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Everything posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. Remember when we were going to be "spread" in 15?
  2. I wonder if our offense will improve running the same system for a consecutive year since... ???
  3. He got so many player positions wrong and still thinks Ed Freeman is on our team. What a dumbass.
  4. Johnny, makes sure you keep running as far backwards as you can before you get sacked.
  5. I don’t like ads You could pull a Wikipedia and beg us for cash every now and then. I need to be coddled first.
  6. McMurphy with the fucking thunder as little Zack sleezebag is in the middle of denying assault on ESPN
  7. I recall a time... a little less long ago... where we won the natty... while wearing black cleats at home...
  8. https://www.10tv.com/article/police-records-show-3-years-domestic-dispute-reports-filed-zach-smiths-ex-wife It gets worse
  9. That tackle on Jackson looked like it tweaked something.
  10. Fuck Chip and fuck losing to TCU, for the fifth time in a row, at home.
  11. I’m confused as to why you would even post here.
  12. I agree with all the caution, but I want to be fired up for as long as I can. Even if it’s just for one month.
  13. I’m hesitant, yet excited.
  14. Listen hardo, I know you can only hear “fuck off” so many times before you snap, I get that. But you can go take your big dumb words and shove them up your big dumb ass.
  15. Quit your dumb concern trolling. Was Herman capable of firing Smith? No? Fuck off.
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