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Everything posted by hundredTT

  1. First couple were badass. Great team chemistry. Hate these clips shows though.
  2. Lamb is fucking good. I’m so tired of bitching about the cowboys; ima stfu and enjoy the ride. Offense should be filthy. If our overpaid D wakes up and stays healthy maybe we can win something. If not, sign or trade everything for a QB lol
  3. Yup I said it earlier. He the Todd Gurley of WRs. He’s damaged goods, but damn fine goods for a little.
  4. Jeudy has knee issues. I’ve always like Ruggs more, but who the hell knows haha
  5. Love the pick. Riggs can burn, those scrub QBs in Raiderland can at least throw the ball far haha
  6. Lions get a nice CB that will allow them to still be the Lions and irrelevant.
  7. Mack didn't recruit him? haha jk.
  8. I could see that too. I just feel he will fall in the same class, get paid and get comfortable.
  9. Young just seems like a Clowney 2.0 All world talent, but no heart. Will have a good career, but I don't see him as a game changer. I feel he's costed by with talent, but NFL linemen are a whole different beast.
  10. Burrow got those bootleg headphones, dude gonna get some Bluetooths soon enough.
  11. It's called an opinion. I feel both maxed out at Utah St, and now both have and are moving to the big leagues and won't have success. But whatever. I love the draft, watching with my pops again at his house. I mentioned last years draft he has dementia and somehow this captures him. He already has his newspaper and pen out to make his notes. He's done this since I was a kid ha.
  12. I’ll be ready to eat crow, but I don’t see Wells or Love achieving anything. What’s your take on their careers? Love seems to lack some common sense too, not a trait I want to see from my QB. Not saying his marijuana charge is a deal breaker, but it doesn't help him.
  13. What has told you that Wells is a good coach? Tech needs someone eccentric, Wells is not that and won’t win shit there. And again, Love is horrible and he will get someone fired if he’s drafted tonight.
  14. Haha same here brother. I watched Love his JR year and though he was pretty good. - watching those random Utah St games. But always felt like he was a backup at best. But who knows, the QB position is changing as well, he may be a beast haha.
  15. I compare Love to Brett Hundley. No, not stylistic but in terms of upside. There was a time where Hundley was a first rounder. I never got it. I don’t get Love either. He is not good. Ok, he lost his coach Matt Wells to Tech, who by the way is a disaster for Tech, and possibly the worst Big 12 coach. I predicted a few post above that Herbert would be a bust, if love is taken in the first round...I feel he will be the biggest bust of the 2020 draft.
  16. I love Taylor and feel he could be great. But something tells me Swift’s gonna go off next season. But yep, all depends on the team as well. Can’t wait for tonight!
  17. Random predictions: Justin Jefferson will be the best WR from the class. RB Swift will win the OROY Derrick Brown Will be DROY Justin Herbert will be a huge bust. Chase Young will be good, not great. Burrow will a Carson Palmer/Matt Stafford level career. Solid player, but will never win anything big. I mean, who does with the Bengals? And surprise surprise, Tua will have a RG3 type career. A lot of promise at first, then Injuries will relegate him to a backup at best.
  18. Haha yup. He’s probably masterminding an attempt to take over the world. Can’t believe shit from them. But if his fatass does hopefully die; read he has a crazy sis that would take over. And she’d prolly overcompensate so much in that culture she’d nuke everyone.
  19. Just finished the episode. Respect to her, she's tough as shit, too many shit partners wore her down. The producer escorting them out is a fucking Karen though, seems miserable as fuck.
  20. Not sure I'm watching a new or old episode. But this one is great, hot chick has two pussies quit on her. Then burn down a football field area. I wonder why they let them keep filming honestly, surprised they weren't kicked the fuck outa the country.
  21. So basically it’s gonna be a bunch of old white guys who can’t use technology? Be ready for millennial grandsons/intern dbags running this thing...
  22. Please guide me to the thread if it’s been done before and merge. But I would love to have a thread to recognize our essential peeps here. I’m so tired of seeing people bitching about quarantine online, while others are risking their lives every day to serve you. I do an essential job working in the prison system, with close contact to God knows who. But at the same time I choose to do this job and am definitely not a hero. I knew officer Justin Putnam, whose EOW was this last weekend due to some fucking domestic violence piece of shit. I watched his body be transported from Austin to SM today, and the reception was amazing. I’m probably going off topic now, but please state your position if you have been working through all this and get some Recognition. RIP Mr. Putnam, dude was the best person you could meet.
  23. Lovvved the documentary so far, but listening to sports radio you’d think Michael Jordan was a dumpster baby risen from the ashes, and this doc is along the lines of The Godfather. But those blowhard shows do the same over the top analysis for everything; corona magnifies it by 10. Can’t wait for the next installment!
  24. I’ve had the worst time. Having to work in close contact in a residential program, which houses murderers, and a bunch of criminals who simply can’t be released, I have to work. Not even my job, but shortage of staff, everyone’s getting thrown on the mix, to supervise these high offenders. Travis county can’t even give us masks. Like fucking shit, just because medical Masks are sold out, give us fucking something. We’re told we have to make our own. They’ve had so much time to do something about this as well. Taken a big toll in my relationship. My anxiety has risen back up. I really want stuff to open up again, but my fear keeps telling me to keep everyone the fuck inside for a lot longer. But I try to stay positive, living in round rock and going to congress takes me 30 mins instead of an hour 30 ha.
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