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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. Is App State on the OOC slate?
  2. This past weekend and coaching hire are ~#350 on the list of things that school needs to be embarrassed about.
  3. My gawd that’s Bret Bielema’s music. Elko looks like when someone gets off a prison bus in a movie and they scan around thinking wtf have I done.
  4. that's where I'm at, CJ played his ass off again and put them in a spot to win
  5. why the hell did they call timeout?
  6. some major fucking chicanery from these officials
  7. CJ is the man. Why the fuck did it take Pierce getting hurt to feed Motor?
  8. They don't have a Shoney's?
  9. Willie Fritz has entered the chat https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3426050
  10. If the Texans weren’t about to start I’d settle into this
  11. But at UTSA you don’t have to deal with Tillman
  12. If they were smart (narrator-they’re not) they would bring in sweaty Gary for a few years to stabilize things. He won’t sniff any conf championships but he’d make them respectable.
  13. Called this a year ago, they're so predictable
  14. The only thing disappointing about all of is the lack of flight tracking info.
  15. Damnit, need to go to sleep but can’t stop following
  16. Any coach worth a shit wouldn’t take a job without knowing who the AD is.
  17. Add Stoops to the list of coaches that turned them down
  18. From one Kroger Field to another. He gets aggy.
  19. Would not want to be the person that has to make this call.
  20. Bwahahaha, how did they not call the face mask?
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