested positive at Gardner Betts. Shit could get interesting for the youths there. We’ve released the low risk people already, we got the real pieces of shit here now. If it spreads, not sure what recourse they will have. Luckily I’m on the office side, but everything is compromised now.
  15. Way too much Ben. I had to turn it off when he was in the cab blabbering in the opening scene, you know which episode. Overall, nice show, but I can't binge it or else I'd go nuts like Ben
  16. Dude is done and will end up In prison or dead. I’m have no sympathy, dude has been given every chance.
  17. Every douche meme guy on my fb has posted this. I plead ignorance, the fuck it mean?
  18. Saw him as a kid and was amazed, helped me fall in love with b-ball. Seriously fuck you 2020.
  19. Going to be a ton of idiots blowing their checks on Air Jordan's. Might be a a good time to invest in Nike...
  20. I haven't posted for months. I'm scared to even see this thread. I've still been drinking since I last posted; maybe Augustish? I'm able to stop for a few days, but the cycle always repeats. With the Corona stuff happening, I admit I'm scared. Drinking had led to weight gain and very bad sleep apnea. I'm worried my lungs are fucked up, and this virus could probably kill me. I know I sound like I'm full of shit, but I've quit several times, but I'm going to try again. I know that "prisoner of the moment" is not a good thing, but does anyone know of online resources I can do? Or maybe an online sponsor from here can help, during this quarantine time? I'm ready to be not this version of myself.
  21. Schitts creek is amazing. Most underrated show ever,
  22. Kenny Rogers being only 81 is the biggest shocker. Sad news though.
  23. So is Gerald McCoy good anymore? Big name, but haven’t followed his career like ever.
  24. My prediction: Hopkins continues a downward trend. D Johnson continues to be a C + back, no NFL big time ramifications. Hopper busts because Cleveland somehow thinks more weapons vs a good oline will help Baker. The Cowboys CB to Dolphins deal 😂😂😂 My God the dolphins are Challenging the Browns for embarrassment 2020.
  25. I though that user was a troll? Every post I’ve read since joining is this dude trying to stir the pot. Or maybe he genuinely complains like a woman...
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