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Ricky's one-hitter

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ricky's one-hitter

  1. The one where the two worst people on earth annoy each other
  2. It doesn't matter who you have to carry the bags if they're empty. Those that would fill said bags are unchanged, so then also is our ability to play the game.
  3. The lack of self-awareness in this is wild. Subscribers love percentages so I understand the desire to offer them, but these predictions are only interesting when the board trusts your info. Not only can the board not trust their info, they can't trust IT's perception of it either. Instead of addressing these concerns, they combined their shitty info with their homer perception and are trying to assuage the board with their favorite brand of Scoop. They've been wrong when things have been trending positively and negatively. We'll start to hear about how much their subs love the off-topic boards as they slowly morph into OBs and Gerry rides off into the sunset.
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