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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Texaspython

  1. I’ve noticed the “both sides” people I know being extremely irritable lately. They know it’s bullshit and can’t hide behind it anymore.
  2. No, it’s just stupid and you likely know it although, maybe you don’t.
  3. Yeah, and that’s why you don’t nominate people that are easily attacked. Nominate good people and if they won’t agree then fight better and smarter. How else do we get what we want? We didn’t win enough senate seats (I don’t trust Georgia to go dem). What would you propose?
  4. Of course, however, I don’t think you stop trying to govern in a cooperative way. What’s the harm? If they obstruct and block everything, then we know what to do.
  5. I don’t think that’s naive. Biden being a much better retail politician will work better with McConnell than Obama.
  6. That’s what I mean. Back channeling is something McConnell appreciates. Gotta be careful with McConnell, give him an inch and he’ll take a mile but something like this just makes sense if you want to get shit done.
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden is vetting these announcements with McConnell first. At least, I hope he is. You don’t fix the guv by starting out with knock down, drag out fight over cabinet positions.
  8. Blinken is a great choice. In retrospect, a very obvious choice.
  9. Pretty sure I saw a study where the respect for the legal community took a drop when they allowed lawyers to advertise. Makes sense, I absolutely hate it.
  10. I’m someone who doesn’t believe lawyers should be allowed to advertise. I’ll just stay out of this conversation.
  11. I’m still waiting on my Ins premiums to drop after making it nearly impossible to sue doctors in this state.
  12. This, she’s an incredible hypocrite.
  13. Highly recommend putting b_t on ignore.
  14. Just keep going hysterical over a transition team. Time well spent.
  15. Yup, heard this 1000000 times, yet nothing comes of it. You guys lose, every single time in places like Texas. You don’t listen or care. It’s easier to blame others (centrist) than take ownership for your own failures.
  16. I’ll admit, we’re talking very generally about the left and it isn’t all fair. You have the welling meaning left. I can argue with these people on tactics all day because I know they’re sincere. I think they’re wrong about tactics but I respect them and agree with their goals. Then you have the angry left. The people who are insincere and sinister. These people are really not that different than the angry trumper. They just blame different people for their lot in life. Thankfully, we don’t have many of them on this board, b_t being one of the few.
  17. No, leftist can’t convince the electorate to accept their ideas so they spend their time attacking centrists (their allies and in agreement on policy) and telling everyone how they’re right and no one understands. Instead of listening to centrists on how to get what they want, they continue to lose and get none of what they want. I’ve seen this play out over and over again. It’s as predictable as the sun rise. This comes from a guy who has voted for every losing progressive candidate in this state for my entire life. At some point you think the left would change tactics.
  18. You just proved my point. Thank you
  19. It’s like talking to a brick wall. The left doesn’t listen to what people are actually saying. It’s why they have a very hard time connecting with anyone other than other lefties.
  20. That’s not the point. The “green new deal” has been packaged and proposed in a way that’s slightly better than “defund the police”. You guys don’t seem to grasp that centrists are in agreement with progressives on where to go, it’s just the “how to get there” that you guys get all wrong. But I know, us centrists are the real enemy. Get a grip.
  21. Yes, Dems in safe seats won running on the green new deal. You cite that and say I’m out of touch? This is just what I’m talking about. The arrogance and naivety of the left will run us right off the cliff, yet again. Ask yourself, why is it that the American public can so universally support Medicare for all and a halfway decent minimum wage, yet routinely reject progressive candidates in swing districts? Maybe it’s tactics...
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