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  1. I remember that. He lived about 40 miles away.
  2. The dessert room is a marketing wonder. It works like this... you enjoy your $$$ meal and wine downstairs, pay the check and then go upstairs to the dessert room. It makes you feel like you are on new money..
  3. Had a couple of lesson in ATL with a coach who also coaches Danny Wuerffel. Lessons were very helpful. I wish there was a good place nearby.
  4. It's a hike to Tampa and you have make reservation way in advance BERNS Steakhouse. 500,000 bottle wine cellar. The reservations can (must be) made 60 days in advance, but you must do it on the first day it is available. https://bernssteakhouse.com/ Agree on the Dali
  5. 100% would recommend Cabo Del Sol
  6. guess they were worried about pooping on the course.
  7. So the TDF finishes in Nice this year? Well that's nice
  8. That was the funniest dark shit ever
  9. Just saw this thread. My niece plays for Cal. I watched a ton of Water Polo. They couldn't pull it off v. UCLA but they should be back next year. My niece is a junior this year and has started the past two years.
  10. Litig8r

    Getting old sucks

    I'm 64 and have always been engaged in some type of sports. Spent a lot of years running on sidewalks. First it was my knees. I lost about 25 lbs and the knees are OK now, not great but not terrible. Lately sitting at my desk or any chair other than recliner has killed my back. Playing golf or pickleball (yes I do that now) doesn't seem to aggravate it but sitting just kills me. Went to the doctor last week and got some muscle relaxers and some weak ass pain medicine. Advil worked just as good. Went back to the doctor yesterday and got a shot of cortisone and lidocaine. I felt better when I went to the doctor and a little better when I left. Played about 2 hours of pickleball, slept fine. Came to work and sat down at the computer and fuck there it is again. I listen to a golf podcast called Chasing Scratch and they have been discussing one guys back/hip issues and damn if it doesn't sound just like mine. Maybe the hip and not the back. Oh well Rant over, let me go shake my fist at the sky.
  11. You are right. I double checked it last night Twin Reverb looks like this one. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/65TwinRev--fender-65-twin-reverb-85-watt-2x12-inch-tube-combo-amp
  12. #1. I suxes at playing guitar but I have some nice gear, some of which was gifted to me. I have Fender Twin Reverb deluxe that I just started figuring out after diving into some youtubes. It sounds the best on my cheapest raggedy ass guitar. I need to learn how to dial in the guitars now I guess.
  13. LIV relegation. I recall reading that LIV was going to be like premier league soccer in that if you didn't make the grade you/your would be cut. Has anything like that happened? I assume the major players got a no cut- no relegation deal..
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