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Everything posted by hundredTT

  1. It’s truly amazing how bad that o-line is.
  2. So you’re telling me Spencer Rattler isn’t Patrick Mahomes?
  3. I’m Mexican and married into a white family. This shit happens every reunion. I’m still amazed to this day at the cringiness.
  4. Gardner Minshew is a fucking baller.
  5. Garappalo or how ever you spell it done for the day. They dropping like flies today.
  6. Assholes who are in a right on red lane, but intend to go straight when a perfectly straight lane is right next to them with no cars.
  7. Fuck man the Joker is sick. Becoming one of my fav players.
  8. Paul George is so overrated. Dude will never get a ship as a main piece. Kawhi should have stayed in Canader
  9. Only because it was on bitch ass Ramsey, refs gave him star treatment. That was not a fucking push off that warranted a OPI. I give up.
  10. The run on 3rd...going for it on 4th down 3...just WTF
  11. Seriously, whoever plays that fat fuck another play deserves to be fired.
  12. 2 runs in a row with Duke Johnson down 17. Classic BoB
  13. The first and only post I’ll ever do here: daughter is fucking banging she needs the D big time. Thanks for reading.
  14. 76ers are ready to bounce, pretty much just gave up.
  15. Snek because that fucker would bounce into the bushes, other animals have too much pride. I’d def pay for a cage match of a bear vs gorilla vs a lion though for sure. My money is on gorilla. Seems like he’d be the shiftiest and would let the lion and bear beat the shit out of each other before coming in for the deathblows.
  16. I used to be a CPS investigator. I had a ton of cases revolving around stepdads who were the typical sleazy twin peaks/strip club goers. They’d cheat on their wife, crazy wife would then call in a case saying stepdad was abusing her and her kids for revenge and so on and so on. Would interview stepdad and he’d profess how he’d die for his step kids and wife dispute cheating on her everyday lol.
  17. This should be one of those “starter kits” for full of shit step dad guy: - Uses dumb bitches with kids -Goes to twin peaks -Flirts with twin peaks hosts/waitress and tips heavily thinking he’s gonna get some and fails. -ends up cheating with twin peaks janitor or fatty drunk girl. -comes home and posts how much he loves his step kids and wife. Repeat and rinse...throw in a few domestic calls and CPS investigations and more mistake children...
  18. Been loving this, even with paying the full. But I want O’Malley to get fucked up.
  19. People who won't eat left-overs/waste food. I have two great examples. My brother and sister inlaw will not eat left overs. I lived with them briefly in college in 2008 and they haven't changed. It would be like good shit wrapped up, and would get dumped eventually, unless it was me eating the leftovers. My sister is worse. She doesn't that have the money to waste, especially building a new house. She will literally make her kids oven fishsticks/chicken nuggets/whatever the fuck, and end up trashing so much of it that wasn't eaten. We were raised to eat everything on the fucking plate, my sister and her husband are staying at my folks while their new house is being built, I'm back too because of my condo restorations. It's horrible haha.
  20. New coach was nice and players were respectful. I enjoyed the season. But I do miss the disaster that the first two coaches were. I prefer the destructive douchebag coach to the new one, can’t lie haha
  21. I married apparently the coldest woman in the universe. Many arguments about the fan making it too cold, so we compromised and I bought her some expensive ass down quilt or something, because I can't sleep in stagnant air. Her family is the same, I have to pack a portable fan on visits lol because their rooms don't even have a ceiling fan. And it's a nice home, I don't get it.
  22. You can tell he rubbed dirt on his face to appear more manly, but he fucking sucked. Just finished the finale now. Bulent would fit well on on surly. He def should have told them he wasn't hunting. But fuck the group acting like there were just an array of animals that he fucked them out of. They didn't catch shit, and now all of a sudden it's Bulent's fault they didn't have a kill. I would have loved a reunion show, Bulent no doubt would have been a huge asshole on it haha.
  23. Buying an expensive bouquet of flowers that last a few days then die. Newspapers. My parents still get the AAS, yet read the news on their phone/watch the local news daily. People who can sleep without a fan. Shark-week. So hyped up, yet most of the content is the same every year; well when I watched it years ago. It starts with Tyson vs a great white tonight, the fuck??
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