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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. Any beach in FL is better than watching film in Chicago as a low-level lackey for da Bears.
  2. FAU worked out well for Joey Freshwater. No reason it can't work for Mensa. I'll be pulling for him and the Owls. There are worse places to revive your CFB career than Boca Raton.
  3. Even aggy aren't dumb enough to get lost in Collie Station.
  4. No grills??? What kind of tailgate is that? Sounds like the ESPN hype machine blew up The Grove experience, too. Fuck 'em...it's rural Mississippi.
  5. Maybe the "Conference of Champions" eggheads think their fan base is so sophisticated, they won't have any trouble with streaming? If memory serves, their old commish, Larry Scott, tried the strategy you recommend. That's why their carriage rates suffered.
  6. IMO, he sticks with a Sweet 16. I'm indifferent about who the next coach will be. Just win, baby!
  7. PAC is fucked regardless if WA/OR don't sign a long-term GoR. I expect UA & CU to bolt soon and UU & ASU to follow shortly thereafter if their administrations don't balk. They seem to think the PAC is an academics league.
  8. The right team already wears it, sans helmet.
  9. Most have been saying the Pac's money will be comparable to the Big 12, but their visibility and exposure will suffer with much of the content being streamed. I'm sure ESPN will buy Pac 12 after dark. How we define "prime time" for CFB? Mid-afternoon time slots?
  10. This Yes, I believe ESPN, FOX, and the other media companies will limit the cupcake games moving forward. They don't want to pay for that crap.
  11. Warner Bros. would like to have a word, Tech.
  12. Art Department? Lol... Pseudo-intellectuals vs knuckle-draggers.
  13. It depends on how you define "cupcake". I should've clarified - FCS teams or lower. As you know, UT doesn't schedule FCS opponents. aggy will schedule at least 2, when possible. The fact that SEC teams scheduled that shit (the week before their rivals in November) gamed the system.
  14. Yet another reason Yormark >>>>> Bowlsby. He knows how to market the Big 12.
  15. SEC is getting away from Cupcake Week with their new, 9-game league schedule.
  16. Blasphemous May a pox afflict the Adams family in perpetuity. When entering "Oilers" in the GIF search, we get a bunch of damn hockey clips. Fuck you, Bud.
  17. Everybody talks about Bowie, Travis and Crockett but, to my way of thinking, James Butler Bonham was the most heroic. Bonham, who was boyhood friends with Travis in South Carolina (and whose whole reason for even being in Texas in the first place was because Travis had written him a letter the previous year that described a world of opportunity in Texas for enterprising young men like themselves ), was sent by Travis to obtain aid for the garrison at Bexar on about February 16, 1836. He visited Goliad, but the commander of the forces there, James Fannin, was unable to provide assistance. Bonham's spirit is best described by T.R. Fehrenbach in his Texas opus, Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans: "At the end, the weary Bonham, a lawyer, a Carolinian of exulted family and a friend of Travis, turned his mount around and rode back toward San Antonio. He was told it was useless to throw away his life. He answered back that Buck Travis deserved to know the answer to his appeals, spat upon the ground, and galloped west into his own immortality." Thus, Bonham returned to the Alamo on March 3, riding through a hail of Mexican bullets to do it. Imagine being him as he approached the Alamo. He could certainly see the huge Mexican Army and must have known that he faced death either trying to get back inside or in the battle that would certainly follow. He could have turned his horse around, gone back to Goliad or Gonzales, and nobody would have ever known. James Butler Bonham died in the battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836, aged 29. He is believed to have died manning one of the cannons.
  18. You, sir, have no appreciation for the prestigious and coveted Bonham Trophy.
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