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Everything posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. Also Charlie Strong isn't our head coach anymore.
  2. The boiling sensation will feel much better than the deseases your mom gave me last night.
  3. I’m going to boil so many damn crabs on Saturday
  4. I would lobby to add F.A.A.S. on the left until we have some pro Texas journalists over there.
  5. Nothing commands respect like the Lorenzo Joe deep ball
  6. It appears that the “investigation” was code for “let’s all brainstorm ideas to keep Urban and slander potential threats.”
  7. Beat ou three times in one year? I like the way you think.
  8. Everyone that keeps saying we might lose to TCU for the fifth time in a row can go fuck themselves.
  9. I am going on the record and stating that I do care if our players suck. Even if they have a grrrrrreat attitude.
  10. We’re going to win so many fucking football games
  11. Since Shawn Watson? He went hurry up spread in his second year remember?
  12. 2012 #8 Gino Smith led WVU vs #11Texas was very loud in the 4th quarter. I think it's the loudest Texas fight I've heard in person.
  13. Josh Petty prepare for a knuckle sandwich
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