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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. I think we have our first agreement, baby steps.
  2. Is Trump here illegally? If so, I’m willing to listen.
  3. I’m a Kevin Smith fan and decided to watch Tusk... I’m going to have serious difficulty forgetting a couple of very disturbing scenes.
  4. I suppose if you insist on derailing the thread there’s not much I can do, so have a good one.
  5. Yes, I know it’s a huge problem in Miami. We can’t forget the Chinese, though, that are doing similarly in California.
  6. Your attempt is admirable, but I’m going to save you the time and energy, everything comes down to pigmentation for David.
  7. When have I involved Trump in this thread? You may have the wrong guy.
  8. I failed in explaining my position if you believe I advocated for inhumane treatment, I certainly find that behavior appalling. I’m arguing for deportation and it’s a perfectly reasonable stance. Your second paragraph is peddling selective law enforcement, that’s a position I find completely insane.
  9. Yes, he’s saying bend over here it comes.
  10. Looking back, I bet they wish like hell they would have done just that.
  11. I’m not quite sure how the treatment of illegal aliens is pertinent to the discussion. I was merely expressing my disappointment that some choose to defend those that break the law.
  12. Sure, immigration is an important life blood to any thriving country and worthy of defense. Illegal aliens, on the other hand, have broken the law and should be treated accordingly. I’m with you on the Nobel Peace Prize, as I envision this divisive issue raging for the foreseeable future.
  13. It’s strange, albeit humorous, to see individuals bending over backwards to defend illegal aliens.
  14. Ok, it occurred to me that I probably read this incorrectly and you meant episode 7. Either way, your point is well taken.
  15. I remember Vickery telling Richard they found blood under the bed in episode 7.
  16. The brother had one of the girl’s (I assume his sister) blood under his bed, but I’m not sure they explained how it got there...
  17. Today I learned that offensive coordinators are not in charge of calling plays, thanks Tom.
  18. Most on the right are weary of more stringent gun laws, hence the focus on Chicago. Making it about race is more than a little strange.
  19. You bring up race in every thread, so you’re bound to be correct eventually. This just isn’t one of those times. The gun lobbies point to Chicago as an example of gun laws being ineffective, not due to the demographics of the city.
  20. Yes, headlines that read “66 people shot over weekend” only pique interest because of race. DD despises his own skin worse than Camille Preaker.
  21. That’s pretty spot on analysis. I have to admit, though, that my Aggie buddy took me out on Lake Conroe last month and it was a blast.
  22. Well, it’s time to get my rear out of the office and get home. What a productive day it proved to be. My entire point was to beef up the border so we could get an idea of what and who was entering our country, I think that should be the first step to be sure.
  23. Forgive me, I have about ten responses I’m trying to respond to and it gets a bit exhausting. Sounds like we have a common experience, so I will take what you said and chew on it for a bit. Well, except the Lib part.
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